// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace installer {
// This method tries to delete a registry key and logs an error message
// in case of failure. It returns true if deletion is successful (or the key did
// not exist), otherwise false.
bool DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY root_key,
const std::wstring& key_path,
REGSAM wow64_access);
// This method tries to delete a registry value and logs an error message
// in case of failure. It returns true if deletion is successful (or the key did
// not exist), otherwise false.
bool DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY reg_root,
const std::wstring& key_path,
REGSAM wow64_access,
const std::wstring& value_name);
// An interface to a predicate function for use by DeleteRegistryKeyIf and
// DeleteRegistryValueIf.
class RegistryValuePredicate {
virtual ~RegistryValuePredicate() {}
virtual bool Evaluate(const std::wstring& value) const = 0;
// The result of a conditional delete operation (i.e., DeleteFOOIf).
enum class ConditionalDeleteResult {
NOT_FOUND, // The condition was not satisfied.
DELETED, // The condition was satisfied and the delete succeeded.
DELETE_FAILED // The condition was satisfied but the delete failed.
// Deletes the key |key_to_delete_path| under |root_key| iff the value
// |value_name| in the key |key_to_test_path| under |root_key| satisfies
// |predicate|. |value_name| may be either nullptr or an empty string to test
// the key's default value.
ConditionalDeleteResult DeleteRegistryKeyIf(
HKEY root_key,
const std::wstring& key_to_delete_path,
const std::wstring& key_to_test_path,
REGSAM wow64_access,
const wchar_t* value_name,
const RegistryValuePredicate& predicate);
// Deletes the value |value_name| in the key |key_path| under |root_key| iff
// its current value satisfies |predicate|. |value_name| may be either
// nullptr or an empty string to test/delete the key's default value.
ConditionalDeleteResult DeleteRegistryValueIf(
HKEY root_key,
const wchar_t* key_path,
REGSAM wow64_access,
const wchar_t* value_name,
const RegistryValuePredicate& predicate);
// A predicate that performs a case-sensitive string comparison.
class ValueEquals : public RegistryValuePredicate {
explicit ValueEquals(const std::wstring& value_to_match)
: value_to_match_(value_to_match) {}
ValueEquals(const ValueEquals&) = delete;
ValueEquals& operator=(const ValueEquals&) = delete;
bool Evaluate(const std::wstring& value) const override;
std::wstring value_to_match_;
// A predicate that compares the program portion of a command line with a
// given file path. First, the file paths are compared directly. If they do
// not match, the filesystem is consulted to determine if the paths reference
// the same file.
class ProgramCompare : public RegistryValuePredicate {
explicit ProgramCompare(const base::FilePath& path_to_match);
ProgramCompare(const ProgramCompare&) = delete;
ProgramCompare& operator=(const ProgramCompare&) = delete;
~ProgramCompare() override;
bool Evaluate(const std::wstring& value) const override;
bool EvaluatePath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
static bool OpenForInfo(const base::FilePath& path, base::File* file);
static bool GetInfo(const base::File& file, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION* info);
base::FilePath path_to_match_;
base::File file_;
}; // class ProgramCompare
} // namespace installer