
<!-- Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
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<title>Web Handwriting Recognition Test</title>
<h1>Device doesn't support on-device handwriting</h1>

    // Tast test should wait for this Promise.
    // This method should throw an Error with a description if test fails.
    window.resultPromise = (async function () {
        if ((!navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizerSupport && !navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizer)
            || !navigator.createHandwritingRecognizer) {
            throw new Error("Web Handwriting Recognition API is not available");

        // Test that calling JS API will return (doesn't crash or hang), so JS
        // knows that handwriting isn't supported.
        if (navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizerSupport) {
            // V1 API.
            const { languages } = await navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizerSupport({ languages: ['en'] });
            if (languages !== false) {
                throw new Error("Feature query shouldn't report as supported");

        if (navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizer) {
            // V2 API.
            const featureSupport = await navigator.queryHandwritingRecognizer({ languages: ['en'] });
            if (featureSupport !== null) {
                throw new Error("Feature query should return null");

        // Test that a JS error is thrown (via Promise rejection) when creating a recognizer.
        const didCreateRecognizer = await navigator.createHandwritingRecognizer({ languages: ['en'] }).then(
            _ => true,
            error => false,
        if (didCreateRecognizer) {
            throw new Error("Recognizer shouldn't be created, should have thrown an Error");

        // It's okay to create and manipulate handwriting strokes.
        const stroke = new HandwritingStroke()
        stroke.addPoint({ x: 1, y: 2, t: 0 })
        if (stroke.getPoints().length !== 1) {
            throw new Error("Can't add point to stroke");
        if (stroke.getPoints().length !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Can't clear stroke");