// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/services/sharing/nearby/platform/bluetooth_adapter.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "components/cross_device/nearby/nearby_features.h"
namespace nearby {
namespace chrome {
const mojo::SharedRemote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter>& adapter)
: adapter_(adapter) {
BluetoothAdapter::~BluetoothAdapter() = default;
bool BluetoothAdapter::SetStatus(Status status) {
// TODO(b/154848416): Implement this method.
return true;
bool BluetoothAdapter::IsEnabled() const {
bluetooth::mojom::AdapterInfoPtr info;
bool success = adapter_->GetInfo(&info);
return success && info->present && info->powered;
BluetoothAdapter::ScanMode BluetoothAdapter::GetScanMode() const {
bluetooth::mojom::AdapterInfoPtr info;
bool success = adapter_->GetInfo(&info);
if (!success || !info->present)
return ScanMode::kUnknown;
else if (!info->powered)
return ScanMode::kNone;
else if (!info->discoverable)
return ScanMode::kConnectable;
return ScanMode::kConnectableDiscoverable;
bool BluetoothAdapter::SetScanMode(BluetoothAdapter::ScanMode scan_mode) {
// This method is only used to trigger discoverability -- so there is no
// difference between passing ScanMode::kUnknown, ScanMode::kNone, or
// ScanMode::kConnectable -- they will all turn off discoverability.
bool set_discoverable_success = false;
bool call_success =
adapter_->SetDiscoverable(scan_mode == ScanMode::kConnectableDiscoverable,
bool success = call_success && set_discoverable_success;
"Nearby.Connections.Bluetooth.Adapter.SetScanMode.Result", success);
return success;
std::string BluetoothAdapter::GetName() const {
bluetooth::mojom::AdapterInfoPtr info;
bool success = adapter_->GetInfo(&info);
return success ? info->name : std::string();
bool BluetoothAdapter::SetName(std::string_view name) {
return SetName(name, /*persist=*/true);
bool BluetoothAdapter::SetName(std::string_view name, bool persist) {
// The `persist` parameter is ignored by ChromeOS; we always persist the
// requested adapter name change. The `persist` argument only exists to
// support Windows. See b/234135746 for more context."
if (!features::IsNearbyBluetoothClassicAdvertisingEnabled()) {
// SetName is called in Nearby Connections to use the name for
// "advertising", triggered by Nearby Connections becoming discoverable over
// Bluetooth Classic. We return true here despite ignoring the request to
// change the adapter name. This flag should only be false in tests, in
// order to ensure that Classic "advertising" is not active.
VLOG(1) << ": Classic advertising disabled, ignoring SetName for name: "
<< name.data();
return true;
bool set_name_success = false;
bool call_success = adapter_->SetName(name.data(), &set_name_success);
bool success = call_success && set_name_success;
"Nearby.Connections.Bluetooth.Adapter.SetName.Result", success);
return success;
std::string BluetoothAdapter::GetMacAddress() const {
bluetooth::mojom::AdapterInfoPtr info;
bool success = adapter_->GetInfo(&info);
return success ? info->address : std::string();
std::string BluetoothAdapter::GetAddress() const {
return GetMacAddress();
BluetoothAdapter::UniqueId BluetoothAdapter::GetUniqueId() const {
// The unique id is not used by ChromeOS and this remains unimplemented. If
// functionality is needed later on, this can be implemented.
return 0;
} // namespace chrome
} // namespace nearby