// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/metrics_util.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_config.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "ash/shelf/hotseat_transition_animator.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_component.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace aura {
class ScopedWindowTargeter;
namespace ash {
class FocusCycler;
class ScrollableShelfView;
class Shelf;
class ShelfView;
class HotseatTransitionAnimator;
// The hotseat widget is part of the shelf and hosts app shortcuts.
class ASH_EXPORT HotseatWidget : public ShelfComponent,
public ShelfConfig::Observer,
public views::Widget {
// Defines the hotseat transition types.
enum class StateTransition {
// Hotseat state transits between kShownHomeLauncher and kExtended.
// Hotseat state transits between kShownHomeLauncher and kHidden.
// Hotseat state transits between kHidden and kExtended.
// Scoped class to notify HotseatWidget of hotseat state transition in
// progress. We should not calculate the state transition simply in
// HotseatWidget::SetState(). Otherwise it is hard to reset when the
// transition completes.
class ScopedInStateTransition {
ScopedInStateTransition(HotseatWidget* hotseat_widget,
HotseatState old_state,
HotseatState target_state);
ScopedInStateTransition(const ScopedInStateTransition& rhs) = delete;
ScopedInStateTransition& operator=(const ScopedInStateTransition& rhs) =
raw_ptr<HotseatWidget> hotseat_widget_ = nullptr;
HotseatWidget(const HotseatWidget&) = delete;
HotseatWidget& operator=(const HotseatWidget&) = delete;
~HotseatWidget() override;
// Returns whether the hotseat background should be shown.
static bool ShouldShowHotseatBackground();
// Initializes the widget, sets its contents view and basic properties.
void Initialize(aura::Window* container, Shelf* shelf);
// Initializes the animation metrics reporter responsible for recording
// animation performance during hotseat state changes, and attaches
// |delegate_view_| as an observer.
void OnHotseatTransitionAnimatorCreated(HotseatTransitionAnimator* animator);
// views::Widget:
void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
bool OnNativeWidgetActivationChanged(bool active) override;
// ShelfConfig::Observer:
void OnShelfConfigUpdated() override;
// Whether the widget is in the extended position.
bool IsExtended() const;
// Finds the first or last focusable app shortcut and focuses it.
void FocusFirstOrLastFocusableChild(bool last);
// Notifies children of tablet mode state changes.
void OnTabletModeChanged();
// Returns the target opacity for the shelf view given current conditions.
float CalculateShelfViewOpacity() const;
// Updates the bounds of the translucent background which functions as the
// hotseat background.
void UpdateTranslucentBackground();
// Calculates the hotseat y position for |hotseat_target_state| in screen
// coordinates.
int CalculateHotseatYInScreen(HotseatState hotseat_target_state) const;
// Calculates the hotseat target bounds's size for the given target state.
gfx::Size CalculateTargetBoundsSize(HotseatState hotseat_target_state) const;
// Calculates space available for app bar if shown inline with shelf.
gfx::Size CalculateInlineAppBarSize() const;
// Takes insets to reserve when calculating bounds.
void ReserveSpaceForAdjacentWidgets(const gfx::Insets& space);
// ShelfComponent:
void CalculateTargetBounds() override;
gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const override;
void UpdateLayout(bool animate) override;
void UpdateTargetBoundsForGesture(int shelf_position) override;
// TODO(manucornet): Remove this method once all the hotseat layout
// code has moved to this class.
void set_target_bounds(gfx::Rect target_bounds) {
target_bounds_ = target_bounds;
gfx::Size GetTranslucentBackgroundSize() const;
// Sets the focus cycler and adds the hotseat to the cycle.
void SetFocusCycler(FocusCycler* focus_cycler);
bool IsShowingShelfMenu() const;
// Whether the event is located in the hotseat area containing shelf apps.
bool EventTargetsShelfView(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) const;
ShelfView* GetShelfView();
const ShelfView* GetShelfView() const;
// Returns the hotseat height (or width for side shelf).
int GetHotseatSize() const;
// Returns the drag distance required to fully show the hotseat widget from
// the hidden state.
int GetHotseatFullDragAmount() const;
// Updates the target hotseat density, if needed. Returns whether
// |target_hotseat_density_| has changed after calling this method.
bool UpdateTargetHotseatDensityIfNeeded();
// Returns the background blur of the |translucent_background_|, for tests.
int GetHotseatBackgroundBlurForTest() const;
// Returns whether the translucent background is visible, for tests.
bool GetIsTranslucentBackgroundVisibleForTest() const;
metrics_util::ReportCallback GetTranslucentBackgroundReportCallback();
void SetState(HotseatState state);
HotseatState state() const { return state_; }
ScrollableShelfView* scrollable_shelf_view() {
return scrollable_shelf_view_;
const ScrollableShelfView* scrollable_shelf_view() const {
return scrollable_shelf_view_;
// Whether the widget is in the extended position because of a direct
// manual user intervention (dragging the hotseat into its extended state).
// This will return |false| after any visible change in the shelf
// configuration.
bool is_manually_extended() const { return is_manually_extended_; }
void set_manually_extended(bool value) { is_manually_extended_ = value; }
HotseatDensity target_hotseat_density() const {
return target_hotseat_density_;
// The layer that should be used to animate hotseat bounds while showing the
// home to overview contextual nudge.
ui::Layer* GetLayerForNudgeAnimation();
// Returns if the shelf is going to be overflown.
bool CalculateShelfOverflow(bool use_target_bounds) const;
class DelegateView;
struct LayoutInputs {
gfx::Rect bounds;
float shelf_view_opacity = 0.0f;
bool is_active_session_state = false;
gfx::Insets reserved_space_;
bool operator==(const LayoutInputs& other) const {
return bounds == other.bounds &&
shelf_view_opacity == other.shelf_view_opacity &&
is_active_session_state == other.is_active_session_state &&
reserved_space_ == other.reserved_space_;
// Collects the inputs for layout.
LayoutInputs GetLayoutInputs() const;
// May update the hotseat widget's target in account of app scaling.
void MaybeAdjustTargetBoundsForAppScaling(HotseatState hotseat_target_state);
// Calculates the target hotseat density.
HotseatDensity CalculateTargetHotseatDensity() const;
// Animates the hotseat to the target opacity/bounds.
void LayoutHotseatByAnimation(double target_opacity,
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds);
// Start the animation designed specifically for |state_transition|.
void StartHotseatTransitionAnimation(StateTransition state_transition,
double target_opacity,
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds);
// Starts the default bounds/opacity animation.
void StartNormalBoundsAnimation(double target_opacity,
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds);
// The set of inputs that impact this widget's layout. The assumption is that
// this widget needs a relayout if, and only if, one or more of these has
// changed.
std::optional<LayoutInputs> layout_inputs_;
gfx::Rect target_bounds_;
// The size that |target_bounds_| would have in kShownHomeLauncher state.
// Used to calculate hotseat density state.
gfx::Size target_size_for_shown_state_;
HotseatState state_ = HotseatState::kNone;
// Indicates the type of the hotseat state transition in progress.
std::optional<StateTransition> state_transition_in_progress_;
raw_ptr<Shelf> shelf_ = nullptr;
// View containing the shelf items within an active user session. Owned by
// the views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<ScrollableShelfView, DanglingUntriaged> scrollable_shelf_view_ =
// The contents view of this widget. Contains |shelf_view_| and the background
// of the hotseat.
raw_ptr<DelegateView> delegate_view_ = nullptr;
// Whether the widget is currently extended because the user has manually
// dragged it. This will be reset with any visible shelf configuration change.
bool is_manually_extended_ = false;
// Indicates the target hotseat density. When app scaling feature is enabled,
// hotseat may become denser if there is insufficient view space to
// accommodate all app icons without scrolling.
HotseatDensity target_hotseat_density_ = HotseatDensity::kNormal;
// The window targeter installed on the hotseat. Filters out events which land
// on the non visible portion of the hotseat, or events that reach the hotseat
// during an animation.
std::unique_ptr<aura::ScopedWindowTargeter> hotseat_window_targeter_;
// Space reserved by other widgets to exclude when calculating bounds and hit
// area.
gfx::Insets reserved_space_;
} // namespace ash