/* Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* The scripts in this file will be injected to the http responses when
* simulating network via Web Page Replay for Chrome Endure tests.
* If you need to modify this scripts, make sure that you use the same version
* of this scripts in both record and replay mode.
* TODO(fdeng):
* This file is adapted from deterministic.js in Web Page Replay project.
* http://code.google.com/p/web-page-replay/source/browse/trunk/deterministic.js
* The value of time_seed is modified to a date far in the future.
* This is a workaround for Endure tests for Google apps like Gmail.
* The side effect of a future date is unknown and needs future investigation.
* A better way to go is to revise the time_seed to
* current time each time we record and use the revised scripts for replay.
* This can be achieved by modifying Web Page Replay to automatically
* revise and save scripts in the archive in record mode and read it
* from the archive in replay mode.
(function () {
var orig_date = Date;
var random_count = 0;
var date_count = 0;
var random_seed = 0.462;
var time_seed = 3204251968254; // Changed from default value 1204251968254
var random_count_threshold = 25;
var date_count_threshold = 25;
Math.random = function() {
if (random_count > random_count_threshold) {
random_seed += 0.1;
random_count = 1;
return (random_seed % 1);
Date = function() {
if (this instanceof Date) {
if (date_count > date_count_threshold) {
time_seed += 50;
date_count = 1;
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0: return new orig_date(time_seed);
case 1: return new orig_date(arguments[0]);
default: return new orig_date(arguments[0], arguments[1],
arguments.length >= 3 ? arguments[2] : 1,
arguments.length >= 4 ? arguments[3] : 0,
arguments.length >= 5 ? arguments[4] : 0,
arguments.length >= 6 ? arguments[5] : 0,
arguments.length >= 7 ? arguments[6] : 0);
return new Date().toString();
Date.__proto__ = orig_date;
Date.prototype.constructor = Date;
orig_date.now = function() {
return new Date().getTime();