
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/services/sharing/nearby/platform/recursive_mutex.h"

namespace nearby {
namespace chrome {

RecursiveMutex::RecursiveMutex() = default;

RecursiveMutex::~RecursiveMutex() {
  base::AutoLock al(bookkeeping_lock_);
  DCHECK_EQ(0u, num_acquisitions_);
  DCHECK_EQ(base::kInvalidThreadId, owning_thread_id_);
#endif  // DCHECK_IS_ON()

void RecursiveMutex::Lock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION() {
    base::AutoLock al(bookkeeping_lock_);
    if (num_acquisitions_ > 0u &&
        owning_thread_id_ == base::PlatformThread::CurrentId()) {

  // At this point, either no thread currently holds |real_lock_|, in which case
  // the current thread should be able to immediately acquire it, or a different
  // thread holds it, in which case Acquire() will block. It's necessary that
  // Acquire() happens outside the critical sections of |bookkeeping_lock_|,
  // otherwise any future calls to Unlock() will block on acquiring
  // |bookkeeping_lock_|, which would prevent Release() from ever running on
  // |real_lock_|, resulting in deadlock.

    base::AutoLock al(bookkeeping_lock_);
    DCHECK_EQ(0u, num_acquisitions_);
    owning_thread_id_ = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId();
    num_acquisitions_ = 1;

void RecursiveMutex::Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
  base::AutoLock al(bookkeeping_lock_);
  DCHECK_GT(num_acquisitions_, 0u);
  DCHECK_EQ(base::PlatformThread::CurrentId(), owning_thread_id_);

  if (num_acquisitions_ == 0u) {
    owning_thread_id_ = base::kInvalidThreadId;

}  // namespace chrome
}  // namespace nearby