// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <string>
#include "chrome/services/mac_notifications/public/mojom/mac_notifications.mojom.h"
namespace mac_notifications {
NSDictionary* GetMacNotificationUserInfo(
const mojom::NotificationPtr& notification);
mojom::NotificationMetadataPtr GetMacNotificationMetadata(
NSDictionary* user_info);
// Derives a unique notification identifier to be used by the macOS system
// notification center to uniquely identify a notification.
std::string DeriveMacNotificationId(
const mojom::NotificationIdentifierPtr& identifier);
extern NSString* const kNotificationButtonOne;
extern NSString* const kNotificationButtonTwo;
extern NSString* const kNotificationCloseButtonTag;
extern NSString* const kNotificationHasSettingsButton;
extern NSString* const kNotificationId;
extern NSString* const kNotificationIncognito;
extern NSString* const kNotificationOrigin;
extern NSString* const kNotificationProfileId;
extern NSString* const kNotificationSettingsButtonTag;
extern NSString* const kNotificationType;
extern NSString* const kNotificationUserDataDir;
} // namespace mac_notifications