
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

namespace cppgc {

 * Index identifying a custom space.
struct CustomSpaceIndex {};

 * Top-level base class for custom spaces. Users must inherit from CustomSpace
 * below.
class CustomSpaceBase {};

 * Base class custom spaces should directly inherit from. The class inheriting
 * from `CustomSpace` must define `kSpaceIndex` as unique space index. These
 * indices need for form a sequence starting at 0.
 * Example:
 * \code
 * class CustomSpace1 : public CustomSpace<CustomSpace1> {
 *  public:
 *   static constexpr CustomSpaceIndex kSpaceIndex = 0;
 * };
 * class CustomSpace2 : public CustomSpace<CustomSpace2> {
 *  public:
 *   static constexpr CustomSpaceIndex kSpaceIndex = 1;
 * };
 * \endcode
template <typename ConcreteCustomSpace>
class CustomSpace : public CustomSpaceBase {};

 * User-overridable trait that allows pinning types to custom spaces.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct SpaceTrait {};

namespace internal {

template <typename CustomSpace>
struct IsAllocatedOnCompactableSpaceImpl {};

template <>
struct IsAllocatedOnCompactableSpaceImpl<void> {};

template <typename T>
struct IsAllocatedOnCompactableSpace {};

}  // namespace internal

}  // namespace cppgc