import org.chromium.base.test.transit.Condition;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.ConditionStatus;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.TestCallbackHelperContainer;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
/** Conditions checking a Tab's WebContents for properties changed by Reader Mode. */
public class ReaderModeConditions {
/** Checks the background color of the WebContents. */
public static class TabBackgroundColorCondition extends Condition {
private final String mExpectedColorString;
private final Tab mTab;
public TabBackgroundColorCondition(Tab tab, String colorString) {
super(/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false);
mTab = tab;
mExpectedColorString = colorString;
protected ConditionStatus checkWithSuppliers() throws Exception {
String query = "window.getComputedStyle(document.body)['backgroundColor']";
String actualColorString = runJavaScript(mTab, query);
return whether(actualColorString.equals(mExpectedColorString), actualColorString);
public String buildDescription() {
return "Page's background color is " + mExpectedColorString;
/** Checks the font size of the WebContents. */
public static class TabFontSizeCondition extends Condition {
private final String mExpectedFontSizeString;
private final Tab mTab;
public TabFontSizeCondition(Tab tab, String fontSizeString) {
super(/* isRunOnUiThread= */ false);
mTab = tab;
mExpectedFontSizeString = fontSizeString;
protected ConditionStatus checkWithSuppliers() throws Exception {
String query = "window.getComputedStyle(document.body)['fontSize']";
String actualColorString = runJavaScript(mTab, query);
return whether(actualColorString.equals(mExpectedFontSizeString), actualColorString);
public String buildDescription() {
return "Page's background color is " + mExpectedFontSizeString;
* Run JavaScript on a certain {@link Tab}.
* @param tab The tab to be injected to.
* @param javaScript The JavaScript code to be injected.
* @return The result of the code.
private static String runJavaScript(Tab tab, String javaScript) throws TimeoutException {
TestCallbackHelperContainer.OnEvaluateJavaScriptResultHelper javascriptHelper =
new TestCallbackHelperContainer.OnEvaluateJavaScriptResultHelper();
javascriptHelper.evaluateJavaScriptForTests(tab.getWebContents(), javaScript);
return javascriptHelper.getJsonResultAndClear();