// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var allTests = [
async function testAddRemoveOnDesktop() {
const desktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
// |desktop| at this point has no listeners. A shutdown of the automation
// tree is not triggered for this case. To do so now would be too strict.
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, desktop.role);
// Adding a listener should have no effect.
const focusHandler = () => {};
desktop.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
desktop.firstChild.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, desktop.role);
// Removing the listener, though, clears the automation tree as signified by
// the lack of node data.
desktop.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
desktop.firstChild.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
await pollUntil(() => desktop.role === undefined, 100);
// Re-requesting desktop should just work.
const newDesktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, newDesktop.role);
async function testGetDesktopWhileDisabling() {
const desktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
const focusHandler = () => {};
desktop.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
// A disableDesktop call is sent and in-flight. Getting a new desktop should
// queue up and work after that.
desktop.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
// This does get the current desktop as well, prior to disabling. Doing this
// checks that repeated calls still work prior to the disable coming
// through.
const newDesktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
// Both |desktop| and |newDesktop| should be valid and refer to the
// same tree.
assertEq(newDesktop, desktop);
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, newDesktop.role);
// Finally, the disabling above (from removing the event listeners) comes
// some time later. Wait for it so that it does not impact other tests.
await pollUntil(() => desktop.role === undefined, 100);
async function testUnbalancedAddRemoveEventListeners() {
const desktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
// Intentionally unbalanced add to remove below.
const handler = () => {};
desktop.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, handler);
desktop.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, handler);
desktop.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, handler);
// Unfortunately, we have to introduce timing here to not manipulate the
// very event state that is being tested.
await new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(() => {
// If a disable occurred, the desktop would have been destroyed.
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, desktop.role);
}, 100);
// Remove the event listener, and wait for the desktop to be destroyed.
desktop.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, handler);
await pollUntil(() => desktop.role === undefined, 100);
async function testAddRemoveOnDisappearingButtons() {
const desktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
const button = await pollUntil(
() => findAutomationNode(desktop, n => n.name === 'remove'), 100);
assertEq('remove', button.name);
// Adding a listener should have no effect.
const focusHandler = () => {};
button.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, desktop.role);
// The click/do default action triggers removal of the button.
// We can't add event listeners to observe the deletions as to not trigger
// adds, so poll for the change.
await pollUntil(() => button.role === undefined, 10);
// The tree is completely cleared.
assertEq(undefined, desktop.role);
// Note that these tests run on the *same* webpage, so the above test already
// removed/hide one of the buttons.
async function testWindowClose() {
const desktop = await new Promise(r => chrome.automation.getDesktop(r));
const button = await pollUntil(
() => findAutomationNode(desktop, n => n.name === 'close'), 100);
assertEq('close', button.name);
// Adding a listener should have no effect.
const focusHandler = () => {};
button.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, focusHandler);
assertEq(RoleType.DESKTOP, desktop.role);
// The click/do default action triggers the window to close.
// We can't add event listeners to observe the deletions as to not trigger
// adds, so poll for the change.
await pollUntil(() => button.role === undefined, 10);
// The tree should not be cleared.
await new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (desktop.role !== undefined) {
}, 100);
allTests, 'add_remove_event_listeners.html', /* ensurePersists = */ false);