
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"

namespace ash {
namespace scrollable_shelf_constants {

// The padding between the arrow button and the end of the scrollable shelf. It
// is applied when the arrow button shows.
constexpr int kArrowButtonEndPadding = 6;

// The padding between the shelf container view and the arrow button (if any).
constexpr int kDistanceToArrowButton = 2;

// The size of the arrow button.
constexpr int kArrowButtonSize = 20;

// The distance between the shelf container view and the end of the scrollable
// shelf when the arrow button shows.
constexpr int kArrowButtonGroupWidth =
    kArrowButtonSize + kArrowButtonEndPadding + kDistanceToArrowButton;

// The gesture fling event with the velocity smaller than the threshold will be
// ignored.
constexpr int kGestureFlingVelocityThreshold = 1000;

// The horizontal size of the tap area of the overflow arrow button.
constexpr int kArrowButtonTapAreaHorizontal = 32;

// The length of the fade in/out zone.
constexpr int kGradientZoneLength = 26;

// The time delay to show a new page of shelf icons.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kShelfPageFlipDelay = base::Milliseconds(500);

// The padding at the two ends of the shelf.
constexpr int kEndPadding = 4;

// A mouse wheel event (including touchpad scrolling) should be ignored if its
// offset on the main axis is smaller than the threshold.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kScrollOffsetThreshold = 20;

// Histogram names for the scrollable shelf dragging metrics.
extern const char kScrollDraggingTabletLauncherVisibleHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingTabletLauncherVisibleMaxLatencyHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingTabletLauncherHiddenHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingTabletLauncherHiddenMaxLatencyHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingClamshellLauncherVisibleHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingClamshellLauncherVisibleMaxLatencyHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingClamshellLauncherHiddenHistogram[];
extern const char kScrollDraggingClamshellLauncherHiddenMaxLatencyHistogram[];

// Histogram names for the scrollable shelf animation smoothness metrics.
extern const char kAnimationSmoothnessHistogram[];
extern const char kAnimationSmoothnessTabletLauncherVisibleHistogram[];
extern const char kAnimationSmoothnessTabletLauncherHiddenHistogram[];
extern const char kAnimationSmoothnessClamshellLauncherVisibleHistogram[];
extern const char kAnimationSmoothnessClamshellLauncherHiddenHistogram[];

}  // namespace scrollable_shelf_constants
}  // namespace ash