// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/installation_state.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
namespace {
// Returns the path denoted by `key`. If `base::PathService` fails to return the
// path to a directory that exists, the value of the environment variable
// corresponding to `key`, if any, is used if it names an absolute directory
// that exists. Returns an empty path if all attempts fail.
base::FilePath GetPathWithEnvironmentFallback(int key) {
if (base::FilePath path; base::PathService::Get(key, &path) &&
!path.empty() && base::DirectoryExists(path)) {
return path;
static constexpr auto kKeyToVariable =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<int, std::wstring_view>(
{base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES6432, L"ProgramW6432"},
if (auto it = kKeyToVariable.find(key); it != kKeyToVariable.end()) {
std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> value;
value[0] = L'\0';
if (DWORD ret = ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(it->second.data(), value.data(),
ret && ret < value.size()) {
if (base::FilePath path(value.data()); path.IsAbsolute() &&
!path.ReferencesParent() &&
base::DirectoryExists(path)) {
return path;
return {};
// Returns a valid file path with the proper casing from the system if `prefs`
// has a `distribution.program_files_dir` value that is a valid target for the
// browser's installation and `system_install` is true. Returns an empty file
// path otherwise.
base::FilePath GetInstallationDirFromPrefs(
const installer::InitialPreferences& prefs,
bool system_install) {
base::FilePath program_files_dir;
if (system_install) {
if (program_files_dir.empty())
return program_files_dir;
base::FilePath expected_dir;
bool valid_program_files_path =
((!(expected_dir =
.empty() &&
expected_dir.value())) ||
(!(expected_dir =
.empty() &&
return valid_program_files_path
? expected_dir
: base::FilePath();
// Returns the default install path given an install level.
base::FilePath GetDefaultChromeInstallPathChecked(bool system_install) {
base::FilePath install_path = GetPathWithEnvironmentFallback(
system_install ? base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES : base::DIR_LOCAL_APP_DATA);
// Later steps assume a valid install path was found.
return install_path.Append(install_static::GetChromeInstallSubDirectory())
// Returns the path to the installation at `system_install` provided that the
// browser is installed and its `UninstallString` points into a valid install
// directory.
base::FilePath GetCurrentInstallPathFromRegistry(bool system_install) {
installer::ProductState product_state;
if (!product_state.Initialize(system_install)) {
return {};
const base::FilePath setup_path =
if (setup_path.empty() || !setup_path.IsAbsolute() ||
setup_path.ReferencesParent()) {
return {};
// The path to setup.exe has the format
// [InstallPath]/[version]/Installer/setup.exe. In order to get the
// [InstallPath], the full path must be pruned of the last 3 components.
const base::FilePath install_path = setup_path.DirName().DirName().DirName();
// The install path must not be at the root of the volume and must exist.
if (install_path == install_path.DirName() ||
!base::DirectoryExists(install_path)) {
return {};
return install_path;
// Returns path keys for the standard installation locations for either
// per-user or per-machine installs. In cases where more than one location is
// possible, the default is always first.
base::span<const int> GetInstallationPathKeys(bool system_install) {
if (!system_install) {
// %LOCALAPPDATA% is the only location for per-user installs.
static constexpr int kPerUserKeys[] = {base::DIR_LOCAL_APP_DATA};
return base::make_span(kPerUserKeys);
if (base::win::OSInfo::GetArchitecture() ==
base::win::OSInfo::X86_ARCHITECTURE) {
// %PROGRAMFILES% is the only location for 32-bit Windows.
static constexpr int kPerMachineKeys[] = {base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES};
return base::make_span(kPerMachineKeys);
// %PROGRAMFILES%, which matches the current binary's bitness, is the default
// for 64-bit Windows (x64 and arm64). The "opposite" location is the
// secondary.
static constexpr int kx64PerMachineKeys[] = {
base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES, // Native folder for this bitness.
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILESX86, // Folder for 32-bit apps.
base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES6432, // Folder for 64-bit apps.
return base::make_span(kx64PerMachineKeys);
} // namespace
namespace installer {
base::FilePath GetInstalledDirectory(bool system_install) {
return GetCurrentInstallPathFromRegistry(system_install);
base::FilePath GetDefaultChromeInstallPath(bool system_install) {
return GetDefaultChromeInstallPathChecked(system_install);
base::FilePath GetChromeInstallPathWithPrefs(bool system_install,
const InitialPreferences& prefs) {
base::FilePath install_path =
if (!install_path.empty())
return install_path;
install_path = GetInstallationDirFromPrefs(prefs, system_install);
if (install_path.empty())
install_path = GetDefaultChromeInstallPathChecked(system_install);
return install_path;
base::FilePath FindInstallPath(bool system_install,
const base::Version& version) {
// Is there an installation in one of the standard locations with a matching
// version directory?
for (int path_key : GetInstallationPathKeys(system_install)) {
if (auto path = GetPathWithEnvironmentFallback(path_key); !path.empty()) {
path = path.Append(install_static::GetChromeInstallSubDirectory())
if (base::DirectoryExists(path)) {
return path;
return {};
} // namespace installer.