// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines functions that integrate Chrome in Windows shell. These
// functions can be used by Chrome as well as Chrome installer. All of the
// work is done by the local functions defined in anonymous namespace in
// this class.
// TODO(crbug.com/40285824): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
#include <objbase.h>
#include <shobjidl.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/hash/md5.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/synchronization/atomic_flag.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/win/default_apps_util.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
#include "base/win/shortcut.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_constants.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_details.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_modes.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/beacons.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/initial_preferences_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/installer_util_strings.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/l10n_string_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/registry_entry.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/registry_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/taskbar_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/work_item.h"
#include "components/base32/base32.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/cleanup/cleanup.h"
using base::win::RegKey;
namespace {
// An enum used to tell QuickIsChromeRegistered() which level of registration
// the caller wants to confirm.
enum RegistrationConfirmationLevel {
// Only look for Chrome's ProgIds.
// This is sufficient when we are trying to determine the suffix of the
// currently running Chrome as shell integration registrations might not be
// present.
// Confirm that Chrome is fully integrated with Windows (i.e. registered with
// Default Programs). These registrations can be in HKCU as of Windows 8.
// Note: Shell registration implies ProgId registration.
// Same as CONFIRM_SHELL_REGISTRATION, but only look in HKLM (used when
// uninstalling to know whether elevation is required to clean up the
// registry).
const wchar_t kReinstallCommand[] = L"ReinstallCommand";
const wchar_t kRegProgId[] = L"ProgId";
const wchar_t kFilePathSeparator[] = L"\\";
const wchar_t kFileHandlerProgIds[] = L"FileHandlerProgIds";
const wchar_t kFileExtensions[] = L"FileExtensions";
// ProgIds cannot be longer than 39 characters.
// Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa911706.aspx.
// Make all new registrations comply with this requirement (existing
// registrations must be preserved).
std::wstring LegalizeNewProgId(std::wstring prog_id,
const std::wstring suffix) {
std::wstring new_style_suffix;
if (ShellUtil::GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(&new_style_suffix) &&
suffix == new_style_suffix && prog_id.length() > 39) {
return prog_id;
// Returns the current (or installed) browser's ProgId (e.g.
// "ChromeHTML|suffix|").
// suffix| can be the empty string.
std::wstring GetBrowserProgId(const std::wstring& suffix) {
return LegalizeNewProgId(
base::StrCat({install_static::GetBrowserProgIdPrefix(), suffix}), suffix);
// TODO(crbug.com/40384442): Add method to get the PDF viewer's ProgId,
// which will also require LegalizeNewProgId.
// Returns the browser's application name. This application name will be
// suffixed as is appropriate for the current install. This is the name that is
// registered with Default Programs on Windows and that should thus be used to
// "make chrome default" and such.
std::wstring GetApplicationName(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
return base::StrCat({install_static::GetBaseAppName(),
// This class is used to initialize and cache a base 32 encoding of the md5 hash
// of this user's sid preceded by a dot.
// This is guaranteed to be unique on the machine and 27 characters long
// (including the '.').
// This is then meant to be used as a suffix on all registrations that may
// conflict with another user-level Chrome install.
class UserSpecificRegistrySuffix {
// All the initialization is done in the constructor to be able to build the
// suffix in a thread-safe manner when used in conjunction with a
// LazyInstance.
UserSpecificRegistrySuffix(const UserSpecificRegistrySuffix&) = delete;
UserSpecificRegistrySuffix& operator=(const UserSpecificRegistrySuffix&) =
// Sets |suffix| to the pre-computed suffix cached in this object.
// Returns true unless the initialization originally failed.
bool GetSuffix(std::wstring* suffix);
std::wstring suffix_;
}; // class UserSpecificRegistrySuffix
UserSpecificRegistrySuffix::UserSpecificRegistrySuffix() {
std::wstring user_sid;
if (!base::win::GetUserSidString(&user_sid)) {
static_assert(sizeof(base::MD5Digest) == 16, "size of MD5 not as expected");
base::MD5Digest md5_digest;
std::string user_sid_ascii(base::WideToASCII(user_sid));
base::MD5Sum(base::as_byte_span(user_sid_ascii), &md5_digest);
std::string base32_md5 = base32::Base32Encode(
md5_digest.a, base32::Base32EncodePolicy::OMIT_PADDING);
// The value returned by the base32 algorithm above must never change.
DCHECK_EQ(base32_md5.length(), 26U);
suffix_.reserve(base32_md5.length() + 1);
suffix_.assign(1, L'.');
suffix_ += base::ASCIIToWide(base32_md5);
bool UserSpecificRegistrySuffix::GetSuffix(std::wstring* suffix) {
if (suffix_.empty()) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns the Windows browser client registration key for Chrome. For example:
// "Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Chromium[.user]". Strictly speaking, we
// should use the name of the executable (e.g., "chrome.exe"), but that ship has
// sailed. The cost of switching now is re-prompting users to make Chrome their
// default browser, which isn't polite. |suffix| is the user-specific
// registration suffix; see GetUserSpecificDefaultBrowserSuffix in shell_util.h
// for details.
std::wstring GetBrowserClientKey(const std::wstring& suffix) {
DCHECK(suffix.empty() || suffix[0] == L'.');
return base::StrCat({std::wstring(ShellUtil::kRegStartMenuInternet),
kFilePathSeparator, install_static::GetBaseAppName(),
// Returns the Windows Default Programs capabilities key for Chrome. For
// example:
// "Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Chromium[.user]\Capabilities".
std::wstring GetCapabilitiesKey(const std::wstring& suffix) {
return base::StrCat({GetBrowserClientKey(suffix), L"\\Capabilities"});
// DelegateExecute ProgId. Needed for Chrome Metro in Windows 8. This is only
// needed for registering a web browser, not for general associations.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> GetChromeDelegateExecuteEntries(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo& app_info) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
std::wstring app_id_shell_key =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, app_info.app_id,
ShellUtil::kRegExePath, ShellUtil::kRegShellPath});
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<app_id>\.exe\shell @=open
// The command to execute when opening this application via the Metro UI.
const std::wstring delegate_command(
// Each of Chrome's shortcuts has an appid; which, as of Windows 8, is
// registered to handle some verbs. This registration has the side-effect
// that these verbs now show up in the shortcut's context menu. We
// mitigate this side-effect by making the context menu entries
// user readable/localized strings. See relevant MSDN article:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/windows/desktop/cc144171.aspx
static const struct {
const wchar_t* verb;
int name_id;
} verbs[] = {
{ShellUtil::kRegVerbOpen, -1},
{ShellUtil::kRegVerbOpenNewWindow, IDS_SHORTCUT_NEW_WINDOW_BASE},
for (const auto& verb_and_id : verbs) {
std::wstring sub_path =
base::StrCat({app_id_shell_key, kFilePathSeparator, verb_and_id.verb});
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<app_id>\.exe\shell\<verb>
if (verb_and_id.name_id != -1) {
// TODO(grt): http://crbug.com/75152 Write a reference to a localized
// resource.
const std::wstring verb_name(
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(sub_path, verb_name.c_str()));
entries.push_back(std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(sub_path, L"CommandId",
base::StrAppend(&sub_path, {kFilePathSeparator, ShellUtil::kRegCommand});
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<app_id>\.exe\shell\<verb>\command
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(sub_path, delegate_command));
sub_path, ShellUtil::kRegDelegateExecute, app_info.delegate_clsid));
return entries;
// Gets the registry entries to register an application in the Windows registry.
// |app_info| provides all of the information needed.
void GetProgIdEntries(const ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo& app_info,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
// Basic sanity checks.
DCHECK_NE(L'.', app_info.prog_id[0]);
// File association ProgId
std::wstring prog_id_path = base::StrCat(
{ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, app_info.prog_id});
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(prog_id_path, app_info.file_type_name));
prog_id_path + ShellUtil::kRegDefaultIcon,
prog_id_path + ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen, app_info.command_line));
if (!app_info.delegate_clsid.empty()) {
prog_id_path + ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen, ShellUtil::kRegDelegateExecute,
// TODO(scottmg): Simplify after Metro removal. https://crbug.com/558054.
// The following entries are required but do not depend on the DelegateExecute
// verb handler being set.
if (!app_info.app_id.empty()) {
prog_id_path, ShellUtil::kRegAppUserModelId, app_info.app_id));
// Add \Software\Classes\<prog_id>\Application entries
std::wstring application_path(prog_id_path + ShellUtil::kRegApplication);
if (!app_info.app_id.empty()) {
application_path, ShellUtil::kRegAppUserModelId, app_info.app_id));
if (!app_info.application_icon_path.empty()) {
application_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationIcon,
if (!app_info.application_name.empty()) {
application_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationName,
if (!app_info.application_description.empty()) {
application_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationDescription,
if (!app_info.publisher_name.empty()) {
application_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationCompany,
// This method returns a list of all the registry entries that are needed to
// register this installation's ProgIds and AppId.
void GetChromeProgIdEntries(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
int chrome_html_icon_index = install_static::GetHTMLIconResourceIndex();
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo app_info;
app_info.prog_id = GetBrowserProgId(suffix);
app_info.file_type_name = install_static::GetBrowserProgIdDescription();
// File types associated with Chrome are just given the Chrome icon.
app_info.file_type_icon_path = chrome_exe;
app_info.file_type_icon_index = chrome_html_icon_index;
app_info.command_line = ShellUtil::GetChromeShellOpenCmd(chrome_exe);
// For user-level installs: entries for the app id will be in HKCU; thus we
// do not need a suffix on those entries.
app_info.app_id =
// TODO(grt): http://crbug.com/75152 Write a reference to a localized
// resource for name, description, and company.
app_info.application_name = InstallUtil::GetDisplayName();
app_info.application_icon_path = chrome_exe;
app_info.application_icon_index = chrome_html_icon_index;
app_info.application_description = InstallUtil::GetAppDescription();
app_info.publisher_name = InstallUtil::GetPublisherName();
app_info.delegate_clsid = install_static::GetLegacyCommandExecuteImplClsid();
GetProgIdEntries(app_info, entries);
if (!app_info.delegate_clsid.empty()) {
auto delegate_execute_entries =
GetChromeDelegateExecuteEntries(chrome_exe, app_info);
// Remove the keys (not only their values) so that Windows will continue
// to launch Chrome without a pesky association error.
// TODO(scottmg): Simplify after Metro removal. https://crbug.com/558054.
for (const auto& entry : delegate_execute_entries)
// Move |delegate_execute_entries| to |entries|.
std::move(delegate_execute_entries.begin(), delegate_execute_entries.end(),
// This method returns a list of the registry entries needed to declare a
// capability of handling protocol associations on Windows.
void GetProtocolCapabilityEntries(
const std::wstring& suffix,
const ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations& protocol_associations,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
for (const auto& association : protocol_associations.associations) {
base::StrCat({GetCapabilitiesKey(suffix), L"\\URLAssociations"}),
association.first, association.second));
// This method returns a list of the registry entries required to register this
// installation in "RegisteredApplications" on Windows (to appear in Default
// Programs, StartMenuInternet, etc.). If `suffix` is not empty, these entries
// are guaranteed to be unique on this machine.
void GetShellIntegrationEntries(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
const std::wstring icon_path(ShellUtil::FormatIconLocation(
chrome_exe, install_static::GetAppIconResourceIndex()));
const std::wstring quoted_exe_path(L"\"" + chrome_exe.value() + L"\"");
// Register for the Start Menu "Internet" link (pre-Win7).
const std::wstring start_menu_entry(GetBrowserClientKey(suffix));
// Register Chrome's display name.
// TODO(grt): http://crbug.com/75152 Also set LocalizedString; see
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144109(v=VS.85).aspx#registering_the_display_name
start_menu_entry, InstallUtil::GetDisplayName()));
// Register the "open" verb for launching Chrome via the "Internet" link.
start_menu_entry + ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen, quoted_exe_path));
// Register Chrome's icon for the Start Menu "Internet" link.
start_menu_entry + ShellUtil::kRegDefaultIcon, icon_path));
// Register installation information.
std::wstring install_info(start_menu_entry + L"\\InstallInfo");
// Note: not using CommandLine since it has ambiguous rules for quoting
// strings.
install_info, kReinstallCommand,
quoted_exe_path + L" --" +
install_info, L"HideIconsCommand",
quoted_exe_path + L" --" + base::ASCIIToWide(switches::kHideIcons)));
install_info, L"ShowIconsCommand",
quoted_exe_path + L" --" + base::ASCIIToWide(switches::kShowIcons)));
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(install_info, L"IconsVisible", 1));
// Register with Default Programs.
const std::wstring reg_app_name =
base::StrCat({install_static::GetBaseAppName(), suffix});
// Tell Windows where to find Chrome's Default Programs info.
const std::wstring capabilities(GetCapabilitiesKey(suffix));
ShellUtil::kRegRegisteredApplications, reg_app_name, capabilities));
// Write out Chrome's Default Programs info.
// TODO(grt): http://crbug.com/75152 Write a reference to a localized
// resource rather than this.
capabilities, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationDescription,
capabilities, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationIcon, icon_path));
capabilities, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationName,
capabilities + L"\\Startmenu", L"StartMenuInternet", reg_app_name));
const std::wstring html_prog_id(GetBrowserProgId(suffix));
for (int i = 0; ShellUtil::kPotentialFileAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
capabilities + L"\\FileAssociations",
ShellUtil::kPotentialFileAssociations[i], html_prog_id));
for (int i = 0; ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations[i] != nullptr;
i++) {
capabilities + L"\\URLAssociations",
ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations[i], html_prog_id));
// Gets the registry entries to register an application as a handler for a
// particular file extension. |prog_id| is the ProgId used by Windows for the
// application. |ext| is the file extension, which must begin with a '.'.
void GetAppExtRegistrationEntries(
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const std::wstring& ext,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
// In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\EXT\OpenWithProgids, create an
// empty value with this class's ProgId.
std::wstring key_name =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, ext,
kFilePathSeparator, ShellUtil::kRegOpenWithProgids});
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(key_name, prog_id, std::wstring()));
// This method returns a list of the registry entries required for this
// installation to be registered in the Windows shell.
// In particular:
// - App Paths
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee872121
// - File Associations
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb166549
// These entries need to be registered in HKLM prior to Win8.
void GetChromeAppRegistrationEntries(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
std::wstring app_path_key =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kAppPathsRegistryKey, kFilePathSeparator,
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(app_path_key, chrome_exe.value()));
app_path_key, ShellUtil::kAppPathsRegistryPathName,
const std::wstring html_prog_id(GetBrowserProgId(suffix));
for (int i = 0; ShellUtil::kPotentialFileAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
html_prog_id, ShellUtil::kPotentialFileAssociations[i], entries);
// Gets the registry entries to register an application as the default handler
// for a particular file extension. |prog_id| is the ProgId used by Windows for
// the application. |ext| is the file extension, which must begin with a '.'. If
// |overwrite_existing|, always sets the default handler; otherwise only sets if
// there is no existing default.
// This has no effect on Windows 8. Windows 8 ignores the default and lets the
// user choose. If there is only one handler for a file, it will automatically
// become the default. Otherwise, the first time the user opens a file, they are
// presented with the dialog to set the default handler. (This is roughly
// equivalent to being called with |overwrite_existing| false.)
void GetAppDefaultRegistrationEntries(
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const std::wstring& ext,
bool overwrite_existing,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
// Set the default value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\EXT to this
// class's name.
std::wstring key_name =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, ext});
auto default_association = std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(key_name, prog_id);
if (overwrite_existing ||
!default_association->KeyExistsInRegistry(RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU)) {
// This method returns a list of all the user level registry entries that are
// needed to make Chromium the default handler for a protocol on XP.
void GetXPStyleUserProtocolEntries(
const std::wstring& protocol,
const std::wstring& chrome_icon,
const std::wstring& chrome_open,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
// Protocols associations.
std::wstring url_key =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, protocol});
// This registry value tells Windows that this 'class' is a URL scheme
// so IE, explorer and other apps will route it to our handler.
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<protocol>\URL Protocol
url_key, ShellUtil::kRegUrlProtocol, std::wstring()));
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<protocol>\DefaultIcon
std::wstring icon_key = url_key + ShellUtil::kRegDefaultIcon;
entries->push_back(std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(icon_key, chrome_icon));
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<protocol>\shell\open\command
std::wstring shell_key = url_key + ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen;
entries->push_back(std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(shell_key, chrome_open));
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<protocol>\shell\open\ddeexec
std::wstring dde_key = url_key + L"\\shell\\open\\ddeexec";
entries->push_back(std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(dde_key, std::wstring()));
// <root hkey>\Software\Classes\<protocol>\shell\@
std::wstring protocol_shell_key = url_key + ShellUtil::kRegShellPath;
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(protocol_shell_key, L"open"));
// This method returns a list of all the user level registry entries that are
// needed to make Chromium default browser on XP. Some of these entries are
// irrelevant in recent versions of Windows, but we register them anyways as
// some legacy apps are hardcoded to lookup those values.
void GetXPStyleDefaultBrowserUserEntries(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>* entries) {
// File extension associations.
std::wstring html_prog_id(GetBrowserProgId(suffix));
for (int i = 0; ShellUtil::kDefaultFileAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
html_prog_id, ShellUtil::kDefaultFileAssociations[i], true, entries);
// Protocols associations.
std::wstring chrome_open = ShellUtil::GetChromeShellOpenCmd(chrome_exe);
std::wstring chrome_icon = ShellUtil::FormatIconLocation(
chrome_exe, install_static::GetAppIconResourceIndex());
for (int i = 0; ShellUtil::kBrowserProtocolAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
chrome_icon, chrome_open, entries);
// start->Internet shortcut.
std::wstring start_menu(ShellUtil::kRegStartMenuInternet);
std::wstring app_name =
base::StrCat({install_static::GetBaseAppName(), suffix});
entries->push_back(std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(start_menu, app_name));
// Checks that all |entries| are present on this computer (or absent if their
// |removal_flag_| is set). |look_for_in| is passed to
// RegistryEntry::ExistsInRegistry(). Documentation for it can be found there.
bool AreEntriesAsDesired(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>& entries,
uint32_t look_for_in) {
for (const auto& entry : entries) {
if (entry->ExistsInRegistry(look_for_in) != !entry->IsFlaggedForRemoval())
return false;
return true;
// Checks that all required registry entries for Chrome are already present on
// this computer (or absent if their |removal_flag_| is set).
// See RegistryEntry::ExistsInRegistry for the behavior of |look_for_in|.
// Note: between r133333 and r154145 we were registering parts of Chrome in HKCU
// and parts in HKLM for user-level installs; we now always register everything
// under a single registry root. Not doing so caused http://crbug.com/144910 for
// users who first-installed Chrome in that revision range (those users are
// still impacted by http://crbug.com/144910). This method will keep returning
// true for affected users (i.e. who have all the registrations, but over both
// registry roots).
bool IsChromeRegistered(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
uint32_t look_for_in) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
GetChromeProgIdEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &entries);
GetShellIntegrationEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &entries);
GetChromeAppRegistrationEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &entries);
return AreEntriesAsDesired(entries, look_for_in);
// This method checks if Chrome is already registered on the local machine
// for the requested protocol associations. It just checks the one value
// required for each association. See RegistryEntry::ExistsInRegistry for the
// behavior of |look_for_in|.
bool IsChromeRegisteredForProtocolAssociations(
const std::wstring& suffix,
const ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations& protocol_associations,
uint32_t look_for_in) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
GetProtocolCapabilityEntries(suffix, protocol_associations, &entries);
return AreEntriesAsDesired(entries, look_for_in);
// This method registers Chrome by launching an elevated setup.exe. That will
// show the user the standard elevation prompt. If the user accepts it the new
// process will make the necessary changes and return SUCCESS that we capture
// and return. If |additional_switches| is non-null, setup.exe will be launched
// with the additional command line args. This is used for general browser
// registration on Windows 7 for per-user installs where setup.exe did not have
// permission to register Chrome during install. It may also be used on Windows
// 7 for system-level installs to register Chrome for specific protocol
// associations (via |additional_switches|).
bool ElevateAndRegisterChrome(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
const base::CommandLine::SwitchMap* additional_switches) {
// Check for setup.exe in the same directory as chrome.exe, as is the case
// when running out of a build output directory.
base::FilePath exe_path = chrome_exe.DirName().Append(installer::kSetupExe);
// Failing that, read the path to setup.exe from Chrome's ClientState key,
// which is the canonical location of the installer for all types of installs
// (see AddUninstallShortcutWorkItems).
const bool is_per_user = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall();
if (!base::PathExists(exe_path)) {
std::wstring uninstall_string;
if (key.ReadValue(installer::kUninstallStringField, &uninstall_string) ==
exe_path = base::FilePath(uninstall_string);
if (base::PathExists(exe_path)) {
base::CommandLine cmd(exe_path);
if (!is_per_user)
if (!suffix.empty()) {
if (additional_switches) {
for (const auto& switch_pair : *additional_switches)
cmd.AppendSwitchNative(switch_pair.first, switch_pair.second);
DWORD ret_val = 0;
InstallUtil::ExecuteExeAsAdmin(cmd, &ret_val);
if (ret_val == 0)
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if |chrome_exe| has been registered with |suffix| for |mode|.
// |confirmation_level| is the level of verification desired as described in
// the RegistrationConfirmationLevel enum above.
// |suffix| can be the empty string (this is used to support old installs
// where we used to not suffix user-level installs if they were the first to
// request the non-suffixed registry entries on the machine).
// NOTE: This a quick check that only validates that a single registry entry
// points to |chrome_exe|. This should only be used at run-time to determine
// how Chrome is registered, not to know whether the registration is complete
// at install-time (IsChromeRegistered() can be used for that).
bool QuickIsChromeRegisteredForMode(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
const install_static::InstallConstants& mode,
RegistrationConfirmationLevel confirmation_level) {
// Get the appropriate key to look for based on the level desired.
std::wstring reg_key;
switch (confirmation_level) {
// Software\Classes\ChromeHTML|suffix|
reg_key = base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator,
mode.browser_prog_id_prefix, suffix});
// Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google Chrome|suffix|
reg_key = GetBrowserClientKey(suffix);
reg_key += ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen;
// ProgId and shell integration registrations are allowed to reside in HKCU
// for user-level installs, and values there have priority over values in
// HKLM.
if (confirmation_level == CONFIRM_PROGID_REGISTRATION ||
confirmation_level == CONFIRM_SHELL_REGISTRATION) {
const RegKey key_hkcu(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
std::wstring hkcu_value;
// If |reg_key| is present in HKCU, assert that it points to |chrome_exe|.
// Otherwise, fall back on an HKLM lookup below.
if (key_hkcu.ReadValue(L"", &hkcu_value) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return installer::ProgramCompare(chrome_exe).Evaluate(hkcu_value);
// Assert that |reg_key| points to |chrome_exe| in HKLM.
const RegKey key_hklm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_key.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
std::wstring hklm_value;
if (key_hklm.ReadValue(L"", &hklm_value) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return installer::ProgramCompare(chrome_exe).Evaluate(hklm_value);
return false;
// Returns true if the current install's |chrome_exe| has been registered with
// |suffix|.
// |confirmation_level| is the level of verification desired as described in
// the RegistrationConfirmationLevel enum above.
// |suffix| can be the empty string (this is used to support old installs
// where we used to not suffix user-level installs if they were the first to
// request the non-suffixed registry entries on the machine).
// NOTE: This a quick check that only validates that a single registry entry
// points to |chrome_exe|. This should only be used at run-time to determine
// how Chrome is registered, not to know whether the registration is complete
// at install-time (IsChromeRegistered() can be used for that).
bool QuickIsChromeRegistered(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix,
RegistrationConfirmationLevel confirmation_level) {
return QuickIsChromeRegisteredForMode(
chrome_exe, suffix, install_static::InstallDetails::Get().mode(),
// Sets |suffix| to a 27 character string that is specific to this user on this
// machine (on user-level installs only).
// To support old-style user-level installs however, |suffix| is cleared if the
// user currently owns the non-suffixed HKLM registrations.
// |suffix| can also be set to the user's username if the current install is
// suffixed as per the old-style registrations.
// |suffix| is cleared on system-level installs.
// |suffix| should then be appended to all Chrome properties that may conflict
// with other Chrome user-level installs.
// Returns true unless one of the underlying calls fails.
bool GetInstallationSpecificSuffix(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
std::wstring* suffix) {
if (!InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall() ||
QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, std::wstring(),
// No suffix on system-level installs and user-level installs already
// registered with no suffix.
return true;
// Get the old suffix for the check below.
if (!ShellUtil::GetOldUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(suffix)) {
return false;
if (QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, *suffix,
// Username suffix for installs that are suffixed as per the old-style.
return true;
return ShellUtil::GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(suffix);
// Returns the root registry key (HKLM or HKCU) under which registrations must
// be placed for this install. As of Windows 8 everything can go in HKCU for
// per-user installs.
HKEY DetermineRegistrationRoot(bool is_per_user) {
// Associates Chrome with supported protocols and file associations. This should
// not be required on Vista+ but since some applications still read
// Software\Classes\http key directly, we have to do this on Vista+ as well.
bool RegisterChromeAsDefaultXPStyle(int shell_change,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
bool ret = true;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
chrome_exe, ShellUtil::GetCurrentInstallationSuffix(chrome_exe),
// Change the default browser for current user.
if ((shell_change & ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER) &&
!ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries)) {
ret = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not make Chrome default browser (XP/current user).";
// Chrome as default browser at system level.
if ((shell_change & ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL) &&
!ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, entries)) {
ret = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not make Chrome default browser (XP/system level).";
return ret;
// Associates Chrome with |protocol| in the registry. This should not be
// required on Vista+ but since some applications still read these registry
// keys directly, we have to do this on Vista+ as well.
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa767914.aspx for more details.
bool RegisterChromeAsDefaultProtocolClientXPStyle(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& protocol) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
const std::wstring chrome_open(ShellUtil::GetChromeShellOpenCmd(chrome_exe));
const std::wstring chrome_icon(ShellUtil::FormatIconLocation(
chrome_exe, install_static::GetAppIconResourceIndex()));
GetXPStyleUserProtocolEntries(protocol, chrome_icon, chrome_open, &entries);
// Change the default protocol handler for current user.
if (!ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not make Chrome default protocol client (XP).";
return false;
return true;
// Returns |properties.shortcut_name| if the property is set, otherwise it
// returns InstallUtil::GetShortcutName(). In any case, it makes sure the return
// value is suffixed with ".lnk".
std::wstring ExtractShortcutNameFromProperties(
const ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties& properties) {
std::wstring shortcut_name = properties.has_shortcut_name()
? properties.shortcut_name
: InstallUtil::GetShortcutName();
if (!base::EndsWith(shortcut_name, installer::kLnkExt,
shortcut_name += installer::kLnkExt;
return shortcut_name;
// Converts ShellUtil::ShortcutOperation to the best-matching value in
// base::win::ShortcutOperation.
base::win::ShortcutOperation TranslateShortcutOperation(
ShellUtil::ShortcutOperation operation) {
switch (operation) {
case ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS: // Falls through.
return base::win::ShortcutOperation::kCreateAlways;
return base::win::ShortcutOperation::kUpdateExisting;
return base::win::ShortcutOperation::kReplaceExisting;
return base::win::ShortcutOperation::kReplaceExisting;
// Returns a base::win::ShortcutProperties struct containing the properties
// to set on the shortcut based on the provided ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties.
base::win::ShortcutProperties TranslateShortcutProperties(
const ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties& properties) {
base::win::ShortcutProperties shortcut_properties;
if (properties.has_target()) {
if (properties.has_arguments())
if (properties.has_description())
if (properties.has_icon())
shortcut_properties.set_icon(properties.icon, properties.icon_index);
if (properties.has_app_id())
if (properties.has_toast_activator_clsid()) {
return shortcut_properties;
// Cleans up an old verb (run) we used to register in
// <root>\Software\Classes\Chrome<.suffix>\.exe\shell\run on Windows 8.
void RemoveRunVerbOnWindows8() {
bool is_per_user_install = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall();
HKEY root_key = DetermineRegistrationRoot(is_per_user_install);
// There's no need to rollback, so forgo the usual work item lists and just
// remove the key from the registry.
std::wstring run_verb_key =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator,
ShellUtil::kRegExePath, ShellUtil::kRegShellPath,
kFilePathSeparator, ShellUtil::kRegVerbRun});
installer::DeleteRegistryKey(root_key, run_verb_key, WorkItem::kWow64Default);
// Probe using IApplicationAssociationRegistration::QueryCurrentDefault
// (Windows 8); see ProbeProtocolHandlers. This mechanism is not suitable for
// use on previous versions of Windows despite the presence of
// QueryCurrentDefault on them since versions of Windows prior to Windows 8
// did not perform validation on the ProgID registered as the current default.
// As a result, stale ProgIDs could be returned, leading to false positives.
ShellUtil::DefaultState ProbeCurrentDefaultHandlers(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const wchar_t* const* protocols,
size_t num_protocols) {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IApplicationAssociationRegistration> registration;
HRESULT hr = ::SHCreateAssociationRegistration(IID_PPV_ARGS(®istration));
if (FAILED(hr))
return ShellUtil::UNKNOWN_DEFAULT;
// Get the ProgID for the current install mode.
std::wstring prog_id =
const int current_install_mode_index =
bool other_mode_is_default = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_protocols; ++i) {
base::win::ScopedCoMem<wchar_t> current_app;
hr = registration->QueryCurrentDefault(protocols[i], AT_URLPROTOCOL,
AL_EFFECTIVE, ¤t_app);
if (FAILED(hr))
return ShellUtil::NOT_DEFAULT;
if (prog_id.compare(current_app) == 0)
// See if another mode is the default handler for this protocol.
size_t current_app_len = std::char_traits<wchar_t>::length(current_app);
const auto* it = std::find_if(
[current_install_mode_index, ¤t_app,
current_app_len](const install_static::InstallConstants& mode) {
if (mode.index == current_install_mode_index) {
return false;
const std::wstring mode_prog_id_prefix(mode.browser_prog_id_prefix);
// Does the current app either match this mode's ProgID or contain
// this mode's ProgID as a prefix followed by the '.' separator for a
// per-user install's suffix?
if (!base::StartsWith(current_app.get(), mode_prog_id_prefix,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
return false;
return current_app_len == mode_prog_id_prefix.length() ||
current_app[mode_prog_id_prefix.length()] == L'.';
if (it == &install_static::kInstallModes[install_static::NUM_INSTALL_MODES])
return ShellUtil::NOT_DEFAULT;
other_mode_is_default = true;
// This mode is default if it has all of the protocols.
return other_mode_is_default ? ShellUtil::OTHER_MODE_IS_DEFAULT
: ShellUtil::IS_DEFAULT;
// A helper function that probes default protocol handler registration (in a
// manner appropriate for the current version of Windows) to determine if
// Chrome is the default handler for |protocols|. Returns IS_DEFAULT
// only if Chrome is the default for all specified protocols.
ShellUtil::DefaultState ProbeProtocolHandlers(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const wchar_t* const* protocols,
size_t num_protocols) {
DCHECK(!num_protocols || protocols);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_protocols; ++i)
DCHECK(protocols[i] && *protocols[i]);
return ProbeCurrentDefaultHandlers(chrome_exe, protocols, num_protocols);
// Finds and stores an app shortcuts folder path in *`path`.
// Returns true on success.
bool GetAppShortcutsFolder(ShellUtil::ShellChange level, base::FilePath* path) {
base::FilePath folder;
if (!base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_APP_SHORTCUTS, &folder)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get application shortcuts location.";
return false;
folder = folder.Append(
ShellUtil::GetBrowserModelId(level == ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER));
if (!base::DirectoryExists(folder)) {
VLOG(1) << "No start screen shortcuts.";
return false;
*path = folder;
return true;
// Shortcut filters for BatchShortcutAction().
using ShortcutFilterCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const base::FilePath& shortcut_path,
const std::wstring& args)>;
// FilterTargetContains is a shortcut filter that matches shortcuts that target
// any of a set of candidate files, and optionally matches shortcuts that have
// non-empty arguments.
class FilterTargetContains {
FilterTargetContains(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& target_paths,
bool require_args);
// Returns true if filter rules are satisfied, i.e.:
// - |target_path|'s target == |desired_target_compare_|, and
// - |args| is non-empty (if |require_args_| == true).
bool Match(const base::FilePath& target_path, const std::wstring& args) const;
// A convenience routine to create a callback to call Match().
// The callback is only valid during the lifetime of the FilterTargetEq
// instance.
ShortcutFilterCallback AsShortcutFilterCallback();
std::vector<installer::ProgramCompare> desired_target_compare_;
bool require_args_;
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& target_paths,
bool require_args)
: desired_target_compare_(std::begin(target_paths), std::end(target_paths)),
require_args_(require_args) {}
bool FilterTargetContains::Match(const base::FilePath& target_path,
const std::wstring& args) const {
if (base::ranges::none_of(desired_target_compare_,
[&target_path](const auto& target_compare) {
return target_compare.EvaluatePath(target_path);
})) {
return false;
if (require_args_ && args.empty())
return false;
return true;
ShortcutFilterCallback FilterTargetContains::AsShortcutFilterCallback() {
return base::BindRepeating(&FilterTargetContains::Match,
// Shortcut operations for BatchShortcutAction().
using ShortcutOperationCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const base::FilePath& shortcut_path)>;
bool ShortcutOpUnpinFromTaskbar(const base::FilePath& shortcut_path) {
VLOG(1) << "Trying to unpin from taskbar " << shortcut_path.value();
if (!UnpinShortcutFromTaskbar(shortcut_path)) {
VLOG(1) << shortcut_path.value()
<< " wasn't pinned to taskbar (or the unpin failed).";
// No error, since shortcut might not be pinned.
return true;
bool ShortcutOpDelete(const base::FilePath& shortcut_path) {
bool ret = base::DeleteFile(shortcut_path);
PLOG_IF(ERROR, !ret) << "Failed to remove " << shortcut_path.value();
return ret;
bool ShortcutOpRetarget(const base::FilePath& old_target,
const base::FilePath& new_target,
const base::FilePath& shortcut_path) {
base::win::ShortcutProperties new_prop;
// If the old icon matches old target, then update icon while keeping the old
// icon index. Non-fatal if we fail to get the old icon.
base::win::ShortcutProperties old_prop;
if (base::win::ResolveShortcutProperties(
shortcut_path, base::win::ShortcutProperties::PROPERTIES_ICON,
&old_prop)) {
if (installer::ProgramCompare(old_target).EvaluatePath(old_prop.icon))
new_prop.set_icon(new_target, old_prop.icon_index);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve " << shortcut_path.value();
bool result = base::win::CreateOrUpdateShortcutLink(
shortcut_path, new_prop, base::win::ShortcutOperation::kUpdateExisting);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !result) << "Failed to retarget " << shortcut_path.value();
return result;
bool ShortcutOpListOrRemoveUnknownArgs(
bool do_removal,
std::vector<std::pair<base::FilePath, std::wstring>>* shortcuts,
const base::FilePath& shortcut_path) {
std::wstring args;
if (!base::win::ResolveShortcut(shortcut_path, nullptr, &args))
return false;
base::CommandLine current_args(
base::CommandLine::FromString(L"unused_program " + args));
const char* const kept_switches[] = {
base::CommandLine desired_args(base::CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
desired_args.CopySwitchesFrom(current_args, kept_switches);
if (desired_args.argv().size() == current_args.argv().size())
return true;
if (shortcuts)
shortcuts->push_back(std::make_pair(shortcut_path, args));
if (!do_removal)
return true;
base::win::ShortcutProperties updated_properties;
return base::win::CreateOrUpdateShortcutLink(
shortcut_path, updated_properties,
bool ShortcutOpResetAttributes(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
const DWORD kAllowedAttributes =
DWORD attributes = ::GetFileAttributes(file_path.value().c_str());
if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
return false;
if ((attributes & (~kAllowedAttributes)) == 0)
return true;
return ::SetFileAttributes(file_path.value().c_str(),
attributes & kAllowedAttributes);
// {|location|, |level|} determine |shortcut_folder|.
// For each shortcut in |shortcut_folder| that match |shortcut_filter|, apply
// |shortcut_operation|. Returns true if all operations are successful.
// All intended operations are attempted, even if failures occur.
// This method will abort and return false if |cancel| is non-nullptr and gets
// set at any point during this call.
bool BatchShortcutAction(
const ShortcutFilterCallback& shortcut_filter,
const ShortcutOperationCallback& shortcut_operation,
ShellUtil::ShortcutLocation location,
ShellUtil::ShellChange level,
const scoped_refptr<ShellUtil::SharedCancellationFlag>& cancel) {
// There is no system-level Quick Launch shortcut folder.
if (level == ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL &&
return true;
base::FilePath shortcut_folder;
if (!ShellUtil::GetShortcutPath(location, level, &shortcut_folder)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find path at location " << location;
return false;
bool success = true;
base::FileEnumerator enumerator(shortcut_folder, false,
std::wstring(L"*") + installer::kLnkExt);
base::FilePath target_path;
std::wstring args;
for (base::FilePath shortcut_path = enumerator.Next(); !shortcut_path.empty();
shortcut_path = enumerator.Next()) {
if (cancel.get() && cancel->data.IsSet())
return false;
if (base::win::ResolveShortcut(shortcut_path, &target_path, &args)) {
if (shortcut_filter.Run(target_path, args) &&
!shortcut_operation.Run(shortcut_path)) {
success = false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot resolve shortcut at " << shortcut_path.value();
success = false;
return success;
// If the folder specified by {|location|, |level|} is empty, remove it.
// Otherwise do nothing. Returns true on success, including the vacuous case
// where no deletion occurred because directory is non-empty.
bool RemoveShortcutFolderIfEmpty(ShellUtil::ShortcutLocation location,
ShellUtil::ShellChange level) {
// Explicitly allow locations, since accidental calls can be very harmful.
if (location !=
return false;
base::FilePath shortcut_folder;
if (!ShellUtil::GetShortcutPath(location, level, &shortcut_folder)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find path at location " << location;
return false;
if (base::IsDirectoryEmpty(shortcut_folder) &&
!base::DeletePathRecursively(shortcut_folder)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot remove folder " << shortcut_folder.value();
return false;
return true;
// Return a shortened version of |component|. Cut in the middle to try
// to avoid losing the unique parts of |component| (which are usually
// at the beginning or end for things like usernames and paths).
std::wstring ShortenAppModelIdComponent(const std::wstring& component,
int desired_length) {
return component.substr(0, desired_length / 2) +
component.substr(component.length() - ((desired_length + 1) / 2));
// Gets the registry entry which stores the default handler for |protocol|.
std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry> GetProtocolUserChoiceEntry(
const std::wstring& protocol) {
std::wstring user_choice_path = base::StrCat(
protocol, L"\\UserChoice"});
return std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(user_choice_path.c_str(), kRegProgId);
// Gets a ProtocolAssociations instance containing a single association where
// |protocol| is handled by the default HTML browser handler.
ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations GetBrowserProtocolAssociation(
const std::wstring& protocol,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations protocol_associations;
std::wstring suffix;
if (!GetInstallationSpecificSuffix(chrome_exe, &suffix))
return protocol_associations;
std::wstring browser_progid = GetBrowserProgId(suffix);
if (browser_progid.empty())
return protocol_associations;
return protocol_associations;
bool RegisterChromeBrowserImpl(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& unique_suffix,
bool elevate_if_not_admin,
bool best_effort_no_rollback) {
base::CommandLine& command_line = *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
std::wstring suffix;
if (!unique_suffix.empty()) {
suffix = unique_suffix;
} else if (command_line.HasSwitch(
installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) {
suffix = command_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
} else if (!GetInstallationSpecificSuffix(chrome_exe, &suffix)) {
return false;
bool user_level = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall();
HKEY root = DetermineRegistrationRoot(user_level);
// Look only in HKLM for system-level installs (otherwise, if a user-level
// install is also present, it will lead IsChromeRegistered() to think this
// system-level install isn't registered properly as it is shadowed by the
// user-level install's registrations).
uint32_t look_for_in = user_level ? RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU_THEN_HKLM
: RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKLM;
// Check if chrome is already registered with this suffix.
if (IsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, suffix, look_for_in))
return true;
// Ensure that the shell is notified of the mutations below. Specific exit
// points may disable this if no mutations are made.
absl::Cleanup notify_on_exit = [] {
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
// Do the full registration at user-level or if the user is an admin.
if (root == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || IsUserAnAdmin()) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> progid_and_appreg_entries;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> shell_entries;
GetChromeProgIdEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &progid_and_appreg_entries);
GetChromeAppRegistrationEntries(chrome_exe, suffix,
GetShellIntegrationEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &shell_entries);
return ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(root, progid_and_appreg_entries,
best_effort_no_rollback) &&
ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(root, shell_entries,
// The installer is responsible for registration for system-level installs, so
// never try to do it here. Getting to this point for a system-level install
// likely means that IsChromeRegistered thinks registration is broken due to
// localization issues (see https://crbug.com/717913#c18). It likely is not,
// so return success to allow Chrome to be made default.
if (!user_level) {
return true;
// Try to elevate and register if requested for per-user installs if the user
// is not an admin.
if (elevate_if_not_admin &&
ElevateAndRegisterChrome(chrome_exe, suffix, nullptr)) {
return true;
// If we got to this point then all we can do is create ProgId and basic app
// registrations under HKCU.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
GetChromeProgIdEntries(chrome_exe, std::wstring(), &entries);
// Prefer to use |suffix|; unless Chrome's ProgIds are already registered with
// no suffix (as per the old registration style): in which case some other
// registry entries could refer to them and since we were not able to set our
// HKLM entries above, we are better off not altering these here.
if (!AreEntriesAsDesired(entries, RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU)) {
if (!suffix.empty()) {
GetChromeProgIdEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &entries);
GetChromeAppRegistrationEntries(chrome_exe, suffix, &entries);
return ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries,
// The ProgId is registered unsuffixed in HKCU, also register the app with
// Windows in HKCU (this was not done in the old registration style and thus
// needs to be done after the above check for the unsuffixed registration).
GetChromeAppRegistrationEntries(chrome_exe, std::wstring(), &entries);
return ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries,
// Registers a set of protocols for a particular application in the Windows
// registry.
// This method is not supported and should not be called in Windows versions
// prior to Win8, where write access to HKLM is required.
// |protocols| is the set of protocols to register. Must not be empty.
// |prog_id| is the ProgId used by Windows for protocol associations with this
// application. Must not be empty or start with a '.'.
// |chrome_exe|: the full path to chrome.exe.
bool RegisterApplicationForProtocols(const std::vector<std::wstring>& protocols,
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo app_info =
// Build the Windows Default Programs capabilities key for the app.
// "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\[CompanyPathName\]ProductPathName[install_suffix]\AppProtocolHandlers\|prog_id|\Capabilities".
std::wstring capabilities_path = base::StrCat(
{install_static::GetRegistryPath(), ShellUtil::kRegAppProtocolHandlers,
kFilePathSeparator, prog_id, L"\\Capabilities"});
capabilities_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationName,
// Use name as app description if description from |prog_id| registration is
// empty.
std::wstring app_description = app_info.application_description.empty()
? app_info.application_name
: app_info.application_description;
capabilities_path, ShellUtil::kRegApplicationDescription,
// Create URLAssociations
const std::wstring url_associations =
base::StrCat({std::wstring(capabilities_path), L"\\URLAssociations"});
for (const auto& protocol : protocols) {
std::make_unique<RegistryEntry>(url_associations, protocol, prog_id));
// Add the |prog_id| value to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\RegisteredApplications.
ShellUtil::kRegRegisteredApplications, prog_id, capabilities_path));
return AreEntriesAsDesired(entries, RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU) ||
ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries);
bool DeleteFileExtensionsForProgId(const std::wstring& prog_id) {
const std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
// Get list of handled file extensions from value FileExtensions at
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\|prog_id|.
RegKey file_extensions_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, prog_id_path.c_str(),
std::wstring handled_file_extensions;
if (file_extensions_key.ReadValue(
kFileExtensions, &handled_file_extensions) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
const std::vector<std::wstring> file_extensions =
base::SplitString(handled_file_extensions, std::wstring(L";"),
// Delete file-extension-handling registry entries for each file extension.
for (const auto& file_extension : file_extensions) {
std::wstring extension_path = base::StrCat(
{ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, file_extension});
// Delete value |prog_id| at
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.<extension>\OpenWithProgids;
// this removes |prog_id| from the list of handlers for |file_extension|.
{kFilePathSeparator, ShellUtil::kRegOpenWithProgids});
installer::DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, extension_path,
WorkItem::kWow64Default, prog_id);
// Note: if |prog_id| is later reinstalled with fewer extensions, it may
// still appear in the Open With menu for extensions that it previously
// handled due to cached entries in the most-recently-used list. These
// entries can't be cleaned up by apps, so this is an unavoidable quirk
// of Windows. See crbug.com/1177401 for details.
// Delete the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\|prog_id|.
return ShellUtil::DeleteApplicationClass(prog_id);
} // namespace
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegAppProtocolHandlers = L"\\AppProtocolHandlers";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegDefaultIcon = L"\\DefaultIcon";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegShellPath = L"\\shell";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen = L"\\shell\\open\\command";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegSoftware = L"Software\\";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegStartMenuInternet =
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegClasses = L"Software\\Classes";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegRegisteredApplications =
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegVistaUrlPrefs =
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kAppPathsRegistryKey =
L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kAppPathsRegistryPathName = L"Path";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kDefaultFileAssociations[] = {
L".htm", L".html", L".shtml", L".xht", L".xhtml", nullptr};
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kPotentialFileAssociations[] = {
L".htm", L".html", L".pdf", L".shtml", L".svg",
L".xht", L".xhtml", L".webp", nullptr};
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kBrowserProtocolAssociations[] = {L"http", L"https",
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations[] = {
L"http", L"https", L"irc", L"mailto", L"mms", L"news", L"nntp",
L"sms", L"smsto", L"snews", L"tel", L"urn", L"webcal", nullptr};
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegUrlProtocol = L"URL Protocol";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegApplication = L"\\Application";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegAppUserModelId = L"AppUserModelId";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegApplicationDescription =
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegApplicationName = L"ApplicationName";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegApplicationIcon = L"ApplicationIcon";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegApplicationCompany = L"ApplicationCompany";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegExePath = L"\\.exe";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegVerbOpen = L"open";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegVerbOpenNewWindow = L"opennewwindow";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegVerbRun = L"run";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegCommand = L"command";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegDelegateExecute = L"DelegateExecute";
const wchar_t* ShellUtil::kRegOpenWithProgids = L"OpenWithProgids";
ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties::ShortcutProperties(ShellChange level_in)
: level(level_in), icon_index(0), pin_to_taskbar(false), options(0U) {}
const ShortcutProperties& other) = default;
ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties::~ShortcutProperties() = default;
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo::ApplicationInfo() = default;
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo::ApplicationInfo(ApplicationInfo&& other) noexcept =
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo::~ApplicationInfo() = default;
bool ShellUtil::QuickIsChromeRegisteredInHKLM(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& suffix) {
return QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, suffix,
bool ShellUtil::ShortcutLocationIsSupported(ShortcutLocation location) {
switch (location) {
case SHORTCUT_LOCATION_DESKTOP: // Falls through.
case SHORTCUT_LOCATION_STARTUP: // Falls through.
return true;
return false;
bool ShellUtil::GetShortcutPath(ShortcutLocation location,
ShellChange level,
base::FilePath* path) {
int dir_key = -1;
std::wstring folder_to_append;
switch (location) {
dir_key = (level == CURRENT_USER) ? int{base::DIR_USER_DESKTOP}
// There is no support for a system-level Quick Launch shortcut.
dir_key = base::DIR_USER_QUICK_LAUNCH;
dir_key = (level == CURRENT_USER) ? base::DIR_START_MENU
dir_key = (level == CURRENT_USER) ? base::DIR_START_MENU
folder_to_append = InstallUtil::GetChromeShortcutDirNameDeprecated();
dir_key = (level == CURRENT_USER) ? base::DIR_START_MENU
folder_to_append = InstallUtil::GetChromeAppsShortcutDirName();
dir_key = base::DIR_TASKBAR_PINS;
// TODO(huangs): Move GetAppShortcutsFolder() logic into base_paths_win.
return GetAppShortcutsFolder(level, path);
dir_key = (level == CURRENT_USER) ? base::DIR_USER_STARTUP
if (!base::PathService::Get(dir_key, path) || path->empty())
return false;
if (!folder_to_append.empty())
*path = path->Append(folder_to_append);
return true;
// Modifies a ShortcutProperties object by adding default values to
// uninitialized members. Tries to assign:
// - target: |target_exe|.
// - icon: from |target_exe|.
// - icon_index: the browser's icon index
// - app_id: the browser model id for the current install.
// - description: the browser's app description.
// static
void ShellUtil::AddDefaultShortcutProperties(const base::FilePath& target_exe,
ShortcutProperties* properties) {
if (!properties->has_target())
if (!properties->has_icon())
properties->set_icon(target_exe, install_static::GetAppIconResourceIndex());
if (!properties->has_app_id()) {
if (!properties->has_description())
bool ShellUtil::MoveExistingShortcut(ShortcutLocation old_location,
ShortcutLocation new_location,
const ShortcutProperties& properties) {
// Explicitly allow locations to which this is applicable.
return false;
std::wstring shortcut_name(ExtractShortcutNameFromProperties(properties));
base::FilePath old_shortcut_path;
base::FilePath new_shortcut_path;
GetShortcutPath(old_location, properties.level, &old_shortcut_path);
GetShortcutPath(new_location, properties.level, &new_shortcut_path);
old_shortcut_path = old_shortcut_path.Append(shortcut_name);
new_shortcut_path = new_shortcut_path.Append(shortcut_name);
bool result = base::Move(old_shortcut_path, new_shortcut_path);
RemoveShortcutFolderIfEmpty(old_location, properties.level);
return result;
bool ShellUtil::TranslateShortcutCreationOrUpdateInfo(
ShortcutLocation location,
const ShortcutProperties& properties,
ShortcutOperation operation,
base::win::ShortcutOperation& base_operation,
base::win::ShortcutProperties& base_properties,
bool& should_install_shortcut,
base::FilePath& shortcut_path) {
// Explicitly allow locations to which this is applicable.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid shortcut location " << location;
return false;
base::FilePath user_shortcut_path;
base::FilePath system_shortcut_path;
// There is no system-level shortcut for Quick Launch.
DCHECK_EQ(properties.level, CURRENT_USER);
} else if (!GetShortcutPath(location, SYSTEM_LEVEL, &system_shortcut_path)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get path for system-level shortcut at location "
<< location;
return false;
std::wstring shortcut_name(ExtractShortcutNameFromProperties(properties));
system_shortcut_path = system_shortcut_path.Append(shortcut_name);
base::FilePath* chosen_path;
should_install_shortcut = true;
if (properties.level == SYSTEM_LEVEL) {
// Install the system-level shortcut if requested.
chosen_path = &system_shortcut_path;
system_shortcut_path.empty() ||
!base::PathExists(system_shortcut_path)) {
// Otherwise install the user-level shortcut, unless the system-level
// variant of this shortcut is present on the machine and `operation` states
// not to create a user-level shortcut in that case.
if (!GetShortcutPath(location, CURRENT_USER, &user_shortcut_path)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get path for user-level shortcut at location "
<< location;
return false;
user_shortcut_path = user_shortcut_path.Append(shortcut_name);
chosen_path = &user_shortcut_path;
} else {
// Do not install any shortcut if we are told to install a user-level
// shortcut, but the system-level variant of that shortcut is present.
// Other actions (e.g., pinning) can still happen with respect to the
// existing system-level shortcut however.
chosen_path = &system_shortcut_path;
should_install_shortcut = false;
base_operation = TranslateShortcutOperation(operation);
base_properties = TranslateShortcutProperties(properties);
shortcut_path = *chosen_path;
return true;
bool ShellUtil::CreateOrUpdateShortcut(ShortcutLocation location,
const ShortcutProperties& properties,
ShortcutOperation operation,
bool* pinned) {
// |pin_to_taskbar| is only acknowledged when first creating the shortcut.
DCHECK(!properties.pin_to_taskbar ||
base::win::ShortcutProperties shortcut_properties;
base::win::ShortcutOperation shortcut_operation;
base::FilePath shortcut_path;
bool should_install_shortcut;
if (!TranslateShortcutCreationOrUpdateInfo(
location, properties, operation, shortcut_operation,
shortcut_properties, should_install_shortcut, shortcut_path)) {
return false;
if (should_install_shortcut &&
!base::win::CreateOrUpdateShortcutLink(shortcut_path, shortcut_properties,
shortcut_operation)) {
return false;
if (shortcut_operation == base::win::ShortcutOperation::kCreateAlways &&
properties.pin_to_taskbar && CanPinShortcutToTaskbar()) {
bool pin_succeeded = PinShortcutToTaskbar(shortcut_path);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !pin_succeeded)
<< "Failed to pin to taskbar " << shortcut_path.value();
if (pinned)
*pinned = pin_succeeded;
if (pin_succeeded) {
::SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
return true;
std::wstring ShellUtil::FormatIconLocation(const base::FilePath& icon_path,
int icon_index) {
return base::StrCat(
{icon_path.value(), L",", base::NumberToWString(icon_index)});
std::optional<std::pair<base::FilePath, int>> ShellUtil::ParseIconLocation(
const std::wstring& argument) {
std::vector<std::wstring> icon_parts =
base::SplitString(argument, std::wstring(L","), base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
if (icon_parts.size() < 2)
return std::nullopt;
int icon_index = 0;
base::StringToInt(icon_parts[1], &icon_index);
return std::make_pair(base::FilePath(icon_parts[0]), icon_index);
std::wstring ShellUtil::GetChromeShellOpenCmd(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
return base::CommandLine(chrome_exe).GetCommandLineStringForShell();
std::wstring ShellUtil::GetChromeDelegateCommand(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
return L"\"" + chrome_exe.value() + L"\" -- %*";
void ShellUtil::GetRegisteredBrowsers(
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>* browsers) {
const std::wstring base_key(kRegStartMenuInternet);
std::wstring client_path;
RegKey key;
std::wstring name;
std::wstring command;
// HKCU has precedence over HKLM for these registrations: http://goo.gl/xjczJ.
// Look in HKCU second to override any identical values found in HKLM.
for (const HKEY root : roots) {
for (base::win::RegistryKeyIterator iter(root, base_key.c_str());
iter.Valid(); ++iter) {
client_path = base::StrCat({base_key, kFilePathSeparator, iter.Name()});
// Read the browser's name (localized according to install language).
if (key.Open(root, client_path.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE) !=
key.ReadValue(nullptr, &name) != ERROR_SUCCESS || name.empty() ||
name.find(install_static::GetBaseAppName()) != std::wstring::npos) {
// Read the browser's reinstall command.
if (key.Open(root, (client_path + L"\\InstallInfo").c_str(),
key.ReadValue(kReinstallCommand, &command) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
!command.empty()) {
(*browsers)[name] = command;
std::wstring ShellUtil::GetCurrentInstallationSuffix(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
// This method is somewhat the opposite of GetInstallationSpecificSuffix().
// In this case we are not trying to determine the current suffix for the
// upcoming installation (i.e. not trying to stick to a currently bad
// registration style if one is present).
// Here we want to determine which suffix we should use at run-time.
// In order of preference, we prefer (for user-level installs):
// 1) Base 32 encoding of the md5 hash of the user's sid (new-style).
// 2) Username (old-style).
// 3) Unsuffixed (even worse).
std::wstring tested_suffix;
if (InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall() &&
(!GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(&tested_suffix) ||
!QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, tested_suffix,
(!GetOldUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(&tested_suffix) ||
!QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, tested_suffix,
!QuickIsChromeRegistered(chrome_exe, tested_suffix.erase(),
// If Chrome is not registered under any of the possible suffixes (e.g.
// tests, Canary, etc.): use the new-style suffix at run-time.
if (!GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(&tested_suffix))
return tested_suffix;
std::wstring ShellUtil::GetBrowserModelId(bool is_per_user_install) {
std::wstring app_id(install_static::GetBaseAppId());
std::wstring suffix;
// TODO(robertshield): Temporary hack to make the kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix
// apply to all registry values computed down in these murky depths.
base::CommandLine& command_line = *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (command_line.HasSwitch(
installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) {
suffix = command_line.GetSwitchValueNative(
} else if (is_per_user_install && !GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(&suffix)) {
app_id += suffix;
if (app_id.length() <= installer::kMaxAppModelIdLength)
return app_id;
return ShortenAppModelIdComponent(app_id, installer::kMaxAppModelIdLength);
std::wstring ShellUtil::BuildAppUserModelId(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& components) {
DCHECK_GT(components.size(), 0U);
// Find the maximum numbers of characters allowed in each component
// (accounting for the dots added between each component).
const size_t available_chars =
installer::kMaxAppModelIdLength - (components.size() - 1);
const size_t max_component_length = available_chars / components.size();
// |max_component_length| should be at least 2; otherwise the truncation logic
// below breaks.
if (max_component_length < 2U) {
return (*components.begin()).substr(0, installer::kMaxAppModelIdLength);
std::wstring app_id;
for (std::vector<std::wstring>::const_iterator it = components.begin();
it != components.end(); ++it) {
if (it != components.begin())
app_id += L'.';
const std::wstring& component = *it;
if (component.length() > max_component_length) {
app_id += ShortenAppModelIdComponent(component, max_component_length);
} else {
app_id += component;
// No spaces are allowed in the AppUserModelId according to MSDN.
base::ReplaceChars(app_id, L" ", L"_", &app_id);
return app_id;
ShellUtil::DefaultState ShellUtil::GetChromeDefaultState() {
base::FilePath app_path;
if (!base::PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &app_path)) {
return GetChromeDefaultStateFromPath(app_path);
ShellUtil::DefaultState ShellUtil::GetChromeDefaultStateFromPath(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
// When we check for default browser we don't necessarily want to count file
// type handlers and icons as having changed the default browser status,
// since the user may have changed their shell settings to cause HTML files
// to open with a text editor for example. We also don't want to aggressively
// claim FTP, since the user may have a separate FTP client. It is an open
// question as to how to "heal" these settings. Perhaps the user should just
// re-run the installer or run with the --set-default-browser command line
// flag. There is doubtless some other key we can hook into to cause "Repair"
// to show up in Add/Remove programs for us.
static const wchar_t* const kChromeProtocols[] = {L"http", L"https"};
DefaultState default_state = ProbeProtocolHandlers(
chrome_exe, kChromeProtocols, std::size(kChromeProtocols));
return default_state;
ShellUtil::DefaultState ShellUtil::GetChromeDefaultProtocolClientState(
const std::wstring& protocol) {
if (protocol.empty())
base::FilePath chrome_exe;
if (!base::PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_exe)) {
const wchar_t* const protocols[] = {protocol.c_str()};
return ProbeProtocolHandlers(chrome_exe, protocols, std::size(protocols));
// static
bool ShellUtil::CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended() {
return base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN8;
bool ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault(int shell_change,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
bool elevate_if_not_admin) {
DCHECK(!(shell_change & SYSTEM_LEVEL) || IsUserAnAdmin());
if (!install_static::SupportsSetAsDefaultBrowser())
return false;
// Windows 8 does not permit making a browser default just like that.
// This process needs to be routed through the system's UI. Use
// ShowMakeChromeDefaultSystemUI instead (below).
if (!CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended()) {
return false;
if (!RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_exe, std::wstring(),
elevate_if_not_admin)) {
return false;
bool ret = true;
// First use the new "recommended" way on Vista to make Chrome default
// browser.
std::wstring app_name = GetApplicationName(chrome_exe);
// On Windows 7 we still can set ourselves via the the
// IApplicationAssociationRegistration interface.
VLOG(1) << "Registering Chrome as default browser on Windows 7.";
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IApplicationAssociationRegistration> pAAR;
HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
for (int i = 0; kBrowserProtocolAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
hr = pAAR->SetAppAsDefault(
app_name.c_str(), kBrowserProtocolAssociations[i], AT_URLPROTOCOL);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ret = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to register as default for protocol "
<< kBrowserProtocolAssociations[i] << " (" << hr << ")";
for (int i = 0; kDefaultFileAssociations[i] != nullptr; i++) {
hr = pAAR->SetAppAsDefault(app_name.c_str(), kDefaultFileAssociations[i],
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ret = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to register as default for file extension "
<< kDefaultFileAssociations[i] << " (" << hr << ")";
if (!RegisterChromeAsDefaultXPStyle(shell_change, chrome_exe))
ret = false;
// Send Windows notification event so that it can update icons for
// file associations.
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
return ret;
// static
bool ShellUtil::LaunchUninstallAppsSettings() {
static constexpr wchar_t kControlPanelAppModelId[] =
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IApplicationActivationManager> activator;
HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager, nullptr,
CLSCTX_ALL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&activator));
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
DWORD pid = 0;
CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(activator.Get(), nullptr);
hr = activator->ActivateApplication(
kControlPanelAppModelId, L"page=SettingsPageAppsSizes", AO_NONE, &pid);
return SUCCEEDED(hr);
bool ShellUtil::ShowMakeChromeDefaultSystemUI(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
if (!install_static::SupportsSetAsDefaultBrowser())
return false;
if (!RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_exe, std::wstring(), true))
return false;
bool succeeded = true;
bool is_default = (GetChromeDefaultState() == IS_DEFAULT);
bool is_win11_or_greater =
base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN11;
if (!is_default) {
if (is_win11_or_greater) {
// Launch the Windows Apps Settings dialog and navigate to the settings
// page for Chrome.
bool is_per_user_install = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall();
std::wstring settings_url =
is_per_user_install ? L"registeredAppUser="
: L"registeredAppMachine=",
succeeded = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
ShellExecute(nullptr, L"open", settings_url.c_str(),
nullptr, nullptr, SW_SHOWNORMAL)) > 32;
if (!is_win11_or_greater || !succeeded) {
// Launch the Windows Apps Settings dialog.
succeeded = base::win::LaunchDefaultAppsSettingsModernDialog(L"http");
if (succeeded && is_default)
RegisterChromeAsDefaultXPStyle(CURRENT_USER, chrome_exe);
return succeeded;
bool ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefaultProtocolClient(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& protocol) {
if (!install_static::SupportsSetAsDefaultBrowser())
return false;
if (!RegisterChromeForProtocols(
chrome_exe, std::wstring(),
GetBrowserProtocolAssociation(protocol, chrome_exe), true)) {
return false;
// Windows 8 does not permit making a browser default just like that.
// This process needs to be routed through the system's UI. Use
// ShowMakeChromeDefaultProtocolClientSystemUI instead (below).
if (!CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended())
return false;
bool ret = true;
// First use the "recommended" way introduced in Vista to make Chrome default
// protocol handler.
VLOG(1) << "Registering Chrome as default handler for " << protocol
<< " on Windows 7.";
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IApplicationAssociationRegistration> pAAR;
HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
std::wstring app_name = GetApplicationName(chrome_exe);
hr = pAAR->SetAppAsDefault(app_name.c_str(), protocol.c_str(),
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ret = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not make Chrome default protocol client (Windows 7):"
<< " HRESULT=" << hr << ".";
// Now use the old way to associate Chrome with the desired protocol. This
// should not be required on Vista+, but since some applications still read
// Software\Classes\<protocol> key directly, do this on Vista+ also.
if (!RegisterChromeAsDefaultProtocolClientXPStyle(chrome_exe, protocol))
ret = false;
return ret;
bool ShellUtil::ShowMakeChromeDefaultProtocolClientSystemUI(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& protocol) {
if (!install_static::SupportsSetAsDefaultBrowser())
return false;
if (!RegisterChromeForProtocols(
chrome_exe, std::wstring(),
GetBrowserProtocolAssociation(protocol, chrome_exe), true)) {
return false;
::SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
bool succeeded = true;
bool is_default =
(GetChromeDefaultProtocolClientState(protocol) == IS_DEFAULT);
if (!is_default) {
// Launch the Windows settings dialog.
succeeded =
is_default = (succeeded &&
GetChromeDefaultProtocolClientState(protocol) == IS_DEFAULT);
if (succeeded && is_default)
RegisterChromeAsDefaultProtocolClientXPStyle(chrome_exe, protocol);
return succeeded;
bool ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& unique_suffix,
bool elevate_if_not_admin) {
return RegisterChromeBrowserImpl(chrome_exe, unique_suffix,
void ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowserBestEffort(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
RegisterChromeBrowserImpl(chrome_exe, std::wstring(),
ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations::ProtocolAssociations() = default;
const std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring>>&&
: associations(std::move(protocol_associations)) {}
ProtocolAssociations&& other) = default;
ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations::~ProtocolAssociations() = default;
std::wstring ShellUtil::ProtocolAssociations::ToCommandLineArgument() const {
// Setup.exe expects protocol associations to be passed as key/value pairs
// in the following format:
// |protocol|:|handler_progid|[,|protocol|:|handler_progid|, ...]
std::wstring cmd_arg;
for (auto i = associations.begin(); i != associations.end(); ++i) {
base::StrAppend(&cmd_arg, {i->first, L":", i->second});
// Add a comma delimiter for all key/value pairs except the last pair.
if (i != std::prev(associations.end()))
cmd_arg += (L",");
return cmd_arg;
const std::wstring& argument) {
// Given that protocol associations are stored in a string in the following
// format:
// |protocol|:|handler_progid|[,|protocol|:|handler_progid|, ...],
// split the string into key value pairs and initialize ProtocolAssociations.
base::StringPairs protocol_association_string_pairs;
base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(base::WideToUTF8(argument), ':', ',',
if (protocol_association_string_pairs.empty())
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring>> protocol_association_pairs;
for (const auto& association_pair : protocol_association_string_pairs) {
std::wstring protocol = base::UTF8ToWide(association_pair.first);
std::wstring handler_progid = base::UTF8ToWide(association_pair.second);
protocol_association_pairs.emplace_back(protocol, handler_progid);
ProtocolAssociations protocol_associations(
return protocol_associations;
bool ShellUtil::RegisterChromeForProtocols(
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& unique_suffix,
const ProtocolAssociations& protocol_associations,
bool elevate_if_not_admin) {
std::wstring suffix;
if (!unique_suffix.empty()) {
suffix = unique_suffix;
} else if (!GetInstallationSpecificSuffix(chrome_exe, &suffix)) {
return false;
bool user_level = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall();
HKEY root = DetermineRegistrationRoot(user_level);
// Look only in HKLM for system-level installs (otherwise, if a user-level
// install is also present, it could lead
// IsChromeRegisteredForProtocolAssociations() to think this system-level
// install isn't registered properly as it may be shadowed by the user-level
// install's registrations).
uint32_t look_for_in = user_level ? RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU_THEN_HKLM
: RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKLM;
// Check if chrome is already registered with this suffix.
if (IsChromeRegisteredForProtocolAssociations(suffix, protocol_associations,
look_for_in)) {
return true;
if (root == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || IsUserAnAdmin()) {
// We can do this operation directly.
// First, make sure Chrome is fully registered on this machine.
if (!RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_exe, suffix, false))
return false;
// Write in the capability for the protocol.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
GetProtocolCapabilityEntries(suffix, protocol_associations, &entries);
// This registry value tells Windows that this 'class' is a URL scheme.
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<protocol>\URL Protocol
for (const auto& association : protocol_associations.associations) {
std::wstring url_key = base::StrCat(
{ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, association.first});
url_key, ShellUtil::kRegUrlProtocol, std::wstring()));
return AddRegistryEntries(root, entries);
} else if (elevate_if_not_admin) {
// Elevate to do the whole job
base::CommandLine::SwitchMap switches{
return ElevateAndRegisterChrome(chrome_exe, suffix, &switches);
} else {
// Admin rights are required to register capabilities before Windows 8.
return false;
// static
bool ShellUtil::RemoveShortcuts(
ShortcutLocation location,
ShellChange level,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& target_paths) {
if (!ShortcutLocationIsSupported(location))
return true; // Vacuous success.
FilterTargetContains shortcut_filter(target_paths, false);
// Main operation to apply to each shortcut in the directory specified.
ShortcutOperationCallback shortcut_operation =
? base::BindRepeating(&ShortcutOpUnpinFromTaskbar)
: base::BindRepeating(&ShortcutOpDelete);
bool success =
shortcut_operation, location, level, nullptr);
// Remove chrome-specific shortcut folders if they are now empty.
if (success &&
success = RemoveShortcutFolderIfEmpty(location, level);
return success;
// static
void ShellUtil::RemoveAllShortcuts(
ShellChange level,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& target_paths) {
// Delete and unpin all shortcuts that point to |target_paths| from all
// ShellUtil::ShortcutLocations for the given |level|.
for (int location = SHORTCUT_LOCATION_FIRST;
location <= SHORTCUT_LOCATION_LAST; ++location) {
RemoveShortcuts(static_cast<ShortcutLocation>(location), level,
// static
bool ShellUtil::RetargetShortcutsWithArgs(
ShortcutLocation location,
ShellChange level,
const base::FilePath& old_target_exe,
const base::FilePath& new_target_exe) {
if (!ShortcutLocationIsSupported(location))
return true; // Vacuous success.
FilterTargetContains shortcut_filter({old_target_exe}, true);
ShortcutOperationCallback shortcut_operation =
base::BindRepeating(&ShortcutOpRetarget, old_target_exe, new_target_exe);
return BatchShortcutAction(shortcut_filter.AsShortcutFilterCallback(),
shortcut_operation, location, level, nullptr);
// static
bool ShellUtil::ShortcutListMaybeRemoveUnknownArgs(
ShortcutLocation location,
ShellChange level,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
bool do_removal,
const scoped_refptr<SharedCancellationFlag>& cancel,
std::vector<std::pair<base::FilePath, std::wstring>>* shortcuts) {
if (!ShortcutLocationIsSupported(location))
return false;
FilterTargetContains shortcut_filter({chrome_exe}, true);
ShortcutOperationCallback shortcut_operation = base::BindRepeating(
&ShortcutOpListOrRemoveUnknownArgs, do_removal, shortcuts);
return BatchShortcutAction(shortcut_filter.AsShortcutFilterCallback(),
shortcut_operation, location, level, cancel);
// static
bool ShellUtil::ResetShortcutFileAttributes(ShortcutLocation location,
ShellChange level,
const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) {
if (!ShortcutLocationIsSupported(location))
return false;
FilterTargetContains shortcut_filter({chrome_exe}, /*require_args=*/false);
ShortcutOperationCallback shortcut_operation =
return BatchShortcutAction(shortcut_filter.AsShortcutFilterCallback(),
shortcut_operation, location, level, nullptr);
bool ShellUtil::GetUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(std::wstring* suffix) {
// Use a thread-safe cache for the user's suffix.
static base::LazyInstance<UserSpecificRegistrySuffix>::Leaky suffix_instance =
return suffix_instance.Get().GetSuffix(suffix);
bool ShellUtil::GetOldUserSpecificRegistrySuffix(std::wstring* suffix) {
wchar_t user_name[256];
DWORD size = std::size(user_name);
if (::GetUserName(user_name, &size) == 0 || size < 1) {
return false;
suffix->assign(1, L'.');
suffix->append(user_name, size - 1);
return true;
// static
bool ShellUtil::RegisterFileHandlerProgIdsForAppId(
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const std::vector<std::wstring>& file_handler_prog_ids) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
// Save file handler ProgIds in the registry for use during uninstallation.
const std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
prog_id_path, kFileHandlerProgIds,
base::JoinString(file_handler_prog_ids, L";")));
return AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries);
// static
std::vector<std::wstring> ShellUtil::GetFileHandlerProgIdsForAppId(
const std::wstring& prog_id) {
std::vector<std::wstring> file_handler_prog_ids;
const std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
const RegKey file_handlers_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, prog_id_path.c_str(),
std::wstring file_handler_prog_ids_value;
if (file_handlers_key.ReadValue(
kFileHandlerProgIds, &file_handler_prog_ids_value) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
file_handler_prog_ids =
base::SplitString(file_handler_prog_ids_value, std::wstring(L";"),
return file_handler_prog_ids;
// static
bool ShellUtil::AddFileAssociations(
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const std::wstring& application_name,
const std::wstring& file_type_name,
const base::FilePath& application_icon_path,
const std::set<std::wstring>& file_extensions) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
// Create a class for this app.
ApplicationInfo app_info;
app_info.prog_id = prog_id;
app_info.application_name = application_name;
app_info.application_icon_path = application_icon_path;
app_info.application_icon_index = 0;
app_info.file_type_name = file_type_name;
app_info.file_type_icon_index = 0;
app_info.command_line = command_line.GetCommandLineStringForShell();
GetProgIdEntries(app_info, &entries);
std::vector<std::wstring> handled_file_extensions;
// Associate each extension that the app can handle with the class.
for (const auto& file_extension : file_extensions) {
// Do not allow empty file extensions, or extensions beginning with a '.'.
DCHECK_NE(L'.', file_extension[0]);
std::wstring ext(1, L'.');
ext += file_extension;
GetAppExtRegistrationEntries(prog_id, ext, &entries);
// Save handled file extensions in the registry for use during uninstallation.
std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
prog_id_path, kFileExtensions,
base::JoinString(handled_file_extensions, L";")));
return AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries);
// static
bool ShellUtil::DeleteFileAssociations(const std::wstring& app_prog_id) {
const std::wstring app_prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, app_prog_id});
// Get the list of file handler ProgIds for the app. Do this before the
// `app_prog_id` key is deleted.
const std::vector<std::wstring> file_handler_prog_ids =
// TODO(crbug.com/40197012): This can be replaced with DeleteApplicationClass
// once currently installed web apps have been upgraded to use per-file
// handler ProgIds. Those web apps were only installed in Origin Trials so
// this is just best effort.
bool result = DeleteFileExtensionsForProgId(app_prog_id);
// Delete registry entries for the file handler ProgIds.
for (const auto& file_handler_prog_id : file_handler_prog_ids)
result &= DeleteFileExtensionsForProgId(file_handler_prog_id);
::SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
return result;
// static
bool ShellUtil::AddAppProtocolAssociations(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& protocols,
const std::wstring& prog_id) {
base::FilePath chrome_exe;
if (!base::PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_exe)) {
return false;
if (!RegisterApplicationForProtocols(protocols, prog_id, chrome_exe))
return false;
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : protocols) {
// This registry value tells Windows that this 'class' is a URL scheme.
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<protocol>\URL Protocol
std::wstring url_key =
base::StrCat({ShellUtil::kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, protocol});
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
url_key, ShellUtil::kRegUrlProtocol, std::wstring()));
if (!AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries))
success = false;
// Removing the existing user choice for a given protocol forces Windows to
// present a disambiguation dialog the next time this protocol is invoked
// from the OS.
std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry> entry = GetProtocolUserChoiceEntry(protocol);
if (!installer::DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entry->key_path(),
WorkItem::kWow64Default, kRegProgId)) {
success = false;
return success;
// static
bool ShellUtil::RemoveAppProtocolAssociations(const std::wstring& prog_id) {
// Delete the |prog_id| value from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\RegisteredApplications.
WorkItem::kWow64Default, prog_id);
// Delete the key
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\[CompanyPathName\]ProductPathName[install_suffix]\AppProtocolHandlers\|prog_id|.
std::wstring app_key_path(install_static::GetRegistryPath());
return installer::DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, app_key_path,
// static
bool ShellUtil::AddApplicationClass(
const std::wstring& prog_id,
const base::CommandLine& shell_open_command_line,
const std::wstring& application_name,
const std::wstring& application_description,
const base::FilePath& icon_path) {
ApplicationInfo app_info;
app_info.prog_id = prog_id;
app_info.file_type_name = application_description;
app_info.application_description = application_description;
app_info.file_type_icon_path = icon_path;
app_info.command_line =
app_info.application_name = application_name;
app_info.application_icon_path = icon_path;
app_info.application_icon_index = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>> entries;
GetProgIdEntries(app_info, &entries);
return AreEntriesAsDesired(entries, RegistryEntry::LOOK_IN_HKCU) ||
AddRegistryEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, entries);
// static
bool ShellUtil::DeleteApplicationClass(const std::wstring& prog_id) {
std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
// Delete the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\|prog_id|.
return installer::DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, prog_id_path,
// static
ShellUtil::ApplicationInfo ShellUtil::GetApplicationInfoForProgId(
const std::wstring& prog_id) {
ApplicationInfo app_info;
app_info.prog_id = prog_id;
std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
RegKey class_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, prog_id_path.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
class_key.ReadValue(L"", &app_info.file_type_name);
// file_type_icon_*
std::wstring file_type_icon_path = prog_id_path + kRegDefaultIcon;
RegKey file_type_icon_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, file_type_icon_path.c_str(),
std::wstring file_type_icon_value;
file_type_icon_key.ReadValue(L"", &file_type_icon_value);
std::optional<std::pair<base::FilePath, int>> file_type_icon_parts =
if (file_type_icon_parts.has_value()) {
app_info.file_type_icon_path = file_type_icon_parts->first;
app_info.file_type_icon_index = file_type_icon_parts->second;
// app_info.command_line
RegKey command_line_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
(prog_id_path + kRegShellOpen).c_str(),
command_line_key.ReadValue(L"", &app_info.command_line);
std::wstring application_path = prog_id_path + kRegApplication;
RegKey application_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, application_path.c_str(),
// app_info.app_id
application_key.ReadValue(kRegAppUserModelId, &app_info.app_id);
// User-visible details
application_key.ReadValue(kRegApplicationName, &app_info.application_name);
application_key.ReadValue(kRegApplicationCompany, &app_info.publisher_name);
// application_icon_*
std::wstring application_icon_value;
std::optional<std::pair<base::FilePath, int>> application_icon_parts =
if (application_icon_parts.has_value()) {
app_info.application_icon_path = application_icon_parts.value().first;
app_info.application_icon_index = application_icon_parts.value().second;
return app_info;
// static
std::wstring ShellUtil::GetAppName(const std::wstring& prog_id) {
std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
std::wstring app_name;
// Get the app name from value ApplicationName at
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\|prog_id|\Application.
std::wstring application_path = prog_id_path + kRegApplication;
RegKey application_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, application_path.c_str(),
if (application_key.ReadValue(kRegApplicationName, &app_name) ==
return app_name;
return L"";
// static
base::FilePath ShellUtil::GetApplicationPathForProgId(
const std::wstring& prog_id) {
std::wstring prog_id_path =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id});
std::wstring shell_open_key =
base::StrCat({kRegClasses, kFilePathSeparator, prog_id, kRegShellOpen});
std::wstring command_line;
const RegKey command_line_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, shell_open_key.c_str(),
if (command_line_key.ReadValue(L"", &command_line) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return base::CommandLine::FromString(command_line).GetProgram();
return base::FilePath();
// static
bool ShellUtil::AddRegistryEntries(
HKEY root,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistryEntry>>& entries,
bool best_effort_no_rollback) {
std::unique_ptr<WorkItemList> items(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
for (const auto& entry : entries)
entry->AddToWorkItemList(root, items.get());
// Apply all the registry changes and if there is a problem, rollback
if (!items->Do()) {
return false;
return true;