// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
namespace ash {
// Generates a clip path to render rounded corners and cutouts of arbitrary
// size and number (up to one cutout per corner).
// ______
// | |__ < Cutout Upper Right
// | |
// | |
// |_______|
class ASH_EXPORT RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder {
// Possible corners that can have a cutout in counter-clockwise order.
enum class Corner { kUpperLeft, kLowerLeft, kLowerRight, kUpperRight };
// Constructs a builder where the desired clipping region size is `bounds`.
// Due to the default values of the corner radii, the minimum dimensions are
// 32 X 32 px.
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder(gfx::SizeF bounds);
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder(const RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder&);
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder& operator=(const RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder&);
// Sets the radius of the corners of the rectangle formed by bounds (not part
// of the cutout).
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder& CornerRadius(int radius);
// Add a cutout at `corner` of `size`. Each `corner` may have a cutout.
// Setting a `corner` multiple times will replace that cutout. A `size` of
// zero will result in that cutout being removed.
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder& AddCutout(Corner corner, gfx::SizeF size);
// Sets the radius of the interior corner of the cutout.
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder& CutoutInnerCornerRadius(int radius);
// Sets the radius of the two exterior corners in the cutout.
RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder& CutoutOuterCornerRadius(int radius);
// Returns the configured path. May CHECK if the path cannot be drawn if the
// `bounds` or corner sizes are not sufficiently large for the configured
// radii.
SkPath Build();
gfx::SizeF bounds_;
// The radius of the corners without the cutout.
int corner_radius_ = 16;
// Radii of the corners in the cutout.
int cutout_inner_corner_radius_ = 16;
int cutout_outer_corner_radius_ = 12;
// Dimensions of each cutout.
base::flat_map<Corner, gfx::SizeF> cutouts_;
} // namespace ash