// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Custom binding for the omnibox API. Only injected into the v8 contexts
// for extensions which have permission for the omnibox API.
var inServiceWorker = requireNative('utils').isInServiceWorker();
// Remove invalid characters from |text| so that it is suitable to use
// for |AutocompleteMatch::contents|.
function sanitizeString(text, shouldTrim) {
// NOTE: This logic mirrors |AutocompleteMatch::SanitizeString()|.
// 0x2028 = line separator; 0x2029 = paragraph separator.
var kRemoveChars = /(\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029)/gm;
if (shouldTrim)
text = text.trimLeft();
return text.replace(kRemoveChars, '');
// Parses the xml syntax supported by omnibox suggestion results. Returns an
// object with two properties: 'description', which is just the text content,
// and 'descriptionStyles', which is an array of style objects in a format
// understood by the C++ backend.
function parseOmniboxDescription(input) {
var domParser = new DOMParser();
// The XML parser requires a single top-level element, but we want to
// support things like 'hello, <match>world</match>!'. So we wrap the
// provided text in generated root level element.
var root = domParser.parseFromString(
'<fragment>' + input + '</fragment>', 'text/xml');
// DOMParser has a terrible error reporting facility. Errors come out nested
// inside the returned document.
var error = root.querySelector('parsererror div');
if (error) {
throw new Error(error.textContent);
// Otherwise, it's valid, so build up the result.
var result = {
description: '',
descriptionStyles: []
// Recursively walk the tree.
function walk(node) {
for (var i = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[i]; i++) {
// Append text nodes to our description.
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
var shouldTrim = result.description.length === 0;
result.description += sanitizeString(child.nodeValue, shouldTrim);
// Process and descend into a subset of recognized tags.
if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(child.nodeName === 'dim' || child.nodeName === 'match' ||
child.nodeName === 'url')) {
var style = {
'type': child.nodeName,
'offset': result.description.length
$Array.push(result.descriptionStyles, style);
style.length = result.description.length - style.offset;
// Descend into all other nodes, even if they are unrecognized, for
// forward compat.
return result;
// The following custom hooks are only registered in non-service worker
// contexts. In service worker contexts, we instead parse the description and
// styles from the browser process.
// TODO(devlin): Migrate DOM-based contexts to also use the browser-side
// parsing so that there's only one implementation. We have them separate for
// now to ensure things don't break.
if (!inServiceWorker) {
apiBridge.registerCustomHook(function(bindingsAPI) {
var apiFunctions = bindingsAPI.apiFunctions;
function(details, callback) {
var parseResult = parseOmniboxDescription(details.description);
[parseResult, callback],
'sendSuggestions', function(requestId, userSuggestions) {
var suggestions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < userSuggestions.length; i++) {
var parseResult = parseOmniboxDescription(
parseResult.content = userSuggestions[i].content;
parseResult.deletable = userSuggestions[i].deletable;
$Array.push(suggestions, parseResult);
return [requestId, suggestions];
function(args, dispatch) {
var text = args[0];
var requestId = args[1];
var suggestCallback = function(suggestions) {
chrome.omnibox.sendSuggestions(requestId, suggestions);
dispatch([text, suggestCallback]);