// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var expectedCallback;
var tab;
// Navigates to |url| and invokes |callback| when a rule has been queued.
function navigateTab(url, callback) {
expectedCallback = callback;
chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {url: url});
var matchedRules = [];
var documentIds = [];
var nextDocumentId = 1;
var onRuleMatchedDebugCallback = (rule) => {
var testServerPort;
function getServerURL(host) {
if (!testServerPort)
throw new Error('Called getServerURL outside of runTests.');
return `https://${host}:${testServerPort}`;
function resetMatchedRules() {
matchedRules = [];
function verifyExpectedRuleInfo(expectedRuleInfo) {
const matchedRule = matchedRules[0];
// The request ID may not be known but should be populated.
delete matchedRule.request.requestId;
// Since the documentId/parentDocumentId is a unique random identifier it is
// not useful to tests. Normalize them so that test cases can assert
// against a fixed number.
if ('parentDocumentId' in matchedRule.request) {
if (documentIds[matchedRule.request.parentDocumentId] === undefined) {
documentIds[matchedRule.request.parentDocumentId] = nextDocumentId++;
matchedRule.request.parentDocumentId =
if ('documentId' in matchedRule.request) {
if (documentIds[matchedRule.request.documentId] === undefined) {
documentIds[matchedRule.request.documentId] = nextDocumentId++;
matchedRule.request.documentId =
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedRuleInfo, matchedRule);
// Opaque initiators serialize to "null".
const kOpaqueInitiator = "null";
var tests = [
function setup() {
// Wait for a round trip to ensure the listener is properly added in the
// browser process before initiating any requests.
chrome.test.waitForRoundTrip('msg', chrome.test.succeed);
// Makes sure block rules apply for fenced frames.
function testBlockRule() {
const baseUrl = getServerURL('a.test') +
const url = baseUrl + 'blocked.html';
const fencedFrameUrl = baseUrl + 'blocked_fenced_frame.html';
navigateTab(url, (tab) => {
const expectedRuleInfo = {
request: {
initiator: kOpaqueInitiator,
method: 'GET',
frameId: 5,
documentLifecycle: 'active',
frameType: 'fenced_frame',
parentDocumentId: 1,
parentFrameId: 0,
type: 'sub_frame',
tabId: tab.id,
url: fencedFrameUrl
rule: {ruleId: 1, rulesetId: 'rules'}
const getFencedFrameWidth =
'(async function() {' +
' while(true) { ' +
' await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);' +
' let width =' +
' document.getElementsByTagName("fencedframe")[0].clientWidth;' +
' if (width == 0) {' +
' chrome.runtime.sendMessage({width: width});' +
' break;' +
' }' +
' }' +
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(results => {
// Ensure the clientWidth is 0 indicating
// the frame has no layout size and was
// collapsed correctly.
chrome.test.assertEq(0, results.width);
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {frameId: 0,
code: getFencedFrameWidth});
// Makes sure rule 4 for subframes applies and not rule 2 for main frames
// or rule 3 for thirdParty domains.
function testAllowRule() {
const baseUrl = getServerURL('a.test') +
const url = baseUrl + 'allow.html';
const fencedFrameUrl = baseUrl + 'allowed_fenced_frame.html';
navigateTab(url, (tab) => {
const expectedRuleInfo = {
request: {
initiator: kOpaqueInitiator,
method: 'GET',
frameId: 7,
documentLifecycle: 'active',
frameType: 'fenced_frame',
parentDocumentId: 2,
parentFrameId: 0,
type: 'sub_frame',
tabId: tab.id,
url: fencedFrameUrl
rule: {ruleId: 4, rulesetId: 'rules'}
// Uses rule 5 to allow a subresource inside the fenced frame.
function testAllowResourceRule() {
const baseUrl = getServerURL('a.test') +
const url = baseUrl + 'resource1.html';
const matchedImageUrl = baseUrl + 'icon1.png';
navigateTab(url, (tab) => {
const expectedRuleInfo = {
request: {
initiator: getServerURL('a.test'),
method: 'GET',
documentId: 4,
frameId: 9,
documentLifecycle: 'active',
frameType: 'fenced_frame',
parentDocumentId: 3,
parentFrameId: 0,
type: 'image',
tabId: tab.id,
url: matchedImageUrl
rule: { ruleId: 5, rulesetId: 'rules' }
// Uses rule 6 to block a subresource inside the fenced frame.
function testBlockResourceRule() {
const baseUrl = getServerURL('a.test') +
const url = baseUrl + 'resource2.html';
const matchedImageUrl = baseUrl + 'icon2.png';
navigateTab(url, (tab) => {
const expectedRuleInfo = {
request: {
initiator: getServerURL('a.test'),
method: 'GET',
documentId: 6,
frameId: 11,
documentLifecycle: 'active',
frameType: 'fenced_frame',
parentDocumentId: 5,
parentFrameId: 0,
type: 'image',
tabId: tab.id,
url: matchedImageUrl
rule: { ruleId: 6, rulesetId: 'rules' }
chrome.test.getConfig(async (config) => {
testServerPort = config.testServer.port;
tab = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
chrome.tabs.create({"url": "about:blank"}, (value) => {