# proto-file: //chrome/browser/extensions/cws_item_service.proto"
# proto-message: extensions.FetchItemSnippetResponse
item_id: "enelnimkndkcejhjnpaofdlbbfmdnagi"
' "name": "chrome.fileSystem.getVolumeList test for kiosk apps in the kiosk session",'
' "version": "0.1",'
' "description": "Tests available volumes to kiosk apps running in the kiosk session. Especially Drive must not be exposed.",'
' "app": {'
' "background": {'
' "scripts": ['
' "background.js"'
' ]'
' }'
' },'
' "kiosk_only": true,'
' "kiosk_enabled": true,'
' "permissions": ['
' {'
' "fileSystem": ['
' "requestFileSystem"'
' ]'
' }'
' ]'
title: "chrome.fileSystem.getVolumeList test for kiosk apps in the kiosk session"
summary: "Tests available volumes to kiosk apps running in the kiosk session. Especially Drive must not be exposed."
logo_uri: "webstore/itemsnippet/icons/app_1_green16x16.png"
user_count_string: "1234"
rating_count: 999
average_rating: 1
rating_count_string: "999"