// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
// This is the interface for creating HTML-based Dialogs *before* Chrome has
// been installed or when there is a suspicion chrome is not working. In
// other words, the dialogs use another native html rendering engine. In the
// case of Windows it is the the Internet Explorer control.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace installer {
// Interface for implementing a native HTML dialog.
class HTMLDialog {
enum DialogResult {
HTML_DLG_ERROR = 0, // Dialog could not be shown.
HTML_DLG_ACCEPT = 1, // The user accepted (accept, ok, yes buttons).
HTML_DLG_DECLINE = 2, // The user declined (cancel, no, abort buttons).
HTML_DLG_RETRY = 3, // The user wants to retry the action.
HTML_DLG_IGNORE = 4, // The user wants to ignore the error and continue.
HTML_DLG_TIMEOUT = 5, // The dialog has timed out and defaults apply.
HTML_DLG_EXTRA = 6 // There is extra data as a string. See below.
// Callbacks that allow to tweak the appearance of the dialog.
class CustomizationCallback {
// Called before the native window is created. Use it to pass arbitrary
// parameters in |extra| to the rendering engine.
virtual void OnBeforeCreation(wchar_t** extra) = 0;
// The native window has been created and is about to be visible. Use it
// to customize the native |window| appearance.
virtual void OnBeforeDisplay(void* window) = 0;
virtual ~CustomizationCallback() {}
virtual ~HTMLDialog() {}
// Shows the HTML in a modal dialog. The buttons and other UI are also done
// in HTML so each native implementation needs to map the user action into
// one of the 6 possible results of DialogResult. Important, call this
// method only from the main (or UI) thread.
virtual DialogResult ShowModal(void* parent_window,
CustomizationCallback* callback) = 0;
// If the result of ShowModal() was EXTRA, the information is available
// as a string using this method.
virtual std::wstring GetExtraResult() = 0;
// Factory method for the native HTML Dialog. When done with the object use
// regular 'delete' operator to destroy the object. It might choose a
// different underlying implementation according to the url protocol.
HTMLDialog* CreateNativeHTMLDialog(const std::wstring& url,
const std::wstring& param);
// This class leverages HTMLDialog to create a dialog that is suitable
// for a end-user-agreement modal dialog. The html shows a fairly standard
// EULA form with the accept and cancel buttons and an optional check box
// to opt-in for sending usage stats and crash reports.
class EulaHTMLDialog {
// |file| points to an html file on disk or to a resource via res:// spec.
// |param| is a string that will be passed to the dialog as a parameter via
// the window.dialogArguments property.
EulaHTMLDialog(const std::wstring& file, const std::wstring& param);
EulaHTMLDialog(const EulaHTMLDialog&) = delete;
EulaHTMLDialog& operator=(const EulaHTMLDialog&) = delete;
enum Outcome {
REJECTED, // Declined EULA, mapped from HTML_DLG_ACCEPT (1).
ACCEPTED, // Accepted EULA no opt-in, from HTML_DLG_DECLINE (2).
ACCEPTED_OPT_IN, // Accepted EULA and opt-in, from HTML_DLG_EXTRA (6).
// Shows the dialog and blocks for user input. The return value is one of
// the |Outcome| values and any form of failure maps to REJECTED.
Outcome ShowModal();
class Customizer : public HTMLDialog::CustomizationCallback {
void OnBeforeCreation(wchar_t** extra) override;
void OnBeforeDisplay(void* window) override;
raw_ptr<HTMLDialog> dialog_;
} // namespace installer