
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


declare_args() {
  # The Chrome archive is maximally compressed in official builds to reduce the
  # size of the installer. By default: non-official or component builds, build
  # modes targeting developers, use maximum-speed instead of maximum-compression
  # settings so as to provide quicker build-test cycles. Uncompressed archives
  # are not supported due to size constraints.
  fast_archive_compression = !is_official_build || is_component_build

  # Enables the //chrome/installer/mini_installer:mini_installer_uncompressed
  # target, which is a variant of the installer containing an uncompressed
  # Chrome archive and setup.exe. The Chrome archive is compressed by default in
  # official builds. This archive will then be used to produce both compressed
  # and uncompressed mini_installer executables. This is done during the signing
  # step to keep the signed binaries and signatures as close to identical as
  # possible. This must be ignored for debug builds and is only intended to
  # allow developers to test the uncompressed installer locally.
  enable_uncompressed_archive = false

config("mini_installer_compiler_flags") {
  # Disable buffer security checking.
  cflags = [ "/GS-" ]

source_set("lib") {
  sources = [

  deps = [ "//build:branding_buildflags" ]

  # Initialization may insert unexpected memset calls.
  configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_init_stack_vars" ]
  configs += [ ":mini_installer_compiler_flags" ]

process_version_rc_template("version") {
  template_file = "mini_installer_exe_version.rc.version"
  output = "$root_out_dir/mini_installer_exe_version.rc"

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true

  sources = [

  public_deps = [ ":lib" ]
  deps = [

# The runtime deps are used to tell create_installer_archive what component
# DLLs need to be packaged in a component build.
chrome_runtime_deps = "$root_gen_dir/chrome_component.runtime_deps"
setup_runtime_deps = "$root_gen_dir/setup.runtime_deps"

group("chrome_runtime_deps") {
  write_runtime_deps = chrome_runtime_deps
  data_deps = [

group("setup_runtime_deps") {
  write_runtime_deps = setup_runtime_deps
  data_deps = [ "//chrome/installer/setup" ]

packed_files_rc_file = "$target_gen_dir/mini_installer/packed_files.rc"

# Debug builds must not exceed the 2GB limit in order to avoid corrupting the
# mini_installer, and therefore must be compressed.
# The `enable_uncompressed_archive` arg is only intended for uncompressed
# targets, so we assert that this flag is only set when not building for debug:
assert(!is_debug || !enable_uncompressed_archive)

if (enable_uncompressed_archive) {
  packed_files_rc_file_uncompressed =

action("mini_installer_archive") {
  script = "//chrome/tools/build/win/"

  release_file = "chrome.release"

  inputs = [

  outputs = [
  args = [
    rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
    rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/mini_installer", root_build_dir),
    rebase_path(release_file, root_build_dir),
    rebase_path(packed_files_rc_file, root_build_dir),
    rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
    rebase_path(chrome_runtime_deps, root_build_dir),
    rebase_path(setup_runtime_deps, root_build_dir),

    # Optional arguments to generate diff installer.

    # Optional argument for verbose archiving output.

  deps = [

  if (enable_hidpi) {
    args += [ "--enable_hidpi=1" ]
  if (is_component_build) {
    args += [ "--component_build=1" ]

  if (is_component_ffmpeg) {
    args += [ "--component_ffmpeg_build=1" ]

  if (fast_archive_compression) {
    args += [ "--fast_archive_compression" ]

  if (enable_uncompressed_archive) {
    outputs += [ packed_files_rc_file_uncompressed ]
    args += [
      rebase_path(packed_files_rc_file_uncompressed, root_build_dir),

  if (icu_use_data_file) {
    inputs += [ "$root_out_dir/icudtl.dat" ]
  } else {
    inputs += [ "$root_out_dir/icudt.dll" ]

  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    deps += [ "//v8" ]
    if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
      inputs += [ "$root_out_dir/$v8_context_snapshot_filename" ]
      deps += [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot" ]
    if (!use_v8_context_snapshot || include_both_v8_snapshots) {
      inputs += [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
      args += [ "--include_snapshotblob=1" ]

  if (dawn_use_built_dxc) {
    args += [ "--include_dxc=1" ]

  depfile = "$target_gen_dir/archive.d"
  args += [
    rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),

source_set("mini_installer_sources") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [
  configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_init_stack_vars" ]
  configs += [ ":mini_installer_compiler_flags" ]

# Generates a mini_installer executable containing the resources provided in the
# caller's `rc_file`.
template("generate_mini_installer") {
  executable(target_name) {
    sources = [ invoker.rc_file ]

    # This target is special so we manually override most linker flags and
    # specify our own to keep the size down.
    configs -= [
    configs += [

    ldflags = [

    libs = [ "setupapi.lib" ]

    deps = [

    # In general, mini_installer tries to avoid depending on the C++ standard
    # library for size reasons. This is achieved by:
    #   1. setting a custom entry point which avoids pulling in the standard
    #      library via a link dependency.
    #   2. setting no_default_deps=true to avoid including the implicit
    #      dependency on //buildtools/third_party/libc++ in builds that set
    #      use_custom_libcxx=true.
    # The net result is similar to linking with /NODEFAULTLIB, but more precise
    # as it just excludes the CRT.
    # But in asan and clang profiling builds we need to link against a runtime
    # library, which in turn depends on the standard library and relies on it
    # to run initializers.
    if (!is_asan && !use_clang_profiling) {
      no_default_deps = true
      ldflags += [ "/ENTRY:MainEntryPoint" ]

generate_mini_installer("mini_installer") {
  rc_file = packed_files_rc_file

if (enable_uncompressed_archive) {
  generate_mini_installer("mini_installer_uncompressed") {
    rc_file = packed_files_rc_file_uncompressed

# previous_version_mini_installer.exe can't be generated in an x86 Debug
# component build because it requires too much memory.
# TODO(thakis): Enable this in cross builds,
if (!(is_component_build && is_debug && target_cpu == "x86") &&
    host_os == "win") {
  action("previous_version_mini_installer") {
    script = ""
    testonly = true
    if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
      select_toolchain = host_toolchain
    } else {
      select_toolchain = current_toolchain
    alternate_version_generator_target =
    alternate_version_generator_rel_path =
            get_label_info(alternate_version_generator_target, "root_out_dir") +
    inputs = [
      "$root_out_dir/" + alternate_version_generator_rel_path,
    outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$target_name.exe" ]
    args = [
    deps = [