// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Return the portion of the element that should be made visible.
// Based on the WebDriver spec, this function only considers the first rectangle
// returned by element.getClientRects function.
// * When the rectangle is already partially visible in the enclosing viewport,
// return the portion that is currently visible. According to WebDriver spec,
// no scrolling should be done to bring more of the element into view.
// * When the rectangle is completely outside of the enclosing viewport,
// return the entire rectangle, as WebDriver spec requires us to scroll the
// entire rectangle into view. (However, scrolling is NOT the responsibility
// of this function.)
// The returned value is an object with the following properties about the
// region mentioned above: left, top, height, width. Note that left and top are
// relative to the upper-left corner of the element's bounding client rect (as
// returned by element.getBoundingClientRect).
function getElementRegion(element) {
// Check that node type is element.
if (element.nodeType != 1)
throw new Error(element + ' is not an element');
// We try 2 methods to determine element region. Try the first client rect,
// and then the bounding client rect.
// SVG is one case that doesn't have a first client rect.
const clientRects = element.getClientRects();
// Determines if region is partially in viewport, returning visible region
// if so. If not, returns null. If fully visible, returns original region.
function getVisibleSubregion(region) {
// Given two regions, determines if any intersection occurs.
// Overlapping edges are not considered intersections.
function getIntersectingSubregion(region1, region2) {
if (!(Math.round(region2.right) <= Math.round(region1.left) ||
Math.round(region2.left) >= Math.round(region1.right) ||
Math.round(region2.top) >= Math.round(region1.bottom) ||
Math.round(region2.bottom) <= Math.round(region1.top))) {
// Determines region of intersection.
// If region2 contains region1, returns region1.
// If region1 contains region2, returns region2.
return {
'left': Math.max(region1.left, region2.left),
'right': Math.min(region1.right, region2.right),
'bottom': Math.min(region1.bottom, region2.bottom),
'top': Math.max(region1.top, region2.top)
return null;
const visualViewport = window.visualViewport;
// We need to disregard any scrollbars therefore instead of innerSize
// of the window we should use the viewport size.
// This size can be affected (scaled) by user's pinch.
// We need to undo this scaling because client rects are calculated
// relatively to the original unscaled viewport.
const viewport = new DOMRect(0, 0,
visualViewport.width * visualViewport.scale,
visualViewport.height * visualViewport.scale
return getIntersectingSubregion(viewport, region);
let boundingRect = null;
let clientRect = null;
// Element area of a map has same first ClientRect and BoundingClientRect
// after blink roll at chromium commit position 290738 which includes blink
// revision 180610. Thus handle area as a special case.
if (clientRects.length == 0 || element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'area') {
// Area clicking is technically not supported by W3C standard but is a
// desired feature. Returns region containing the area instead of subregion
// so that whole area is visible and always clicked correctly.
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'area') {
const coords = element.coords.split(',');
if (element.shape.toLowerCase() == 'rect') {
if (coords.length != 4)
throw new Error('failed to detect the region of the area');
const leftX = Number(coords[0]);
const topY = Number(coords[1]);
const rightX = Number(coords[2]);
const bottomY = Number(coords[3]);
return {
'left': leftX,
'top': topY,
'width': rightX - leftX,
'height': bottomY - topY
} else if (element.shape.toLowerCase() == 'circle') {
if (coords.length != 3)
throw new Error('failed to detect the region of the area');
const centerX = Number(coords[0]);
const centerY = Number(coords[1]);
const radius = Number(coords[2]);
return {
'left': Math.max(0, centerX - radius),
'top': Math.max(0, centerY - radius),
'width': radius * 2,
'height': radius * 2
} else if (element.shape.toLowerCase() == 'poly') {
if (coords.length < 2)
throw new Error('failed to detect the region of the area');
let minX = Number(coords[0]);
let minY = Number(coords[1]);
let maxX = minX;
let maxY = minY;
for (i = 2; i < coords.length; i += 2) {
const x = Number(coords[i]);
const y = Number(coords[i + 1]);
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
return {
'left': minX,
'top': minY,
'width': maxX - minX,
'height': maxY - minY
} else {
throw new Error('shape=' + element.shape + ' is not supported');
} else {
clientRect = boundingRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
} else {
boundingRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
clientRect = clientRects[0];
for (let i = 0; i < clientRects.length; i++) {
if (clientRects[i].height != 0 && clientRects[i].width != 0) {
clientRect = clientRects[i];
const visiblePortion = getVisibleSubregion(clientRect) || clientRect;
// Returned region is relative to boundingRect's left,top.
return {
'left': visiblePortion.left - boundingRect.left,
'top': visiblePortion.top - boundingRect.top,
'height': visiblePortion.bottom - visiblePortion.top,
'width': visiblePortion.right - visiblePortion.left