// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is used as dedicated, shared and service worker for
// DlpScopedFileAccessDelegate browser tests.
addEventListener("install", (e) => {
addEventListener("fetch", (e) => {
(async () => {
const cached = await caches.match(e.request);
if (cached) {
return cached;
return fetch(e.request);
async function work(e) {
// Given a directory handle, use it to write "This is file content." into
// the file "write".
if (e.data.action == 0) {
let directory = e.data.directory;
let dirFile = await directory.getFileHandle('test_file.txt', {
create: true
let w = await dirFile.createWritable();
await w.write("This is file content.");
await w.close();
return "saved";
// Given a file handle, use it to write "This is file content." into it.
if (e.data.action == 1) {
let file = e.data.file;
let w = await file.createWritable();
await w.write("This is file content.");
await w.close();
return "saved";
// Given a file handle, get the file object, slice it by 1 (to create a new
// file object) and return the sliced content.
if (e.data.action == 2) {
try {
const file = await e.data.file.getFile();
const copy = file.slice(1);
const content = await copy.text();
return content;
} catch (err) {
console.log(err.name + ": " + err.message);
return "Could not read file.";
// Given a file object, slice it by 1 (to create a new file object) and
// return the sliced content.
if (e.data.action == 3) {
try {
const file = e.data.file;
const copy = file.slice(1);
const content = await copy.text();
return content;
} catch (err) {
console.log(err.name + ": " + err.message);
return "Could not read file.";
// Given a directory handle, use it to open the file "test_file.txt", slice
// it by 1 (to create a new file object) and return the sliced content.
if (e.data.action == 4) {
try {
const directory = e.data.directory;
const dirFile = await directory.getFileHandle('test_file.txt');
const file = await dirFile.getFile();
const copy = file.slice(1);
const content = await copy.text();
return content;
} catch (err) {
console.log(err.name + ": " + err.message);
return "Could not read file.";
addEventListener('message', async function (e) {
const ret = await work(e);
if(e.data.response) {
} else {
addEventListener('connect', async function (e) {
const port = e.ports[0];
port.addEventListener('message', async function (e) {
const ret = await work(e);