
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_main.h"

// clang-format off
#include <windows.h> // Must be included before msi.h.
#include <msi.h>
// clang-format on

#include <psapi.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>

#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/clang_profiling_buildflags.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/debug/alias.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/debug/handle_hooks_win.h"
#include "base/file_version_info.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/persistent_histogram_storage.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/process/memory.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat_win.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_executor.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/expected_macros.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "base/win/current_module.h"
#include "base/win/process_startup_helper.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
#include "base/win/resource_exhaustion.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/core/network/win_key_network_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/installer/key_rotation_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/installer/key_rotation_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/installer/management_service/rotate_util.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_details.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/archive_patch_helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/brand_behaviors.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/configure_app_container_sandbox.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/downgrade_cleanup.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/install.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/install_params.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/install_worker.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/installer_crash_reporting.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/installer_state.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/launch_chrome.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/modify_params.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_install_details.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_singleton.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/uninstall.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/unpack_archive.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/app_command.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/conditional_work_item_list.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/delete_after_reboot_helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/delete_old_versions.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/delete_tree_work_item.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/html_dialog.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/installation_state.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/installer_util_strings.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/l10n_string_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/logging_installer.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/lzma_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/self_cleaning_temp_dir.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
#include "components/crash/core/app/crash_switches.h"
#include "components/crash/core/app/run_as_crashpad_handler_win.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

#include "base/test/clang_profiling.h"

#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_util.h"

using installer::InitialPreferences;
using installer::InstallationState;
using installer::InstallerState;
using installer::ProductState;

namespace {

const wchar_t kSystemPrincipalSid[] = L"S-1-5-18";
const wchar_t kDisplayVersion[] = L"DisplayVersion";

// Overwrite an existing DisplayVersion as written by the MSI installer
// with the real version number of Chrome.
LONG OverwriteDisplayVersion(const std::wstring& path,
                             const std::wstring& value,
                             REGSAM wowkey) {
  base::win::RegKey key;
  LONG result = 0;
  std::wstring existing;
  if ((result = key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path.c_str(),
                         KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE | wowkey)) !=
    VLOG(1) << "Skipping DisplayVersion update because registry key " << path
            << " does not exist in "
            << (wowkey == KEY_WOW64_64KEY ? "64" : "32") << "bit hive";
    return result;
  if ((result = key.ReadValue(kDisplayVersion, &existing)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set DisplayVersion: " << kDisplayVersion
               << " not found under " << path;
    return result;
  if ((result = key.WriteValue(kDisplayVersion, value.c_str())) !=
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set DisplayVersion: " << kDisplayVersion
               << " could not be written under " << path;
    return result;
  VLOG(1) << "Set DisplayVersion at " << path << " to " << value << " from "
          << existing;

LONG OverwriteDisplayVersions(const std::wstring& product,
                              const std::wstring& value) {
  // The version is held in two places.  First change it in the MSI Installer
  // registry entry.  It is held under a "squashed guid" key.
  std::wstring reg_path = base::StrCat(
       kSystemPrincipalSid, L"\\Products\\", InstallUtil::GuidToSquid(product),
  LONG result1 = OverwriteDisplayVersion(reg_path, value, KEY_WOW64_64KEY);

  // The display version also exists under the Unininstall registry key with
  // the original guid.  Check both WOW64_64 and WOW64_32.
  reg_path = base::StrCat(
      {L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{", product,
  // Consider the operation a success if either of these succeeds.
  LONG result2 = OverwriteDisplayVersion(reg_path, value, KEY_WOW64_64KEY);
  LONG result3 = OverwriteDisplayVersion(reg_path, value, KEY_WOW64_32KEY);

  return result1 != ERROR_SUCCESS
             ? result1
             : (result2 != ERROR_SUCCESS ? result3 : ERROR_SUCCESS);

// Launches a subprocess of `setup_exe` (the full path to this executable in the
// target installation directory) that will wait for msiexec to finish its work
// and then overwrite the DisplayVersion values in the Windows registry. `id` is
// the MSI product ID and `version` is the new Chrome version. The child will
// run with verbose logging enabled if `verbose_logging` is true.
void DelayedOverwriteDisplayVersions(const base::FilePath& setup_exe,
                                     const std::string& id,
                                     const base::Version& version,
                                     bool verbose_logging) {

  // Create an event to be given to the child process that it will signal
  // immediately before blocking on msiexec's mutex.
  SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes = {};
  attributes.nLength = sizeof(attributes);
  attributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
  base::win::ScopedHandle start_event(::CreateEventW(
      &attributes, /*bManualReset=*/TRUE, /*bInitialState=*/FALSE,
  PLOG_IF(ERROR, !start_event.IsValid()) << "Failed to create child event";

  base::CommandLine command_line(setup_exe);
  if (start_event.IsValid()) {
  if (verbose_logging) {

  base::LaunchOptions launch_options;
  if (start_event.IsValid()) {
  launch_options.force_breakaway_from_job_ = true;
  base::Process writer = base::LaunchProcess(command_line, launch_options);
  if (!writer.IsValid()) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set DisplayVersion: "
                << "could not launch subprocess to make desired changes."
                << " <<" << command_line.GetCommandLineString() << ">>";

  if (!start_event.IsValid()) {

  // Wait up to 30 seconds for either the start event to be signaled or for the
  // child process to terminate (i.e., in case it crashes).
  constexpr DWORD kWaitForStartTimeoutMs = 30 * 1000;
  const HANDLE handles[] = {start_event.Get(), writer.Handle()};
  auto wait_result =
      ::WaitForMultipleObjects(std::size(handles), &handles[0],
                               /*bWaitAll=*/FALSE, kWaitForStartTimeoutMs);
  if (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
    VLOG(1) << "Proceeding after waiting for DisplayVersion overwrite child.";
  } else if (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Proceeding after unexpected DisplayVersion overwrite "
                  "child termination.";
  } else if (wait_result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Proceeding after unexpected timeout waiting for "
                  "DisplayVersion overwrite child.";
  } else {
    DCHECK_EQ(wait_result, WAIT_FAILED);
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Proceeding after failing to wait for DisplayVersion "
                   "overwrite child";

// Signals `event` if it is valid and then closes it.
void SignalAndCloseEvent(base::win::ScopedHandle event) {
  if (event.IsValid() && !::SetEvent(event.Get())) {
    // Failure to signal the event likely means that the handle is invalid.
    // Clear the ScopedHandle to prevent a crash upon close and proceed with the
    // operation. The parent process will wait for 30s in this case (see
    // DelayedOverwriteDisplayVersions) and will then continue on its merry way.
    if (auto error = ::GetLastError(); error != ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) {
      // It is highly unexpected that this would fail for any other reason. Send
      // diagnostics for analysis just in case.
      // TODO(grt): Check for data and remove this in June 2024.

// Waits for msiexec to release its mutex and then overwrites DisplayVersion in
// the Windows registry.
LONG OverwriteDisplayVersionsAfterMsiexec(base::win::ScopedHandle startup_event,
                                          const std::wstring& product,
                                          const std::wstring& value) {
  bool adjusted_priority = false;
  bool acquired_mutex = false;
  base::win::ScopedHandle msi_handle(::OpenMutexW(
      SYNCHRONIZE, /*bInheritHandle=*/FALSE, L"Global\\_MSIExecute"));
  if (msi_handle.IsValid()) {
    VLOG(1) << "Blocking to acquire MSI mutex.";

    // Raise the priority class for the process so that it can do its work as
    // soon as possible after acquiring the mutex.
    adjusted_priority =
        ::SetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0;

    // Notify the parent process that this one is ready to go.

    const auto wait_result = ::WaitForSingleObject(msi_handle.Get(), INFINITE);
    if (wait_result == WAIT_FAILED) {
      // The handle is valid and was opened with SYNCHRONIZE, so the wait should
      // never fail. If it does, wait ten seconds and proceed with the overwrite
      // to match the old behavior.
      PLOG(ERROR) << "Overwriting DisplayVersion in 10s after failing to wait "
                     "for the MSI mutex";
    } else {
      CHECK(wait_result == WAIT_ABANDONED || wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
          << "WaitForSingleObject: " << wait_result;
      VLOG(1) << "Acquired MSI mutex; overwriting DisplayVersion.";
      acquired_mutex = true;
  } else {
    // The mutex should still be held by msiexec since the parent setup.exe
    // (which is run in the context of a Windows Installer operation) is
    // blocking on this process.
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Overwriting DisplayVersion immediately after failing to "
                   "open the MSI mutex";

    // Notify the parent process that this one is ready to go.

  auto result = OverwriteDisplayVersions(product, value);

  if (adjusted_priority) {
    ::SetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess(), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);

  if (acquired_mutex) {

  return result;

// Repetitively attempts to delete all files that belong to old versions of
// Chrome from |install_dir|. Waits 15 seconds before the first attempt and 5
// minutes after each unsuccessful attempt. Returns when no files that belong to
// an old version of Chrome remain or when another process tries to acquire the
// SetupSingleton.
installer::InstallStatus RepeatDeleteOldVersions(
    const base::FilePath& install_dir,
    const installer::SetupSingleton& setup_singleton) {
  // The 99th percentile of the number of attempts it takes to successfully
  // delete old versions is 2.75. The 75th percentile is 1.77. 98% of calls to
  // this function will successfully delete old versions.
  // Source: 30 days of UMA data on June 25, 2019.
  constexpr int kMaxNumAttempts = 3;
  int num_attempts = 0;

  while (num_attempts < kMaxNumAttempts) {
    // Wait 15 seconds before the first attempt because trying to delete old
    // files right away is likely to fail. Indeed, this is called in 2
    // occasions:
    // - When the installer fails to delete old files after a not-in-use update:
    //   retrying immediately is likely to fail again.
    // - When executables are successfully renamed on Chrome startup or
    //   shutdown: old files can't be deleted because Chrome is still in use.
    // Wait 5 minutes after an unsuccessful attempt because retrying immediately
    // is likely to fail again.
    const base::TimeDelta max_wait_time =
        num_attempts == 0 ? base::Seconds(15) : base::Minutes(5);
    if (setup_singleton.WaitForInterrupt(max_wait_time)) {
      VLOG(1) << "Exiting --delete-old-versions process because another "
                 "process tries to acquire the SetupSingleton.";
      return installer::SETUP_SINGLETON_RELEASED;

    // SetPriorityClass with PROCESS_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN will cap the process
    // working set to 32 MiB. This was experimentally determined after being
    // reported in This can lead to extreme
    // inefficiency as most CPU time is spent faulting in pages and then
    // immediately trimming the working set. In one trace 99% of CPU time was
    // spent handling page faults, so avoid SetPriorityClass with
    base::ScopedClosureRunner restore_priority;
    if (::SetThreadPriority(::GetCurrentThread(),
                            THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN) != 0) {
      // Be aware that a thread restoring itself to normal priority from
      // background priority is inherently somewhat of a priority inversion.
      restore_priority.ReplaceClosure(base::BindOnce([]() {
        ::SetThreadPriority(::GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_END);
    const bool delete_old_versions_success =

    if (delete_old_versions_success) {
      VLOG(1) << "Successfully deleted all old files from "
                 "--delete-old-versions process.";
      return installer::DELETE_OLD_VERSIONS_SUCCESS;
    } else if (num_attempts == 1) {
      VLOG(1) << "Failed to delete all old files from --delete-old-versions "
                 "process. Will retry every five minutes.";

  VLOG(1) << "Exiting --delete-old-versions process after retrying too many "
             "times to delete all old files.";
  DCHECK_EQ(num_attempts, kMaxNumAttempts);

// This function is called when --rename-chrome-exe option is specified on
// setup.exe command line. This function assumes an in-use update has happened
// for Chrome so there should be files called new_chrome.exe and
// new_chrome_proxy.exe on the file system and a key called 'opv' in the
// registry. This function will move new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe,
// new_chrome_proxy.exe to chrome_proxy.exe and delete 'opv' key in one atomic
// operation. This function also deletes elevation policies associated with the
// old version if they exist. |setup_exe| is the path to the current executable.
installer::InstallStatus RenameChromeExecutables(
    const base::FilePath& setup_exe,
    const InstallationState& original_state,
    InstallerState* installer_state) {
  const base::FilePath& target_path = installer_state->target_path();
  base::FilePath chrome_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeExe));
  base::FilePath chrome_new_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeNewExe));
  base::FilePath chrome_old_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeOldExe));
  base::FilePath chrome_proxy_exe(
  base::FilePath chrome_proxy_new_exe(
  base::FilePath chrome_proxy_old_exe(

  // Create a temporary backup directory on the same volume as chrome.exe so
  // that moving in-use files doesn't lead to trouble.
  installer::SelfCleaningTempDir temp_path;
  if (!temp_path.Initialize(target_path.DirName(),
                            installer::kInstallTempDir)) {
        << "Failed to create Temp directory "
        << target_path.DirName().Append(installer::kInstallTempDir).value();
    return installer::RENAME_FAILED;
  std::unique_ptr<WorkItemList> install_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
  // Move chrome.exe to old_chrome.exe, then move new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe.
  install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(chrome_exe, chrome_old_exe,
                                    temp_path.path(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
  install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, chrome_exe,
                                    temp_path.path(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
  install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, temp_path.path());

  // Move chrome_proxy.exe to old_chrome_proxy.exe if it exists (a previous
  // installation may not have included it), then move new_chrome_proxy.exe to
  // chrome_proxy.exe.
  std::unique_ptr<WorkItemList> existing_proxy_rename_list(
          new ConditionRunIfFileExists(chrome_proxy_exe)));
      chrome_proxy_exe, chrome_proxy_old_exe, temp_path.path(),
  install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(chrome_proxy_new_exe, chrome_proxy_exe,
                                    temp_path.path(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
  install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_proxy_new_exe, temp_path.path());

                             *installer_state, setup_exe, install_list.get());

  // Add work items to delete Chrome's "opv", "cpv", and "cmd" values.
  // TODO(grt): Clean this up;
  const HKEY reg_root = installer_state->root_key();
  const std::wstring clients_key = install_static::GetClientsKeyPath();

  install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, clients_key,
      reg_root, clients_key, KEY_WOW64_32KEY,
  installer::AppCommand(installer::kCmdRenameChromeExe, {})
      .AddDeleteAppCommandWorkItems(reg_root, install_list.get());
  installer::AppCommand(installer::kCmdAlternateRenameChromeExe, {})
      .AddDeleteAppCommandWorkItems(reg_root, install_list.get());

  if (!installer_state->system_install()) {
        reg_root, clients_key, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, installer::kCmdRenameChromeExe);

  // If a channel was specified by policy, update the "channel" registry value
  // with it so that the browser knows which channel to use, otherwise delete
  // whatever value that key holds.
  installer::AddChannelWorkItems(reg_root, clients_key, install_list.get());

  // old_chrome.exe is still in use in most cases, so ignore failures here.
  install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_old_exe, temp_path.path())
  install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_proxy_old_exe, temp_path.path())

  installer::InstallStatus ret = installer::RENAME_SUCCESSFUL;
  if (install_list->Do()) {
    installer::LaunchDeleteOldVersionsProcess(setup_exe, *installer_state);
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Renaming of executables failed. Rolling back any changes.";
    ret = installer::RENAME_FAILED;
  // temp_path's dtor will take care of deleting or scheduling itself for
  // deletion at reboot when this scope closes.
  VLOG(1) << "Deleting temporary directory " << temp_path.path().value();

  return ret;

// Checks for compatibility between the current state of the system and the
// desired operation.
// Also blocks simultaneous user-level and system-level installs.  In the case
// of trying to install user-level Chrome when system-level exists, the
// existing system-level Chrome is launched.
// When the pre-install conditions are not satisfied, the result is written to
// the registry (via WriteInstallerResult), |status| is set appropriately, and
// false is returned.
bool CheckPreInstallConditions(const InstallationState& original_state,
                               const InstallerState& installer_state,
                               installer::InstallStatus* status) {
  if (!installer_state.system_install()) {
    // This is a user-level installation. Make sure that we are not installing
    // on top of an existing system-level installation.

    const ProductState* user_level_product_state =
    const ProductState* system_level_product_state =

    // Allow upgrades to proceed so that out-of-date versions are not left
    // around.
    if (user_level_product_state) {
      return true;

    // This is a new user-level install...

    if (system_level_product_state) {
      // ... and the product already exists at system-level.
      LOG(ERROR) << "Already installed version "
                 << system_level_product_state->version().GetString()
                 << " at system-level conflicts with this one at user-level.";
      // Instruct Google Update to launch the existing system-level Chrome.
      // There should be no error dialog.
      base::FilePath install_path(
      if (install_path.empty()) {
        // Give up if we failed to construct the install path.
        *status = installer::OS_ERROR;
        installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(*status, IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE,
      } else {
        *status = installer::EXISTING_VERSION_LAUNCHED;
        base::FilePath chrome_exe = install_path.Append(installer::kChromeExe);
        base::CommandLine cmd(chrome_exe);
            *status, IDS_INSTALL_EXISTING_VERSION_LAUNCHED_BASE, nullptr);
        VLOG(1) << "Launching existing system-level chrome instead.";
        base::LaunchProcess(cmd, base::LaunchOptions());
      return false;

  return true;

// Initializes |temp_path| to "Temp" within the target directory, and
// |unpack_path| to a random directory beginning with "source" within
// |temp_path|. Returns false on error.
bool CreateTemporaryAndUnpackDirectories(
    const InstallerState& installer_state,
    installer::SelfCleaningTempDir* temp_path,
    base::FilePath* unpack_path) {
  DCHECK(temp_path && unpack_path);

  if (!temp_path->Initialize(installer_state.target_path().DirName(),
                             installer::kInstallTempDir)) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path.";
    return false;
  VLOG(1) << "Created path " << temp_path->path().value();

  if (!base::CreateTemporaryDirInDir(
          temp_path->path(), installer::kInstallSourceDir, unpack_path)) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path for unpacked archive.";
    return false;

  return true;

installer::InstallStatus UninstallProducts(InstallationState& original_state,
                                           InstallerState& installer_state,
                                           const base::FilePath& setup_exe,
                                           const base::CommandLine& cmd_line) {
  // System-level Chrome will be launched via this command if its program gets
  // set below.
  base::CommandLine system_level_cmd(base::CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);

  if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSelfDestruct) &&
      !installer_state.system_install()) {
    const base::FilePath system_install_dir(
    if (!system_install_dir.empty()) {

  installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL;
  const bool force = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kForceUninstall);
  const bool remove_all =

  const base::Version current_version(
  const installer::ModifyParams modify_params = {

  install_status = UninstallProduct(modify_params, remove_all, force, cmd_line);

      installer_state.target_path(), setup_exe, &install_status);

  // The app and vendor dirs may now be empty. Make a last-ditch attempt to
  // delete them.

  // Trigger Active Setup if it was requested for the chrome product. This needs
  // to be done after the UninstallProduct calls as some of them might
  // otherwise terminate the process launched by TriggerActiveSetupCommand().
  if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kTriggerActiveSetup)) {

  if (!system_level_cmd.GetProgram().empty()) {
    base::LaunchProcess(system_level_cmd, base::LaunchOptions());

  // Tell Google Update that an uninstall has taken place if this install did
  // not originate from the MSI. Google Update has its own logic relating to
  // MSI-driven uninstalls that conflicts with this. Ignore the return value:
  // success or failure of Google Update has no bearing on the success or
  // failure of Chrome's uninstallation.
  if (!installer_state.is_msi()) {

  return install_status;

installer::InstallStatus InstallProducts(InstallationState& original_state,
                                         const base::FilePath& setup_exe,
                                         const base::CommandLine& cmd_line,
                                         const InitialPreferences& prefs,
                                         InstallerState* installer_state) {
  installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS;
  installer::ArchiveType archive_type = installer::UNKNOWN_ARCHIVE_TYPE;
  // Remove any legacy "-stage:*" values from the product's "ap" value.
  installer::UpdateInstallStatus(archive_type, install_status);

  // Drop to background processing mode if the process was started below the
  // normal process priority class. This is done here because InstallProducts-
  // Helper has read-only access to the state and because the action also
  // affects everything else that runs below.
  const bool entered_background_mode = installer::AdjustThreadPriority();
  VLOG_IF(1, entered_background_mode) << "Entered background processing mode.";

  if (CheckPreInstallConditions(original_state, *installer_state,
                                &install_status)) {
    VLOG(1) << "Installing to " << installer_state->target_path().value();
    install_status =
        InstallProductsHelper(original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, prefs,
                              *installer_state, &archive_type);
  } else {
    // CheckPreInstallConditions must set the status on failure.
    DCHECK_NE(install_status, installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS);

  // Delete the initial preferences file if present. Note that we do not care
  // about rollback here and we schedule for deletion on reboot if the delete
  // fails. As such, we do not use DeleteTreeWorkItem.
  if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kInstallerData)) {
    base::FilePath prefs_path(
    if (!base::DeleteFile(prefs_path)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed deleting initial preferences file "
                 << prefs_path.value()
                 << ", scheduling for deletion after reboot.";

  UpdateInstallStatus(archive_type, install_status);

  return install_status;

installer::InstallStatus ShowEulaDialog(const std::wstring& inner_frame) {
  VLOG(1) << "About to show EULA";
  std::wstring eula_path = installer::GetLocalizedEulaResource();
  if (eula_path.empty()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "No EULA path available";
    return installer::EULA_REJECTED;
  // Newer versions of the caller pass an inner frame parameter that must
  // be given to the html page being launched.
  installer::EulaHTMLDialog dlg(eula_path, inner_frame);
  installer::EulaHTMLDialog::Outcome outcome = dlg.ShowModal();
  if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::REJECTED == outcome) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "EULA rejected or EULA failure";
    return installer::EULA_REJECTED;
  if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::ACCEPTED_OPT_IN == outcome) {
    VLOG(1) << "EULA accepted (opt-in)";
    return installer::EULA_ACCEPTED_OPT_IN;
  VLOG(1) << "EULA accepted (no opt-in)";
  return installer::EULA_ACCEPTED;

// Creates the sentinel indicating that the EULA was required and has been
// accepted.
bool CreateEulaSentinel() {
  base::FilePath eula_sentinel;
  if (!InstallUtil::GetEulaSentinelFilePath(&eula_sentinel)) {
    return false;

  return (base::CreateDirectory(eula_sentinel.DirName()) &&
          base::WriteFile(eula_sentinel, ""));

installer::InstallStatus RegisterDevChrome(
    const installer::ModifyParams& modify_params,
    const base::CommandLine& cmd_line) {
  const InstallationState& original_state = *modify_params.installation_state;
  const base::FilePath& setup_exe = *modify_params.setup_path;

  // Only proceed with registering a dev chrome if no real Chrome installation
  // of the same install mode is present on this system.
  const ProductState* existing_chrome = original_state.GetProductState(false);
  if (!existing_chrome) {
    existing_chrome = original_state.GetProductState(true);
  if (existing_chrome) {
    const std::wstring name = InstallUtil::GetDisplayName();
    const std::wstring message = base::StrCat(
        {L"You already have a full-installation (non-dev) of ", name,
         L", please uninstall it first using Add/Remove Programs in the "
         L"control panel."});

    LOG(ERROR) << "Aborting operation: another installation of " << name
               << " was found, as a last resort (if the product is not present "
                  "in Add/Remove Programs), try executing: "
               << existing_chrome->uninstall_command().GetCommandLineString();
    MessageBox(nullptr, message.c_str(), nullptr, MB_ICONERROR);
    return installer::INSTALL_FAILED;

  base::FilePath chrome_exe(
  if (chrome_exe.empty()) {
    chrome_exe = setup_exe.DirName().Append(installer::kChromeExe);
  if (!chrome_exe.IsAbsolute()) {
    chrome_exe = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(chrome_exe);

  installer::InstallStatus status = installer::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS;
  if (base::PathExists(chrome_exe)) {
    // Create the Start menu shortcut and pin it to the Win7+ taskbar.
    ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties shortcut_properties(ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER);
    ShellUtil::AddDefaultShortcutProperties(chrome_exe, &shortcut_properties);
        ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_START_MENU_ROOT, shortcut_properties,

    // Register Chrome at user-level and make it default.
    if (ShellUtil::CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended()) {
      ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault(ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER, chrome_exe, true);
    } else {
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Path not found: " << chrome_exe.value();
    status = installer::INSTALL_FAILED;
  return status;

installer::InstallStatus CreateShortcutsInChildProc(
    const InstallerState& installer_state,
    const InitialPreferences& prefs,
    installer::InstallShortcutLevel install_level,
    installer::InstallShortcutOperation install_operation) {
  // Create shortcut in a child process so that shell crashes don't make the
  // install/update fail. Pass install operation on the command line since
  // it can't be deduced by the child process;

  // Creates shortcuts for Chrome.
  const base::FilePath chrome_exe(

  // Install per-user shortcuts on user-level installs and all-users shortcuts
  // on system-level installs. Note that Active Setup will take care of
  // installing missing per-user shortcuts on system-level install (i.e.,
  // quick launch, taskbar pin, and possibly deleted all-users shortcuts).
  CreateOrUpdateShortcuts(chrome_exe, prefs, install_level, install_operation);
  // TODO(): Plumb shortcut creation failure through and return a
  // failure exit code.
  return installer::CREATE_SHORTCUTS_SUCCESS;

// This method processes any command line options that make setup.exe do
// various tasks other than installation (renaming chrome.exe, showing eula
// among others). This function returns true if any such command line option
// has been found and processed (so setup.exe should exit at that point).
bool HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(installer::ModifyParams& modify_params,
                                    const base::CommandLine& cmd_line,
                                    const InitialPreferences& prefs,
                                    int* exit_code) {
  installer::InstallerState* installer_state =
  installer::InstallationState* original_state =
  const base::FilePath& setup_exe = *modify_params.setup_path;

  // TODO(gab): Add a local |status| variable which each block below sets;
  // only determine the |exit_code| from |status| at the end (this will allow
  // this method to validate that
  // (!handled || status != installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS)).
  bool handled = true;
  // TODO(tommi): Split these checks up into functions and use a data driven
  // map of switch->function.
  if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kUpdateSetupExe)) {
    installer::InstallStatus status = installer::SETUP_PATCH_FAILED;
    // If --update-setup-exe command line option is given, we apply the given
    // patch to current exe, and store the resulting binary in the path
    // specified by --new-setup-exe. But we need to first unpack the file
    // given in --update-setup-exe.

    const base::FilePath compressed_archive(
    VLOG(1) << "Opening archive " << compressed_archive.value();
    // The top unpack failure result with 28 days aggregation (>=0.01%)
    // Setup.Install.LzmaUnPackResult_SetupExePatch
    // 0.02% PATH_NOT_FOUND
    // More information can also be found with metric:
    // Setup.Install.LzmaUnPackNTSTATUS_SetupExePatch

    // We use the `new_setup_exe` directory as the working directory for
    // `ArchivePatchHelper::UncompressAndPatch`. For System installs, this
    // directory would be under %ProgramFiles% (a directory that only admins can
    // write to by default) and hence a secure location.
    const base::FilePath new_setup_exe(
    if (installer::ArchivePatchHelper::UncompressAndPatch(
            new_setup_exe.DirName(), compressed_archive, setup_exe,
            new_setup_exe, installer::UnPackConsumer::SETUP_EXE_PATCH)) {
      status = installer::NEW_VERSION_UPDATED;

    *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status);
    if (*exit_code) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "setup.exe patching failed.";
      installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(status, IDS_SETUP_PATCH_FAILED_BASE,
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kShowEula)) {
    // Check if we need to show the EULA. If it is passed as a command line
    // then the dialog is shown and regardless of the outcome setup exits here.
    std::wstring inner_frame =
    *exit_code = ShowEulaDialog(inner_frame);

    if (installer::EULA_REJECTED != *exit_code) {
      if (GoogleUpdateSettings::SetEulaConsent(*original_state, true)) {
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kConfigureUserSettings)) {
    // NOTE: Should the work done here, on kConfigureUserSettings, change:
    // kActiveSetupVersion in needs to be increased for Active
    // Setup to invoke this again for all users of this install.
    installer::InstallStatus status = installer::INVALID_STATE_FOR_OPTION;
    if (installer_state->system_install()) {
      bool force =
      installer::HandleActiveSetupForBrowser(*installer_state, setup_exe,
      status = installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED;
    } else {
          << "--configure-user-settings is incompatible with user-level";
    *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterDevChrome)) {
    installer::InstallStatus status =
        RegisterDevChrome(modify_params, cmd_line);
    *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser)) {
    installer::InstallStatus status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS;
    // If --register-chrome-browser option is specified, register all Chrome
    // protocol/file associations, as well as register it as a valid browser for
    // Start Menu->Internet shortcut. This switch will also register Chrome as a
    // valid handler for a set of URL protocols that Chrome may become the
    // default handler for, either by the user marking Chrome as the default
    // browser, through the Windows Default Programs control panel settings, or
    // through website use of registerProtocolHandler. These protocols are found
    // in ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations.  The
    // --register-url-protocol will additionally register Chrome as a potential
    // handler for the supplied protocol, and is used if a website registers a
    // handler for a protocol not found in
    // ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations.  These options should only be
    // used when setup.exe is launched with admin rights. We do not make any
    // user specific changes with this option.
    base::FilePath chrome_exe(cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(
    std::wstring suffix;
    if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) {
      suffix = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
    if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterURLProtocol)) {
      const std::wstring protocol_associations_value =
      std::optional<ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations> protocol_associations =

      // ShellUtil::RegisterChromeForProtocol performs all registration
      // done by ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser, as well as registering
      // with Windows as capable of handling the supplied protocol.
      if (protocol_associations.has_value() &&
              chrome_exe, suffix, protocol_associations.value(), false)) {
        status = installer::IN_USE_UPDATED;
    } else {
      if (ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_exe, suffix,
                                           /*elevate_if_not_admin=*/false)) {
        status = installer::IN_USE_UPDATED;
    *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kDeleteOldVersions) ||
             cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRenameChromeExe)) {
    std::unique_ptr<installer::SetupSingleton> setup_singleton(
            cmd_line, InitialPreferences::ForCurrentProcess(), original_state,
    if (!setup_singleton) {
      *exit_code = installer::SETUP_SINGLETON_ACQUISITION_FAILED;
    } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kDeleteOldVersions)) {
      *exit_code = RepeatDeleteOldVersions(installer_state->target_path(),
    } else {
      *exit_code =
          RenameChromeExecutables(setup_exe, *original_state, installer_state);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(
                 installer::switches::kCleanupForDowngradeVersion)) {
    // The version being downgraded to.
    std::string new_version = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(
    std::wstring operation = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
    if (operation == L"cleanup" || operation == L"revert") {
      *exit_code = installer::ProcessCleanupForDowngrade(
          base::Version(new_version), /*revert=*/operation == L"revert");
    } else {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring \"" << cmd_line.GetCommandLineString()
                 << "\" because of invalid \"operation\" argument.";
      *exit_code = installer::DOWNGRADE_CLEANUP_UNKNOWN_OPERATION;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(
                 installer::switches::kRemoveChromeRegistration)) {
    // This is almost reverse of --register-chrome-browser option above.
    // Here we delete Chrome browser registration. This option should only
    // be used when setup.exe is launched with admin rights. We do not
    // make any user specific changes in this option.
    std::wstring suffix;
    if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) {
      suffix = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
    installer::InstallStatus tmp = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS;
                                            HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, suffix, &tmp);
    *exit_code = tmp;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kOnOsUpgrade)) {
    installer::InstallStatus status = installer::INVALID_STATE_FOR_OPTION;
    std::unique_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info(
    const base::Version installed_version(
    if (installed_version.IsValid()) {
      installer::HandleOsUpgradeForBrowser(*installer_state, installed_version,
      status = installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED;
    } else {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to extract product version from "
                  << setup_exe.value();
    *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kReenableAutoupdates)) {
    // setup.exe has been asked to attempt to reenable updates for Chrome.
    bool updates_enabled = GoogleUpdateSettings::ReenableAutoupdates();
    *exit_code = updates_enabled ? installer::REENABLE_UPDATES_SUCCEEDED
                                 : installer::REENABLE_UPDATES_FAILED;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(
                 installer::switches::kSetDisplayVersionProduct)) {
    const std::wstring registry_product(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
    const std::wstring registry_value(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
    uint32_t startup_event_handle_value = 0;
    base::win::ScopedHandle startup_event;
    if (base::StringToUint(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
                           &startup_event_handle_value) &&
        startup_event_handle_value) {

    *exit_code = OverwriteDisplayVersionsAfterMsiexec(
        std::move(startup_event), registry_product, registry_value);
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kStoreDMToken)) {
    // Write the specified token to the registry, overwriting any already
    // existing value.
    std::wstring token_switch_value =
    auto token = installer::DecodeDMTokenSwitchValue(token_switch_value);
    *exit_code = token && installer::StoreDMToken(*token)
                     ? installer::STORE_DMTOKEN_SUCCESS
                     : installer::STORE_DMTOKEN_FAILED;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kDeleteDMToken)) {
    // Delete any existing DMToken from the registry.
    *exit_code = installer::DeleteDMToken() ? installer::DELETE_DMTOKEN_SUCCESS
                                            : installer::DELETE_DMTOKEN_FAILED;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRotateDeviceTrustKey)) {
    // RotateDeviceTrustKey() expects a single
    // threaded task runner so creating one here.
    base::SingleThreadTaskExecutor executor;

    const auto result = enterprise_connectors::RotateDeviceTrustKey(
        cmd_line, install_static::GetChromeChannel());

    switch (result) {
      case enterprise_connectors::KeyRotationResult::kSucceeded:
        *exit_code = installer::ROTATE_DTKEY_SUCCESS;
      case enterprise_connectors::KeyRotationResult::kInsufficientPermissions:
        *exit_code = installer::ROTATE_DTKEY_FAILED_PERMISSIONS;
      case enterprise_connectors::KeyRotationResult::kFailedKeyConflict:
        *exit_code = installer::ROTATE_DTKEY_FAILED_CONFLICT;
      case enterprise_connectors::KeyRotationResult::kFailed:
        *exit_code = installer::ROTATE_DTKEY_FAILED;
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kCreateShortcuts)) {
    std::string install_op_arg =
    std::string shortcut_level_arg =
    int install_op;
    int install_level_op;
    if (!base::StringToInt(install_op_arg, &install_op) ||
        install_op < installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_FIRST ||
        install_op > installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_LAST) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid shortcut operation " << install_op_arg;
      *exit_code = installer::UNSUPPORTED_OPTION;
    } else if (!base::StringToInt(shortcut_level_arg, &install_level_op) ||
               install_level_op < installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_LEVEL_FIRST ||
               install_level_op > installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_LEVEL_LAST) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid shortcut level " << shortcut_level_arg;
      *exit_code = installer::UNSUPPORTED_OPTION;
    } else {
      *exit_code = CreateShortcutsInChildProc(
          *installer_state, prefs,
  } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(
                 installer::switches::kConfigureBrowserInDirectory)) {
    base::FilePath path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(

    if (path.empty()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Empty directory specified in --"
                 << installer::switches::kConfigureBrowserInDirectory;
      *exit_code = installer::CONFIGURE_APP_CONTAINER_SANDBOX_FAILED;
    } else if (!path.IsAbsolute()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "--" << installer::switches::kConfigureBrowserInDirectory
                 << " must contain an absolute path";
      *exit_code = installer::CONFIGURE_APP_CONTAINER_SANDBOX_FAILED;
    } else if (installer::ConfigureAppContainerSandbox(
                   std::array<const base::FilePath*, 1>{&path})) {
      *exit_code = installer::CONFIGURE_APP_CONTAINER_SANDBOX_SUCCESS;
    } else {
      *exit_code = installer::CONFIGURE_APP_CONTAINER_SANDBOX_FAILED;
  } else {
    handled = false;

  return handled;

}  // namespace

namespace installer {

InstallStatus InstallProductsHelper(InstallationState& original_state,
                                    const base::FilePath& setup_exe,
                                    const base::CommandLine& cmd_line,
                                    const InitialPreferences& prefs,
                                    InstallerState& installer_state,
                                    ArchiveType* archive_type) {
  const bool system_install = installer_state.system_install();

  // Create a temp folder where we will unpack Chrome archive. If it fails,
  // then we are doomed, so return immediately and no cleanup is required.
  SelfCleaningTempDir temp_path;
  base::FilePath unpack_path;
  if (!CreateTemporaryAndUnpackDirectories(installer_state, &temp_path,
                                           &unpack_path)) {
    return TEMP_DIR_FAILED;

  base::FilePath uncompressed_archive;
      unpack_path, original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, installer_state,
      archive_type, uncompressed_archive));

  VLOG(1) << "unpacked to " << unpack_path.value();

  InstallStatus install_status = UNKNOWN_STATUS;
  base::FilePath src_path(unpack_path.Append(kInstallSourceChromeDir));
  std::unique_ptr<base::Version> installer_version(
  if (!installer_version.get()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find any valid version in installer.";
    install_status = INVALID_ARCHIVE;
        install_status, IDS_INSTALL_INVALID_ARCHIVE_BASE, nullptr);
  } else {
    VLOG(1) << "version to install: " << installer_version->GetString();
    bool proceed_with_installation = true;

    if (!IsDowngradeAllowed(prefs)) {
      const ProductState* product_state =
      if (product_state != nullptr &&
          (product_state->version().CompareTo(*installer_version) > 0)) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Higher version of Chrome is already installed.";
        int message_id = IDS_INSTALL_HIGHER_VERSION_BASE;
        proceed_with_installation = false;
        install_status = HIGHER_VERSION_EXISTS;
        installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(install_status, message_id,

    if (proceed_with_installation) {
      base::FilePath prefs_source_path(

      const base::Version current_version(
      InstallParams install_params = {
          installer_state,  original_state,       setup_exe,
          current_version,  uncompressed_archive, src_path,
          temp_path.path(), *installer_version,

      install_status =
          InstallOrUpdateProduct(install_params, prefs_source_path, prefs);

      int install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_FAILED_BASE;
      base::FilePath chrome_exe;
      std::wstring quoted_chrome_exe;
      if (install_status == SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED) {
        install_msg_base = IDS_SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED_BASE;
      } else if (install_status != INSTALL_FAILED) {
        if (installer_state.target_path().empty()) {
          // If we failed to construct install path, it means the OS call to
          // get %ProgramFiles% or %AppData% failed. Report this as failure.
          install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE;
          install_status = OS_ERROR;
        } else {
          chrome_exe = installer_state.target_path().Append(kChromeExe);
          quoted_chrome_exe =
          install_msg_base = 0;


      bool do_not_register_for_update_launch = false;

      bool write_chrome_launch_string = (!do_not_register_for_update_launch &&
                                         install_status != IN_USE_UPDATED);

          install_status, install_msg_base,
          write_chrome_launch_string ? &quoted_chrome_exe : nullptr);

      if (install_status == FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) {
        VLOG(1) << "First install successful.";
        // We never want to launch Chrome in system level install mode.
        bool do_not_launch_chrome = false;
        if (!system_install && !do_not_launch_chrome) {
      } else if ((install_status == NEW_VERSION_UPDATED) ||
                 (install_status == IN_USE_UPDATED)) {
        DCHECK_NE(chrome_exe.value(), std::wstring());

  // If the installation completed successfully...
  if (InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(install_status) == 0) {
    // Update the DisplayVersion created by an MSI-based install.
    std::string install_id;
    if (prefs.GetString(installer::initial_preferences::kMsiProductId,
                        &install_id)) {
      // A currently active MSI install will have specified the initial-
      // preferences file on the command-line that includes the product-id.
      // We must delay the setting of the DisplayVersion until after the
      // grandparent "msiexec" process has exited.
      base::FilePath new_setup =
      DelayedOverwriteDisplayVersions(new_setup, install_id, *installer_version,
    } else if (const auto* product_state =
               product_state) {
      // Only when called by the MSI installer do we need to delay setting
      // the DisplayVersion.  In other runs, such as those done by the auto-
      // update action, we set the value immediately.
      // Get the app's MSI Product-ID from an entry in ClientState.
      if (const std::wstring& app_guid = product_state->product_guid();
          !app_guid.empty()) {
            app_guid, base::UTF8ToWide(installer_version->GetString()));

  // temp_path's dtor will take care of deleting or scheduling itself for
  // deletion at reboot when this scope closes.
  VLOG(1) << "Deleting temporary directory " << temp_path.path().value();

  return install_status;

}  // namespace installer

namespace {

class ScopedIgnoreResourceExhaustion {
  ScopedIgnoreResourceExhaustion() {
  ~ScopedIgnoreResourceExhaustion() {

  static void DoNothing() {}

int SetupMain() {
  // Check to see if the CPU is supported before doing anything else. There's
  // very little than can safely be accomplished if the CPU isn't supported
  // since dependent libraries (e.g., base) may use invalid instructions.
  if (!installer::IsProcessorSupported()) {
    return installer::CPU_NOT_SUPPORTED;

  // Persist histograms so they can be uploaded later. The storage directory is
  // created during installation when the main WorkItemList is evaluated so
  // disable storage directory creation in PersistentHistogramStorage.
  base::PersistentHistogramStorage persistent_histogram_storage(

  // The exit manager is in charge of calling the dtors of singletons.
  base::AtExitManager exit_manager;
  base::CommandLine::Init(0, nullptr);

  std::string process_type =

  if (process_type == crash_reporter::switches::kCrashpadHandler) {
    // Histogram storage is enabled at the very top of this wWinMain. Disable it
    // when this process is decicated to crashpad as there is no directory in
    // which to write them nor a browser to subsequently upload them.
    return crash_reporter::RunAsCrashpadHandler(
        *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(), base::FilePath(),
        switches::kProcessType, switches::kUserDataDir);

  // install_util uses chrome paths.

  const InitialPreferences& prefs = InitialPreferences::ForCurrentProcess();

  const base::CommandLine& cmd_line = *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
  VLOG(1) << "Command Line: " << cmd_line.GetCommandLineString();

  InitializeInstallDetails(cmd_line, prefs);

  bool system_install = false;
  prefs.GetBool(installer::initial_preferences::kSystemLevel, &system_install);
  VLOG(1) << "system install is " << system_install;

  InstallationState original_state;

  InstallerState installer_state;
  installer_state.Initialize(cmd_line, prefs, original_state);



  // Make sure the process exits cleanly on unexpected errors.

  // HandleVerifier detects and reports incorrect handle manipulations. It
  // tracks handle operations on builds that support DCHECK only.
#elif !defined(COMPONENT_BUILD)
  // Patch the main EXE on non-component builds when DCHECKs are enabled. This
  // allows detection of third party code that might attempt to meddle with the
  // process's handles. This must be done when single-threaded to avoid other
  // threads attempting to make calls through the hooks while they are being
  // emplaced.
#endif  // !defined(COMPONENT_BUILD)

  const bool is_uninstall = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kUninstall);

  // Histogram storage is enabled at the very top of this wWinMain. Disable it
  // during uninstall since there's neither a directory in which to write them
  // nor a browser to subsequently upload them.
  if (is_uninstall) {

  // Check to make sure current system is Win10 or later. If not, log
  // error message and get out.
  if (!InstallUtil::IsOSSupported()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome only supports Windows 10 or later.";
    return installer::OS_NOT_SUPPORTED;

  // Initialize COM for use later.
  std::optional<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> com_initializer;
    // Temporarily ignore resource exhaustion to suppress crashes in case there
    // are no ATOMs left -- the error is handled here by exiting gracefully.
    ScopedIgnoreResourceExhaustion ignore_resource_exhaustion;
    if (!com_initializer->Succeeded()) {
                                           IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE, nullptr);
      return installer::OS_ERROR;

  // Make sure system_level is supported if requested. For historical reasons,
  // system-level installs have never been supported for Chrome canary (SxS).
  // This is a brand-specific policy for this particular mode. In general,
  // system-level installation of secondary install modes is fully supported.
  if (!install_static::InstallDetails::Get().supports_system_level() &&
      (system_install ||
       cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSelfDestruct) ||
       cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRemoveChromeRegistration))) {
    return installer::SXS_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
  // Some switches only apply for modes that can be made the user's default
  // browser.
  if (!install_static::SupportsSetAsDefaultBrowser() &&
      (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kMakeChromeDefault) ||
       cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser))) {
    return installer::SXS_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
  // Some command line options are no longer supported and must error out.
  if (installer::ContainsUnsupportedSwitch(cmd_line)) {
    return installer::UNSUPPORTED_OPTION;

  // A variety of installer operations require the path to the current
  // executable. Get it once here for use throughout these operations. Note that
  // the path service is the authoritative source for this path. One might think
  // that CommandLine::GetProgram would suffice, but it won't since
  // CreateProcess may have been called with a command line that is somewhat
  // ambiguous (e.g., an unquoted path with spaces, or a path lacking the file
  // extension), in which case CommandLineToArgv will not yield an argv with the
  // true path to the program at position 0.
  base::FilePath setup_exe;
  base::PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &setup_exe);

  const base::Version current_version(
  installer::ModifyParams modify_params = {

  // Histogram storage is enabled at the very top of this function. We disable
  // it for kConfigureBrowserInDirectory because this switch intended for use
  // by Chrome for Testing, which does not perform any metrics processing. If it
  // someday does, this should be changed to set the storage directory to the
  // value of the kConfigureBrowserInDirectory switch (the path to the directory
  // containing chrome.exe).
  if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kConfigureBrowserInDirectory)) {

  int exit_code = 0;
  if (HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(modify_params, cmd_line, prefs,
                                     &exit_code)) {
    return exit_code;

  if (system_install && !IsUserAnAdmin()) {
    if (!cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRunAsAdmin)) {
      base::CommandLine new_cmd(base::CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
      new_cmd.AppendArguments(cmd_line, true);
      // Append --run-as-admin flag to let the new instance of setup.exe know
      // that we already tried to launch ourselves as admin.
      // If system_install became true due to an environment variable, append
      // it to the command line here since env vars may not propagate past the
      // elevation.
      if (!new_cmd.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevel)) {

      DWORD exe_exit_code = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS;
      InstallUtil::ExecuteExeAsAdmin(new_cmd, &exe_exit_code);
      return exe_exit_code;
    } else {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Non admin user can not install system level Chrome.";
      return installer::INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS;

  std::unique_ptr<installer::SetupSingleton> setup_singleton(
      installer::SetupSingleton::Acquire(cmd_line, prefs, &original_state,
  if (!setup_singleton) {

  installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS;
  // If --uninstall option is given, uninstall the identified product(s)
  if (is_uninstall) {
    install_status =
        UninstallProducts(original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, cmd_line);
  } else {
    // If --uninstall option is not specified, we assume it is install case.
    install_status = InstallProducts(original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, prefs,
    DoLegacyCleanups(installer_state, install_status);

  UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Setup.Install.Result", install_status,

  // Dump peak memory usage.
  if (::GetProcessMemoryInfo(::GetCurrentProcess(), &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) {
                                pmc.PeakPagefileUsage / 1024));
                                pmc.PeakWorkingSetSize / 1024));

  int return_code = 0;
  // MSI demands that custom actions always return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) or it will
  // rollback the action. If we're uninstalling we want to avoid this, so always
  // report success, squashing any more informative return codes.
  if (!(installer_state.is_msi() && is_uninstall)) {
    // Note that we allow the status installer::UNINSTALL_REQUIRES_REBOOT
    // to pass through, since this is only returned on uninstall which is
    // never invoked directly by Google Update.
    return_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(install_status);

  VLOG(1) << "Installation complete, returning: " << return_code;

  return return_code;

}  // namespace

int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance,
                    HINSTANCE prev_instance,
                    wchar_t* command_line,
                    int show_command) {
  const auto process_exit_code = SetupMain();

  // Graceful shutdown sometimes fails for reasons out
  // of the installer's control. Crashes from such failures are inactionable, so
  // terminate the process forthwith. Do not use
  // base::Process::TerminateCurrentProcessImmediately because it will crash the
  // process with int 3 in cases where ::TerminateProcess returns; see
  // It is better for the installer to try to return
  // the actual exit code (risking the original crash).

  const auto terminate_result = ::TerminateProcess(
      ::GetCurrentProcess(), static_cast<UINT>(process_exit_code));

  // It is unexpected that this code is reached. In the event that it is,
  // capture error information left behind by TerminateProcess in case the
  // process crashes during exit and put it on the stack in the hopes that
  // we can find it in a post-return crash dump.
  const auto terminate_error_code = ::GetLastError();

  DWORD exit_codes[] = {

  return process_exit_code;