
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.



if (is_win) {
  source_set("metainstaller_utils") {
    sources = [
    deps = [ "//third_party/lzma_sdk/google:seven_zip_reader" ]
    public_deps = [

  source_set("work_item") {
    sources = [
    public_deps = [ "//base" ]

# This file deliberately has no default "util" target so dependants have to
# specify with the ":with_no_strings" or ":with_rc_strings" variants. Random
# code that ends up getting linked into chrome proper should depend on the
# ":with_no_strings" variant. Other standalone apps will need to decide if they
# need the resource strings or not.
# chrome/installer/util has generated strings on Windows. These appear as
# Windows resources and are fairly large (~200KB). They are generated by the
# ":generate_strings" target and compiled by the ":strings" target.
# Some code, like the Windows chrome.exe (the small bootstrap binary, not
# all of chrome.dll) code uses installer_util functions without calling any
# functions that use the strings. And historically in the GYP build the strings
# resource had to be manually linked, so the strings never ended up being in
# chrome.exe and everything was fine.
# Other code, like chrome.dll links to installer util, and hooks up a
# TranslationDelegate which overrides the strings retrieved from the resources
# with grit pak strings.
# In both of these cases, link to the ":with_no_strings" variant. However, this
# is obviously a fragile and confusing situation. In the "I don't use strings at
# all case", there is no definition of what works and doesn't work, and this may
# also change over time. As an example at the time of this writing, chrome.exe
# calls GoogleUpdateSettings::UpdateDidRunState. This function doesn't use any
# strings, but other functions in InstallUtil do use localized strings.
# Ideally, this should be cleaved in two parts: the main "installer util" and
# some kind of mini installer util that just contains the functions needed by
# chrome.exe and any other clients that don't need the strings. It's likely
# we would still need the variant with no strings for when chrome.dll replaces
# all strings with its own versions.
static_library("with_no_strings") {
  public_deps = [ ":constants" ]

  deps = [

  # The constants target checks the Chrome distribution from this target. Both
  # targets have to be linked together in practice.
  allow_circular_includes_from = [ "//chrome/common:constants" ]

  if (is_win) {
    sources = [

    public_deps += [

      # Need to depend on the generated strings target since files here
      # depend on the generated header, but only depend on the ":strings"
      # target (which actually compiles and causes the generated code to be
      # linked) from the ":util" target.

    deps += [

    libs = [

    configs += [ "//build/config:precompiled_headers" ]
  } else {
    sources = [

# Use this version of installer_util to link to the generated strings in .rc
# format.
group("with_rc_strings") {
  public_deps = [ ":with_no_strings" ]
  if (is_win) {
    public_deps += [ ":strings" ]

generate_embedded_i18n("generate_strings") {
  visibility = [
  extractor_datafile =

  grdfile_folder = "//chrome/app/"
  grdfile_name = "${branding_path_product}_strings"
  xtb_relative_path = "resources"
  grd_files_info = [ [
      ] ]

  output_file_name_base = "installer_util_strings"

  branding = branding_path_product

# Compile the generated .rc file.
source_set("strings") {
  sources = get_target_outputs(":generate_strings")
  public_deps = [ ":generate_strings" ]

source_set("constants") {
  public = [ "initial_preferences_constants.h" ]

  sources = [ "" ]

  if (is_win) {
    public += [

    sources += [

    public_deps = [ "//base" ]

if (is_win) {
  source_set("did_run_support") {
    public = [ "update_did_run_state.h" ]

    sources = [ "" ]

    deps = [

  source_set("test_support") {
    testonly = true
    sources = [
    deps = [

  # This source set contains tests that must run serially. These are linked into
  # setup_unittests, which does so.
  source_set("serial_unittests") {
    testonly = true
    sources = [
    deps = [

  test("installer_util_unittests") {
    sources = [

    deps = [

    data = [
}  # is_win