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<!-- Images with existing non-trivial alt text should not be annotated. -->
<img src="red.png" alt="throwing a frisbee" width=16 height=16>
<img src="green.png" alt="potatoes" width=16 height=16>
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<img src="/android/UiCapture/frog.jpg" alt="the" width=50 height=50>
<img src="/android/UiCapture/train.png" alt="photo background" width=50 height=50>
<img src="/android/UiCapture/cloud.png" alt="12345678.jpg" width=50 height=50>
<img src="/android/UiCapture/goat.jpg" alt="Sunday, Feb 6, 1966" width=50 height=50>
<img src="/android/UiCapture/dog.jpg" alt="fotografia bianca e nero" width=50 height=50>