
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/prompt_behavior.h"

#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/status.h"

namespace prompt_behavior {
extern const char kAccept[] =;
extern const char kAcceptAndNotify[] =;
extern const char kDismiss[] =;
extern const char kDismissAndNotify[] =;
extern const char kIgnore[] =;
}  // namespace prompt_behavior

namespace dialog_types {
extern const char kAlert[] =;
extern const char kBeforeUnload[] =;
extern const char kConfirm[] =;
extern const char kPrompt[] =;
}  // namespace dialog_types

PromptBehavior::PromptBehavior() :{}

PromptBehavior::PromptBehavior(bool w3c_compliant) {}

namespace {
Status ParsePromptHandlerConfiguration(const std::string& type_str,
                                       bool w3c_compliant,
                                       PromptHandlerConfiguration& type) {}

Status ParsePromptHandlerConfiguration(const base::Value* type_value,
                                       bool w3c_compliant,
                                       PromptHandlerConfiguration& type) {}

Status GetDefaultHandlerConfiguration(
    const std::string& dialog_type,
    const base::Value::Dict& prompt_behavior_dict,
    bool w3c_compliant,
    PromptHandlerConfiguration& result) {}

Status FillInHandlerConfiguration(const std::string& dialog_type,
                                  const base::Value::Dict& prompt_behavior_dict,
                                  bool w3c_compliant,
                                  PromptHandlerConfiguration& result) {}
}  // namespace

Status PromptBehavior::Create(bool w3c_compliant,
                              const std::string& prompt_behavior_str,
                              PromptBehavior& result) {}

Status PromptBehavior::Create(bool w3c_compliant, PromptBehavior& result) {}

Status PromptBehavior::Create(bool w3c_compliant,
                              const base::Value::Dict& prompt_behavior_dict,
                              PromptBehavior& result) {}

Status PromptBehavior::Create(bool w3c_compliant,
                              const base::Value& prompt_behavior_value,
                              PromptBehavior& result) {}

Status PromptBehavior::GetConfiguration(
    const std::string& dialog_type,
    PromptHandlerConfiguration& handler_configuration) {}

base::Value PromptBehavior::MapperOptionsView() {}

base::Value PromptBehavior::CapabilityView() {}