// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h"
#include "ui/views/metadata/view_factory.h"
namespace ash {
class BlurredBackgroundShield;
// A label button with a rounded rectangle background. It can have an icon
// inside as well, and its text and background colors will be different based on
// the type of the button.
class ASH_EXPORT PillButton : public views::LabelButton {
METADATA_HEADER(PillButton, views::LabelButton)
using ColorVariant = absl::variant<SkColor, ui::ColorId>;
static constexpr int kPillButtonHorizontalSpacing = 16;
static constexpr int kPaddingReductionForIcon = 4;
// The PillButton style is defined with 4 features:
// 1. Color variant defines which background, text, and icon color scheme to
// be used, for example Default, Floating, Alert, etc.
// 2. Button size indicates whether we should use the default size 32 or a
// large size 36.
// 3. With/without an icon.
// 4. Icon position: leading or following.
// For ease of extracting features from a button type, each feature is
// represented by a different bit mask.
using TypeFlag = int;
static constexpr TypeFlag kDefault = 1;
static constexpr TypeFlag kDefaultElevated = 1 << 1;
static constexpr TypeFlag kPrimary = 1 << 2;
static constexpr TypeFlag kSecondary = 1 << 3;
static constexpr TypeFlag kFloating = 1 << 4;
static constexpr TypeFlag kAlert = 1 << 5;
// TODO(crbug.com/1355517): Get rid of `kAccent` after CrosNext is fully
// launched.
static constexpr TypeFlag kAccent = 1 << 6;
static constexpr TypeFlag kLarge = 1 << 7;
static constexpr TypeFlag kIconLeading = 1 << 8;
static constexpr TypeFlag kIconFollowing = 1 << 9;
// Types of the PillButton. Each type is represented as the bitwise OR
// operation of the feature bit masks. The naming rule of the button type is
// k{Color Variant}{Button Size}{Icon}{Icon Position}.
enum Type {
// PillButton with default text and background colors, a leading icon.
kDefaultWithIconLeading = kDefault | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with default text and background colors, a following icon.
kDefaultWithIconFollowing = kDefault | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with default text and background colors, a large button size,
// a leading icon.
kDefaultLargeWithIconLeading = kDefault | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with default text and background colors, a large button size,
// a following icon.
kDefaultLargeWithIconFollowing = kDefault | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with default text and background colors, no icon.
kDefaultWithoutIcon = kDefault,
// PillButton with default text and background colors, a large button size,
// no icon.
kDefaultLargeWithoutIcon = kDefault | kLarge,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, a leading
// icon.
kDefaultElevatedWithIconLeading = kDefaultElevated | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, a following
// icon.
kDefaultElevatedWithIconFollowing = kDefaultElevated | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, a large
// button size, a leading icon.
kDefaultElevatedLargeWithIconLeading =
kDefaultElevated | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, a large
// button size, a following icon.
kDefaultElevatedLargeWithIconFollowing =
kDefaultElevated | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, no icon.
kDefaultElevatedWithoutIcon = kDefaultElevated,
// PillButton with default-elevated text and background colors, a large
// button size,
// no icon.
kDefaultElevatedLargeWithoutIcon = kDefaultElevated | kLarge,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, a leading icon.
kPrimaryWithIconLeading = kPrimary | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, a following icon.
kPrimaryWithIconFollowing = kPrimary | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, a large button size,
// a leading icon.
kPrimaryLargeWithIconLeading = kPrimary | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, a large button size,
// a following icon.
kPrimaryLargeWithIconFollowing = kPrimary | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, no icon.
kPrimaryWithoutIcon = kPrimary,
// PillButton with primary text and background colors, a large button size,
// no icon.
kPrimaryLargeWithoutIcon = kPrimary | kLarge,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, a leading icon.
kSecondaryWithIconLeading = kSecondary | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, a following icon.
kSecondaryWithIconFollowing = kSecondary | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, a large button
// size, a leading icon.
kSecondaryLargeWithIconLeading = kSecondary | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, a large button
// size, a following icon.
kSecondaryLargeWithIconFollowing = kSecondary | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, no icon.
kSecondaryWithoutIcon = kSecondary,
// PillButton with secondary text and background colors, a large button
// size, no icon.
kSecondaryLargeWithoutIcon = kSecondary | kLarge,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, a leading icon.
kFloatingWithIconLeading = kFloating | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, a following icon.
kFloatingWithIconFollowing = kFloating | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, a large button size,
// a leading icon.
kFloatingLargeWithIconLeading = kFloating | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, a large button size,
// a following icon.
kFloatingLargeWithIconFollowing = kFloating | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, no icon.
kFloatingWithoutIcon = kFloating,
// PillButton with floating text colors, no background, a large button size,
// no icon.
kFloatingLargeWithoutIcon = kFloating | kLarge,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, a leading icon.
kAlertWithIconLeading = kAlert | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, a following icon.
kAlertWithIconFollowing = kAlert | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, a large button size, a
// leading icon.
kAlertLargeWithIconLeading = kAlert | kLarge | kIconLeading,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, a large button size, a
// following icon.
kAlertLargeWithIconFollowing = kAlert | kLarge | kIconFollowing,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, no icon.
kAlertWithoutIcon = kAlert,
// PillButton with alert text and background colors, a large button size, no
// icon.
kAlertLargeWithoutIcon = kAlert | kLarge,
// Old button types.
// TODO(crbug.com/1355517): Get rid of these types after CrosNext is fully
// launched.
// PillButton with accent text and background colors, no icon.
kAccentWithoutIcon = kAccent,
// PillButton with accent text, no background, no icon.
kAccentFloatingWithoutIcon = kAccent | kFloating,
explicit PillButton(
PressedCallback callback = PressedCallback(),
const std::u16string& text = std::u16string(),
Type type = Type::kDefaultWithoutIcon,
const gfx::VectorIcon* icon = nullptr,
int horizontal_spacing = kPillButtonHorizontalSpacing,
int padding_reduction_for_icon = kPaddingReductionForIcon);
PillButton(const PillButton&) = delete;
PillButton& operator=(const PillButton&) = delete;
~PillButton() override;
// views::LabelButton:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
gfx::Insets GetInsets() const override;
void UpdateBackgroundColor() override;
views::PropertyEffects UpdateStyleToIndicateDefaultStatus() override;
std::u16string GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p) const override;
// Sets the button's background color, text's color or icon's color. Note, do
// this only when the button wants to have different colors from the default
// ones.
void SetBackgroundColor(const SkColor background_color);
void SetBackgroundColorId(ui::ColorId background_color_id);
void SetButtonTextColor(const SkColor text_color);
void SetButtonTextColorId(ui::ColorId text_color_id);
void SetIconColor(const SkColor icon_color);
void SetIconColorId(ui::ColorId icon_color_id);
// TODO(b/290639214): This method is deprecating. Try not to change button
// type afterward. If a new button type is needed, please create a new
// instance.
void SetPillButtonType(Type type);
// Sets the button's label to use the default label font, which is smaller
// and less heavily weighted.
void SetUseDefaultLabelFont();
// Sets if the button should enable the background blur. Once the button
// enables the background blur, it will use `BlurredBackgroundShield` as the
// background which is performance consuming so only use it as needed.
void SetEnableBackgroundBlur(bool enable);
void SetTextWithStringId(int message_id);
void SetUseLabelAsDefaultTooltip(bool use_label_as_default_tooltip);
// Initializes the button layout, focus ring and background according to the
// button type.
void Init();
void UpdateTextColor();
void UpdateIconColor();
// Returns the spacing on the side where the icon locates. The value is set
// smaller to make the spacing on two sides visually look the same.
int GetHorizontalSpacingWithIcon() const;
Type type_;
const raw_ptr<const gfx::VectorIcon> icon_;
// Horizontal spacing of this button. `kPillButtonHorizontalSpacing` will be
// set as the default value.
int horizontal_spacing_;
// The padding reduced by icon.
int padding_reduction_for_icon_;
// Custom colors and color IDs.
ColorVariant background_color_ = gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
ColorVariant text_color_ = gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
ColorVariant icon_color_ = gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
bool enable_background_blur_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<BlurredBackgroundShield> blurred_background_;
// Indicates if we are going to use the label contents for tooltip as default.
bool use_label_as_default_tooltip_ = true;
// Called to update background color when the button is enabled/disabled.
base::CallbackListSubscription enabled_changed_subscription_;
BEGIN_VIEW_BUILDER(ASH_EXPORT, PillButton, views::LabelButton)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(const SkColor, BackgroundColor)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(ui::ColorId, BackgroundColorId)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(const SkColor, ButtonTextColor)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(ui::ColorId, ButtonTextColorId)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(const SkColor, IconColor)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(PillButton::Type, PillButtonType)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(bool, EnableBackgroundBlur)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(bool, UseLabelAsDefaultTooltip)
} // namespace ash