
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import sys

if sys.version_info.major != 2:
  unicode = str

def compare_int(left, right):
  if left == right:
    return 0
  return -1 if left < right else 1

def compare_char(left, right):
  # 'man deb-version' specifies that characters are compared using
  # their ASCII values, except alphabetic characters come before
  # special characters and ~ comes before everything else.
  table = '~$ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-.:'
  left = table.find(left)
  right = table.find(right)
  assert left >= 0 and right >= 0
  return compare_int(left, right)

def compare_part(left, right):
  if isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, int):
    return compare_int(left, right)
  assert isinstance(left, (str, unicode)) and isinstance(right, (str, unicode))
  # 'man deb-version' specifies that '~' should be matched before the
  # empty string.  Add a '$' to the end of the strings to make this
  # comparison easier.
  left += '$'
  right += '$'
  i = 0
  while i < len(left) and i < len(right):
    comp = compare_char(left[i], right[i])
    if comp != 0:
      return comp
    i += 1
  return compare_int(len(left), len(right))

def get_parts_from_component(component):
  # 'man deb-version' specifies that components should be compared
  # part-by-part, where parts are either strings or numbers.  Strings
  # are compared lexicographically while numbers are compared using
  # magnitude.  Components must start with a string part and end with
  # a number part.  The empty string will be prepended and 0 will be
  # appended to satisfy this requirement.  For example, the component
  # '1.2.3' will be expanded to ['', 1, '.', 2, '.', 3], and the empty
  # component will be expanded to ['', 0].
  part_is_string = True
  parts = []
  part = ''
  for c in component:
    char_is_string = not c.isdigit()
    if char_is_string != part_is_string:
      parts.append(part if part_is_string else int(part))
      part = ''
      part_is_string = char_is_string
    part += c
  if part_is_string:
    part = ''
  parts.append(0 if part == '' else int(part))
  return parts

def compare_component(left, right):
  i = 0
  left = get_parts_from_component(left)
  right = get_parts_from_component(right)
  while i < len(left) and i < len(right):
    comp = compare_part(left[i], right[i])
    if comp != 0:
      return comp
    i += 1
  return compare_int(len(left), len(right))

class DebVersion:
  def __init__(self, version_string):
    self.version_string = version_string
    self.epoch = 0
    self.upstream_version = ''
    self.debian_revision = None

    colon = version_string.find(':')
    if colon >= 0:
      self.epoch = int(version_string[:colon])
    hyphen = version_string.rfind('-')
    if hyphen >= 0:
      self.debian_revision = version_string[hyphen + 1:]
    upstream_version_start = colon + 1
    upstream_version_end = hyphen if hyphen >= 0 else len(version_string)
    self.upstream_version = version_string[upstream_version_start:

  def __str__(self):
    return self.version_string

  # Comparison algorithm is specified in 'man deb-version'.
  def __cmp__(self, other):
    assert(isinstance(other, DebVersion))

    # Epoch comparison.
    if self.epoch != other.epoch:
      return 1 if self.epoch > other.epoch else -1

    # Upstream version comparison.
    upstream_version_cmp = compare_component(self.upstream_version,
    if upstream_version_cmp != 0:
      return upstream_version_cmp

    # Debian revision comparison.
    if self.debian_revision == None and other.debian_revision == None:
      return 0
    if self.debian_revision == None:
      return -1
    if other.debian_revision == None:
      return 1
    return compare_component(self.debian_revision, other.debian_revision)

  def __lt__(self, other):
    return self.__cmp__(other) == -1

  def __eq__(self, other):
    return self.__cmp__(other) == 0