// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/style/style_viewer/system_ui_components_grid_view.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_constants.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/label.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/layout_manager_base.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// The default padding within each grid in grid layout.
constexpr int kGridInnerPadding = 5;
// The default spacing between the row groups in grid layout.
constexpr int kGridRowGroupSpacing = 20;
// The default spacing between the column groups in grid layout.
constexpr int kGridColGroupSpacing = 20;
// The default insets of the grid layout border.
constexpr gfx::Insets kGridBorderInsets(10);
} // namespace
// SystemUIComponentsGridView::GridLayout:
// GridLayout splits the contents into `row_num` x `col_num` grids. Grids in the
// same row have same height and grids in the same column have same width. The
// rows and columns can be divided into equal sized groups. `row_group_size` and
// `col_group_size` indicate the number of rows and columns in each row and
// column group. If the number of rows and columns cannot be divided by their
// group size, the last group will have the remainders. There is a spacing
// between the row and column groups. There is also a border around the grids.
// An example is shown below:
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | border |
// | +--------+-------+ +---------+----------+ |
// | | | | col group spacing | | | |
// | +--------+-------+ +---------+----------+ |
// | row group spacing row group spacing |
// | +--------+-------+ +---------+----------+ |
// | border | | | | | | border |
// | | | | col group spacing | | | |
// | +--------+-------+ +---------+----------+ |
// | border |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
class SystemUIComponentsGridView::GridLayout : public views::LayoutManagerBase {
GridLayout(size_t row_num,
size_t col_num,
size_t row_group_size,
size_t col_group_size,
int inner_padding,
int row_group_spacing,
int col_group_spacing,
const gfx::Insets& border_insets)
: row_num_(row_num),
border_insets_(border_insets) {
// Clamp the row and column group size between 1 and the number of rows and
// columns when the layout is not empty.
if (row_num_ > 0 && col_num_ > 0) {
row_group_size_ =
std::clamp(row_group_size, static_cast<size_t>(1), row_num_);
col_group_size_ =
std::clamp(col_group_size, static_cast<size_t>(1), col_num_);
GridLayout(const GridLayout&) = delete;
GridLayout& operator=(const GridLayout&) = delete;
~GridLayout() override = default;
// views::LayoutManagerBase:
views::ProposedLayout CalculateProposedLayout(
const views::SizeBounds& size_bounds) const override {
views::ProposedLayout layout;
// No layout if either row/column is empty.
if (row_num_ == 0 || col_num_ == 0)
return layout;
// The x of grids origin in different columns.
std::vector<int> ori_x(col_num_, 0);
// The y of grids origin in different rows.
std::vector<int> ori_y(row_num_, 0);
ori_x[0] = border_insets_.left();
ori_y[0] = border_insets_.top();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) {
int row_index = i / col_num_;
int col_index = i % col_num_;
// Calculate the origin posisitons.
if (row_index == 0 && col_index > 0) {
int col_padding =
(col_index % col_group_size_) ? 0 : col_group_spacing_;
ori_x[col_index] =
ori_x[col_index - 1] + col_width_[col_index - 1] + col_padding;
if (row_index > 0 && col_index == 0) {
int row_padding =
(row_index % row_group_size_) ? 0 : row_group_spacing_;
ori_y[row_index] =
ori_y[row_index - 1] + row_height_[row_index - 1] + row_padding;
// Skip empty instances.
if (!children_[i])
layout.child_layouts.emplace_back(children_[i], true);
views::ChildLayout& child_layout = layout.child_layouts.back();
// Put the view in the center of the grid.
int view_width = children_[i]->GetPreferredSize({}).width();
int view_height = children_[i]->GetPreferredSize({}).height();
child_layout.bounds = gfx::Rect(
ori_x[col_index] + inner_padding_,
ori_y[row_index] + (row_height_[row_index] - view_height) / 2,
view_width, view_height);
int width = std::reduce(col_width_.begin(), col_width_.end(), 0) +
(col_num_ - 1) / col_group_size_ * col_group_spacing_ +
int height = std::reduce(row_height_.begin(), row_height_.end(), 0) +
(row_num_ - 1) / row_group_size_ * row_group_spacing_ +
layout.host_size = gfx::Size(width, height);
return layout;
// Append a view (or nullptr) in `children_`.
void AppendView(views::View* host, views::View* view) {
// Number of children cannot exceed the layout capacity.
DCHECK_LT(children_.size(), row_num_ * col_num_);
if (view)
ChildViewSizeChanged(host, view);
bool OnViewRemoved(View* host, View* view) override {
auto iter =
std::find_if(children_.begin(), children_.end(),
[view](views::View* child) { return view == child; });
DCHECK(iter != children_.end());
*iter = nullptr;
return views::LayoutManagerBase::OnViewRemoved(host, view);
void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(views::View* host, views::View* view) {
ChildViewSizeChanged(host, view);
// Called when the size of a `view` in `children_` changed.
void ChildViewSizeChanged(views::View* host, views::View* view) {
// Get the index of `view` in `children_`.
auto iter = base::ranges::find(children_, view);
DCHECK(iter != children_.end());
const int view_index = std::distance(children_.begin(), iter);
// When a view size is changed, updates the max width of the column and max
// height of the row.
int row_index = view_index / col_num_;
int col_index = view_index % col_num_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < col_num_; i++) {
const size_t index = row_index * col_num_ + i;
if (index >= children_.size()) {
const auto* child = children_[index].get();
if (child) {
row_height_[row_index] =
child->GetPreferredSize().height() + 2 * inner_padding_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < row_num_; i++) {
const size_t index = i * col_num_ + col_index;
if (index >= children_.size()) {
const auto* child = children_[index].get();
if (child) {
col_width_[col_index] =
child->GetPreferredSize().width() + 2 * inner_padding_);
// Re-layout the host view.
// The number of rows and columns.
const size_t row_num_;
const size_t col_num_;
// The width of different columns.
std::vector<int> col_width_;
// The height of different rows.
std::vector<int> row_height_;
// The size of each row and column group.
size_t row_group_size_;
size_t col_group_size_;
// The padding in each grid.
int inner_padding_;
// Spacing between row groups.
int row_group_spacing_;
// Spacing between column groups.
int col_group_spacing_;
gfx::Insets border_insets_;
std::vector<raw_ptr<views::View, VectorExperimental>> children_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SystemUIComponentsGridView:
// We assume each column in the contents view at least has a label and
// an instance. Therefore, the column of contents view occupies two columns of
// the grid layout.
SystemUIComponentsGridView::SystemUIComponentsGridView(size_t row_num,
size_t col_num,
size_t row_group_size,
size_t col_group_size)
: grid_layout_(
2 * col_num,
2 * col_group_size,
kGridBorderInsets))) {}
SystemUIComponentsGridView::~SystemUIComponentsGridView() = default;
void SystemUIComponentsGridView::ChildPreferredSizeChanged(views::View* child) {
// Update the layout when a child size is changed.
grid_layout_->ChildPreferredSizeChanged(this, child);
void SystemUIComponentsGridView::AddInstanceImpl(
const std::u16string& name,
std::unique_ptr<views::View> instance_view) {
views::Label* label_ptr = nullptr;
views::View* instance_ptr = instance_view.get();
if (instance_view) {
// Add a label and an instance in the contents.
auto label = std::make_unique<views::Label>(name);
label_ptr = AddChildView(std::move(label));
grid_layout_->AppendView(this, label_ptr);
grid_layout_->AppendView(this, instance_ptr);
} // namespace ash