// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* Reports an event to DragAndDropBrowserTest and DOMDragEventWaiter */
window.reportDragAndDropEvent = function(ev) {
function safe(f) {
try {
return f();
} catch(err) {
return "Got exception: " + err.message;
var msg = "Got a " + ev.type + " event from the " + window.name + " frame.";
if (window.domAutomationController) {
client_position: safe(function() {
return "(" + ev.clientX + ", " + ev.clientY + ")";
drop_effect: safe(function() { return ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect; }),
effect_allowed: safe(function() {
return ev.dataTransfer.effectAllowed;
event_type: ev.type,
file_names: safe(function() {
return Array
.map(function(file) { return file.name; })
mime_types: safe(function() {
return Array.from(ev.dataTransfer.types).sort().join();
page_position: safe(function() {
return "(" + ev.pageX + ", " + ev.pageY + ")";
screen_position: safe(function() {
return "(" + ev.screenX + ", " + ev.screenY + ")";
window_name: window.name