// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_component.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/views/accessible_pane_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace views {
class BoundsAnimator;
namespace ash {
class BackButton;
class HomeButton;
enum class HotseatState;
class NavigationButtonAnimationMetricsReporter;
class Shelf;
class ShelfView;
// The shelf navigation widget holds the home button and (when in tablet mode)
// the back button.
class ASH_EXPORT ShelfNavigationWidget : public ShelfComponent,
public views::Widget {
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(ShelfNavigationWidget* widget);
// Whether the home button view is visible.
bool IsHomeButtonVisible() const;
// Whether the back button view is visible.
bool IsBackButtonVisible() const;
views::BoundsAnimator* GetBoundsAnimator();
views::View* GetWidgetDelegateView();
raw_ptr<ShelfNavigationWidget> navigation_widget_;
ShelfNavigationWidget(Shelf* shelf, ShelfView* shelf_view);
ShelfNavigationWidget(const ShelfNavigationWidget&) = delete;
ShelfNavigationWidget& operator=(const ShelfNavigationWidget&) = delete;
~ShelfNavigationWidget() override;
// Initializes the widget, sets its contents view and basic properties.
void Initialize(aura::Window* container);
// views::Widget:
void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) override;
void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) override;
bool OnNativeWidgetActivationChanged(bool active) override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
// Getter for the back button view - nullptr if the back button should not be
// shown for the current shelf configuration.
BackButton* GetBackButton() const;
// Getter for the home button view - nullptr if the home button should not be
// shown for the current shelf configuration.
HomeButton* GetHomeButton() const;
// Sets whether the last focusable child (instead of the first) should be
// focused when activating this widget.
void SetDefaultLastFocusableChild(bool default_last_focusable_child);
// ShelfComponent:
void CalculateTargetBounds() override;
gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const override;
void UpdateLayout(bool animate) override;
void UpdateTargetBoundsForGesture(int shelf_position) override;
// Returns the visible part's bounds in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect GetVisibleBounds() const;
// Do preparations before setting focus on the navigation widget.
void PrepareForGettingFocus(bool last_element);
// Called when shelf layout manager detects a locale change. Reloads the
// home and back button tooltips and accessibility name strings.
void HandleLocaleChange();
const views::BoundsAnimator* bounds_animator_for_test() const {
return bounds_animator_.get();
class Delegate;
void UpdateButtonVisibility(
views::View* button,
bool visible,
bool animate,
NavigationButtonAnimationMetricsReporter* metrics_reporter,
HotseatState target_hotseat_state);
// Returns the clip rectangle in the shelf navigation widget's coordinates.
// The returned rectangle is mirrored under RTL.
gfx::Rect CalculateClipRectAfterRTL() const;
// Returns the ideal size of the whole widget or the visible area only when
// |only_visible_area| is true.
gfx::Size CalculateIdealSize(bool only_visible_area) const;
// Returns the number of visible control buttons.
int CalculateButtonCount() const;
raw_ptr<Shelf> shelf_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_ = nullptr;
// In tablet mode with hotseat enabled, `clip_rect_after_rtl_` is used to hide
// the invisible widget part. We try best to avoid changing the widget's
// bounds and use layer clip instead. `clip_rect_after_rtl_` is mirrored under
// RTL.
gfx::Rect clip_rect_after_rtl_;
// The target widget bounds in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect target_bounds_;
std::unique_ptr<views::BoundsAnimator> bounds_animator_;
// Animation metrics reporter for back button animations. Owned by the
// Widget to ensure it outlives the BackButton view.
// Animation metrics reporter for home button animations. Owned by the
// Widget to ensure it outlives the HomeButton view.
} // namespace ash