// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/test/base/process_inspector_win.h"
#include <winternl.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
namespace {
// Certain Windows types that depend on the word size of the OS (rather than the
// size of the current process) are defined here.
template <class Traits>
struct ProcessInformation {
using RemotePointer = typename Traits::RemotePointer;
DWORD exit_status() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(exit_status_); }
RemotePointer peb_base_address() const { return peb_base_address_; }
RemotePointer affinity_mask() const { return affinity_mask_; }
int base_priority() const { return static_cast<int>(base_priority_); }
DWORD unique_process_id() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(unique_pid_); }
DWORD inherited_from_unique_process_id() const {
return static_cast<DWORD>(inherited_from_unique_process_id_);
RemotePointer exit_status_;
RemotePointer peb_base_address_;
RemotePointer affinity_mask_;
RemotePointer base_priority_;
RemotePointer unique_pid_;
RemotePointer inherited_from_unique_process_id_;
// A subset of a process's environment block.
template <class Traits>
struct ProcessExecutionBlock {
using RemotePointer = typename Traits::RemotePointer;
uint8_t InheritedAddressSpace;
uint8_t ReadImageFileExecOptions;
uint8_t BeingDebugged;
uint8_t ProcessFlags;
uint8_t Padding[4];
RemotePointer Mutant;
RemotePointer ImageBaseAddress;
RemotePointer Ldr;
RemotePointer ProcessParameters; // RtlUserProcessParameters
template <class Traits>
struct UnicodeString {
using RemotePointer = typename Traits::RemotePointer;
uint16_t Length;
uint16_t MaximumLength;
RemotePointer Buffer;
template <class Traits>
struct CurDir {
using RemotePointer = typename Traits::RemotePointer;
UnicodeString<Traits> DosPath;
RemotePointer Handle;
template <class Traits>
struct RtlUserProcessParameters {
using RemotePointer = typename Traits::RemotePointer;
uint32_t MaximumLength;
uint32_t Length;
uint32_t Flags;
uint32_t DebugFlags;
RemotePointer ConsoleHandle;
uint32_t ConsoleFlags;
RemotePointer StandardInput;
RemotePointer StandardOutput;
RemotePointer StandardError;
CurDir<Traits> CurrentDirectory;
UnicodeString<Traits> DllPath;
UnicodeString<Traits> ImagePathName;
UnicodeString<Traits> CommandLine;
// A concrete ProcessInspector that can read from another process based on the
// architecture. |Traits| specifies traits based on the OS architecture.
template <class Traits>
class Inspector : public ProcessInspector {
Inspector(const Inspector&) = delete;
Inspector& operator=(const Inspector&) = delete;
// ProcessInspector:
DWORD GetParentPid() const override;
const std::wstring& command_line() const override;
// ProcessInspector:
bool Inspect(const base::Process& process) override;
ProcessInformation<Traits> process_basic_information_;
ProcessExecutionBlock<Traits> peb_;
RtlUserProcessParameters<Traits> process_parameters_;
std::wstring command_line_;
#if !defined(_WIN64)
// Traits for a 32-bit process running in WoW.
struct Wow64Traits {
// The name of the ntdll function to query process information.
static const char kQueryProcessInformationFunctionName[];
// The type of a pointer to the read process memory function.
using ReadMemoryFn =
NTSTATUS(NTAPI*)(HANDLE, uint64_t, void*, uint64_t, uint64_t*);
// An unsigned integer type matching the size of a pointer in the remote
// process.
using RemotePointer = uint64_t;
// Returns the function to read memory from a remote process.
static ReadMemoryFn GetReadMemoryFn() {
return reinterpret_cast<ReadMemoryFn>(::GetProcAddress(
::GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll"), "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64"));
// Reads |buffer_size| bytes from |handle|'s process at |address| into
// |buffer| using |fn|. Returns true on success.
static bool ReadMemory(ReadMemoryFn fn,
HANDLE handle,
RemotePointer address,
void* buffer,
RemotePointer buffer_size) {
NTSTATUS status = fn(handle, address, buffer, buffer_size, nullptr);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read process memory with status " << std::hex
<< status << ".";
return false;
// static
constexpr char Wow64Traits::kQueryProcessInformationFunctionName[] =
// Traits for a 32-bit process running on 32-bit Windows, or a 64-bit process
// running on 64-bit Windows.
struct NormalTraits {
// The name of the ntdll function to query process information.
static const char kQueryProcessInformationFunctionName[];
// The type of a pointer to the read process memory function.
using ReadMemoryFn = decltype(&::ReadProcessMemory);
// An unsigned integer type matching the size of a pointer in the remote
// process.
using RemotePointer = uintptr_t;
// Returns the function to read memory from a remote process.
static ReadMemoryFn GetReadMemoryFn() { return &::ReadProcessMemory; }
// Reads |buffer_size| bytes from |handle|'s process at |address| into
// |buffer| using |fn|. Returns true on success.
static bool ReadMemory(ReadMemoryFn fn,
HANDLE handle,
RemotePointer address,
void* buffer,
RemotePointer buffer_size) {
BOOL result = fn(handle, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(address), buffer,
buffer_size, nullptr);
if (result)
return true;
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read process memory";
return false;
// static
constexpr char NormalTraits::kQueryProcessInformationFunctionName[] =
template <class Traits>
Inspector<Traits>::Inspector() = default;
template <class Traits>
DWORD Inspector<Traits>::GetParentPid() const {
return process_basic_information_.inherited_from_unique_process_id();
template <class Traits>
const std::wstring& Inspector<Traits>::command_line() const {
return command_line_;
template <class Traits>
bool Inspector<Traits>::Inspect(const base::Process& process) {
auto query_information_process_fn =
typename Traits::ReadMemoryFn read_memory_fn = Traits::GetReadMemoryFn();
if (!query_information_process_fn)
return false;
ULONG in_len = sizeof(process_basic_information_);
ULONG out_len = 0;
NTSTATUS status = query_information_process_fn(
process.Handle(), ProcessBasicInformation, &process_basic_information_,
in_len, &out_len);
if (NT_ERROR(status) || out_len != in_len)
return false;
if (!Traits::ReadMemory(read_memory_fn, process.Handle(),
process_basic_information_.peb_base_address(), &peb_,
sizeof(peb_))) {
return false;
if (!Traits::ReadMemory(read_memory_fn, process.Handle(),
peb_.ProcessParameters, &process_parameters_,
sizeof(process_parameters_))) {
return false;
if (process_parameters_.CommandLine.Length) {
command_line_.resize(process_parameters_.CommandLine.Length /
if (!Traits::ReadMemory(read_memory_fn, process.Handle(),
process_parameters_.CommandLine.Length)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<ProcessInspector> ProcessInspector::Create(
const base::Process& process) {
std::unique_ptr<ProcessInspector> inspector;
#if !defined(_WIN64)
using base::win::OSInfo;
if (OSInfo::GetInstance()->IsWowX86OnAMD64())
inspector = std::make_unique<Inspector<Wow64Traits>>();
if (!inspector)
inspector = std::make_unique<Inspector<NormalTraits>>();
if (!inspector->Inspect(process))
return inspector;