// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/style/style_viewer/system_ui_components_grid_view.h"
#include "ash/style/style_viewer/system_ui_components_grid_view_factories.h"
#include "ash/style/switch.h"
#include "ui/views/accessibility/view_accessibility.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/label.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Conigure of grid view for `KnobSwitch` instances.
constexpr size_t kGridViewRowNum = 4;
constexpr size_t kGridViewColNum = 1;
constexpr size_t kGridViewRowGroupSize = 2;
constexpr size_t kGirdViewColGroupSize = 1;
// A callback function of knob switch to show its selected state on a label.
void ShowSwitchState(views::Label* label, Switch* switch_view) {
if (switch_view->GetIsOn()) {
label->SetText(u"Switch is ON");
label->SetText(u"Switch is OFF");
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<SystemUIComponentsGridView> CreateSwitchInstancesGridView() {
auto grid_view = std::make_unique<SystemUIComponentsGridView>(
kGridViewRowNum, kGridViewColNum, kGridViewRowGroupSize,
// A label used to show the selected state of a knob switch.
auto label = std::make_unique<views::Label>(u"Switch is OFF");
label->GetViewAccessibility().SetName(u"switch state");
auto switch_view = std::make_unique<Switch>();
base::BindRepeating(&ShowSwitchState, label.get(), switch_view.get()));
// A disabled knob switch with selected off state.
auto disabled_switch_off = std::make_unique<Switch>();
disabled_switch_off->GetViewAccessibility().SetName(u"disabled switch off");
// A disabled knob switch with selected on state.
auto disabled_switch_on = std::make_unique<Switch>();
disabled_switch_on->GetViewAccessibility().SetName(u"disabled switch on");
grid_view->AddInstance(u"", std::move(label));
grid_view->AddInstance(u"Switch", std::move(switch_view));
grid_view->AddInstance(u"Disabled Switch OFF",
grid_view->AddInstance(u"Disabled Switch ON", std::move(disabled_switch_on));
return grid_view;
} // namespace ash