
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Common Windows Taskbar manipulation functions that can be used by the Windows
// installer as well as Chrome.


#include <optional>

namespace base {
class FilePath;
}  // namespace base

// Pin to taskbar is supported on Win10RS5+. Returns true on those platforms.
bool CanPinShortcutToTaskbar();

// Pins a shortcut to the taskbar on supported platforms. The `shortcut` file
// must already exist and be a shortcut that points to an executable. The app id
// of the shortcut is used to group windows and must be set correctly.
bool PinShortcutToTaskbar(const base::FilePath& shortcut);

// Unpins a shortcut from the Windows 7+ taskbar. `shortcut` must exist
// and already be pinned to the taskbar. The app id of the shortcut is used as
// the identifier for the taskbar item to remove and must be set correctly.
bool UnpinShortcutFromTaskbar(const base::FilePath& shortcut);


// If delegate is set, and returns false, `PinShortcutToTaskbar` won't pin
// any shortcuts. This allows the test infrastructure to prevent tests from
// pinning shortcuts to the taskbar.
void SetCanPinToTaskbarDelegate(CanPinToTaskBarDelegateFunctionPtr delegate);

// Returns true if `shortcut` is pinned, false if not, and nullopt if
// IPinnedList3 is not supported (e.g., pre WIN10_RS5). Do not to call
// this on the Browser UI thread since it calls CoCreateInstance, which can
// cause jank.
std::optional<bool> IsShortcutPinnedToTaskbar(const base::FilePath& shortcut);

// Sets HKCU\Software\
// [kCompanyPathName\]kProductPathName[install_suffix]:InstallerPinned
// registry key to record when the installer pins a shortcut to Chrome
// on the taskbar, on a fresh install. This is on a per-user basis, so for a
// system level install, each user who runs Chrome for the first time will have
// this set. The value is set to false if Chrome detects that the user has
// unpinned Chrome from the taskbar.
// Returns true if registry key operation was successful, false otherwise.
bool SetInstallerPinnedChromeToTaskbar(bool installed);

// Returns true if the current user has a Win10+ installer-pinned shortcut to
// Chrome, false if the user doesn't and the installer at the time of the
// install pinned some percentage of installs to the taskbar, and std::nullopt
// if the Chrome install was done before the installer pinned Chrome to the
// taskbar for versions of Windows 10+ that support programmatic pinning to the
// taskbar.
std::optional<bool> GetInstallerPinnedChromeToTaskbar();