// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/color/color_provider_source_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rounded_corners_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/shadow_value.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace ui {
class ColorProvider;
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace views {
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
// SystemShadow is an interface to generate shadow with system shadow style for
// different types of UI surfaces.
class ASH_EXPORT SystemShadow : public ui::ColorProviderSourceObserver {
// Shadow types of system UI components. The shadows with different elevations
// have different appearance.
enum class Type {
kElevation4, // corresponds to cros.sys.system-elevation1.
kElevation12, // corresponds to cros.sys.system-elevation3.
kElevation24, // corresponds to cros.sys.system-elevation5.
using LayerRecreatedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(ui::Layer* /*old_layer*/,
ui::Layer* /*new_layer*/)>;
~SystemShadow() override;
// Create a system shadow based on `ui::Shadow` which paints shadow on a nine
// patch layer. This shadow can be used for any UI surfaces. Usually, when
// creating the shadow for a window, attach the shadow's layer at the bottom
// of the window's layer; when creating the shadow for a view, attach the
// shadow's layer at the bottom of the view's parent layer. The layer's
// content bounds should be manually updated.
static std::unique_ptr<SystemShadow> CreateShadowOnNinePatchLayer(
Type shadow_type,
const LayerRecreatedCallback& layer_recreated_callback);
// Create a system shadow based on `ash::ViewShadow`. This shadow is used for
// views. The shadow's layer is added to the `layers_beneath_` of the view and
// its content bounds are adjusted with the bounds of view's layer. The shadow
// does not need to manually update the content bounds but cannot be used when
// the shadow's content bounds do not equal to the view bounds. For example,
// `AppListFolderView` has a clip rect whose bounds should be the content
// bounds of the shadow. In this case, please use
// `CreateShadowOnNinePatchLayer` instead.
static std::unique_ptr<SystemShadow> CreateShadowOnNinePatchLayerForView(
views::View* view,
Type shadow_type);
// Create a system shadow based on `ui::Shadow`. The shadow's layer is added
// to the bottom of the window's layer and its contents bounds are adjusted
// with the window bounds. The shadow does not need to manually update the
// content bounds but cannot be used when the shadow's contents bounds do not
// equal to the window bounds. For example, the content bounds of
// `OverviewItem` for wide and tall windows do not equal to the item bounds.
// In this case, please use `CreateShadowOnNinePatchLayer` instead.
static std::unique_ptr<SystemShadow> CreateShadowOnNinePatchLayerForWindow(
aura::Window* window,
Type shadow_type);
// Create a system shadow painted on a texture layer. Painting shadow on a
// texture layer is expensive so only use it when necessary. See
// `SystemShadowOnTextureLayer` for more details.
static std::unique_ptr<SystemShadow> CreateShadowOnTextureLayer(
Type shadow_type);
// Get shadow elevation according to the given type.
static int GetElevationFromType(Type type);
// Change shadow type and update shadow elevation and appearance. Note that to
// avoid inconsistency of shadow type and elevation. Always change system
// shadow elevation with `SetType`.
virtual void SetType(Type type) = 0;
virtual void SetContentBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
// TODO(http://b/307326019): Deprecate this method when all shadow
// implementations use `gfx::RoundedCornersF`.
virtual void SetRoundedCornerRadius(int corner_radius) = 0;
// TODO(http://b/307326019): This is only used for
// `SystemShadowOnTextureLayer` for now. Should be applied to
// `SystemShadowOnNinePatchLayer` when `ui::Shadow` is able to use
// `gfx::RoundedCornersF`.
virtual void SetRoundedCorners(
const gfx::RoundedCornersF& rounded_corners) = 0;
virtual const gfx::Rect& GetContentBounds() = 0;
// Return the layer of the shadow. This function can be used by any types of
// shadow. The layer is commonly used for setting layer hierarchy, visibility,
// and transformation.
virtual ui::Layer* GetLayer() = 0;
// Return the nine patch layer of the shadow. This function is only used by
// ui::Shadow based implementations. The nine patch layer is a child layer of
// the shadow's layer painted with the shadow image. Normally, set the
// hierarchy, visibility and transformation on the shadow's layer instead of
// the nine patch layer.
virtual ui::Layer* GetNinePatchLayer() = 0;
// Return the shadow values of the shadow for testing.
virtual const gfx::ShadowValues GetShadowValuesForTesting() const = 0;
// Observe the given color provider source to update the shadow colors.
void ObserveColorProviderSource(
ui::ColorProviderSource* color_provider_source);
// ui::ColorProviderSourceObserver:
void OnColorProviderChanged() override;
// Update shadow colors with given color provider.
virtual void UpdateShadowColors(const ui::ColorProvider* color_provider) = 0;
} // namespace ash