// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace mini_installer {
// Various filenames and prefixes.
extern const wchar_t kSetupExe[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeArchivePrefix[];
extern const wchar_t kSetupPrefix[];
// Unprefixed command line switch names for setup.exe.
extern const wchar_t kCmdInstallArchive[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdUncompressedArchive[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdUpdateSetupExe[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdNewSetupExe[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdPreviousVersion[];
extern const wchar_t kTempPrefix[];
extern const wchar_t kFullInstallerSuffix[];
// The resource types that would be unpacked from the mini installer.
extern const wchar_t kBinResourceType[];
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD)
extern const wchar_t kDepResourceType[];
extern const wchar_t kLZCResourceType[];
extern const wchar_t kLZMAResourceType[];
// Registry value names.
extern const wchar_t kApRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kCleanupRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerErrorRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerExtraCode1RegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerResultRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kPvRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallArgumentsRegistryValue[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallRegistryValue[];
// Registry key paths.
extern const wchar_t kClientsKeyBase[];
extern const wchar_t kClientStateKeyBase[];
extern const wchar_t kCleanupRegistryKey[];
} // namespace mini_installer