# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates the following trees of certificates:
# client_root (self-signed root)
# \ \ \
# \ \ \-> client_1_ca --> client_1 (end-entity)
# \ \
# \ \---> client_2_ca --> client_2 (end-entity)
# \
# \-----> client_3_ca --> client_3 (end-entity)
# root (self-signed root)
# \ \
# \ \--> l1_leaf (end-entity)
# \
# \----> l1_interm --> l2_leaf (end-entity)
export CA_CERT_UTIL_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/chrome/test/data/policy/ca_util"
source "${CA_CERT_UTIL_DIR}/ca_util.sh"
export CA_CERT_UTIL_OUT_DIR="./out/"
try rm -rf out
try mkdir out
# Create client_root
try openssl genrsa -out out/client_root.key 2048
COMMON_NAME="Client Root CA" \
ID=client_root \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key out/client_root.key \
-config client-certs.cnf \
-out out/client_root.csr
COMMON_NAME="Client Root CA" \
ID=client_root \
try openssl x509 \
-req -days 3650 \
-in out/client_root.csr \
-extensions ca_cert \
-extfile client-certs.cnf \
-signkey out/client_root.key \
-out out/client_root.pem
echo 1000 > out/client_root-serial
touch out/client_root-index.txt
# Generate CA keys
try openssl genrsa -out "out/client_1_ca.key" 2048
try openssl genrsa -out "out/client_2_ca.key" 2048
try openssl ecparam -out out/client_3_ca.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
# Generate client keys
try openssl genrsa -out "out/client_1.key" 2048
try openssl genrsa -out "out/client_2.key" 2048
try openssl ecparam -out out/client_3.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
for i in 1 3
# Create client_{1,2,3}_ca
COMMON_NAME="Client Cert ${i} CA" \
ID="client_${i}_ca" \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key "out/client_${i}_ca.key" \
-config client-certs.cnf \
-out "out/client_${i}_ca.csr"
COMMON_NAME="Client Cert ${i} CA" \
ID=client_root \
try openssl ca \
-batch \
-extensions ca_cert \
-in "out/client_${i}_ca.csr" \
-config client-certs.cnf \
-out "out/client_${i}_ca.pem"
echo $(expr 1000 + ${i}) > "out/client_${i}_ca-serial"
touch "out/client_${i}_ca-index.txt"
# Create client_{1,2,3}
COMMON_NAME="Client Cert ${i}" \
ID="client_${i}" \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key "out/client_${i}.key" \
-config client-certs.cnf \
-out "out/client_${i}.csr"
COMMON_NAME="Client Cert ${i}" \
ID="client_${i}_ca" \
try openssl ca \
-batch \
-extensions user_cert \
-in "out/client_${i}.csr" \
-config client-certs.cnf \
-out "client_${i}.pem"
try openssl pkcs8 \
-topk8 -nocrypt \
-in "out/client_${i}.key" \
-outform DER \
-out "client_${i}.pk8"
try openssl x509 \
-in "client_${i}.pem" \
-outform DER \
-out "client_${i}.der"
# Create additional files for client_1
try openssl rsa \
-in "out/client_1.key" \
-inform PEM \
-pubout \
-outform DER \
-out client_1_spki.der
try openssl asn1parse \
-in client_1.der \
-inform DER \
-strparse 32 \
-out client_1_issuer_dn.der
# Create signatures using client_{1,2}
for i in 1 2
try openssl dgst \
-sha1 \
-sign "out/client_${i}.key" \
-out "signature_client${i}_sha1_pkcs" \
try openssl rsautl \
-inkey "out/client_1.key" \
-sign \
-in data \
-pkcs \
-out signature_nohash_pkcs
# Generate an EC P-256 private key
try openssl ecparam \
-genkey \
-name prime256v1 \
-out out/ec_private_key.der \
-outform der
# Extract the SPKI from the private key
try openssl ec \
-pubout \
-in out/ec_private_key.der \
-inform der \
-out ec_spki.der \
-outform der
# Generate certificate for ec_private_key
try openssl req \
-new \
-x509 \
-key out/ec_private_key.der \
-keyform der \
-out ec_cert.der \
-outform der
# Create root, l1_interm, l{1,2}_leaf
CN=root \
try root_cert root
CA_ID=root CN=l1_leaf SAN="DNS:${CN}"\
try issue_cert l1_leaf leaf_cert_san as_der
CA_ID=root CN=l1_interm \
try issue_cert l1_interm ca_cert as_der
CA_ID=l1_interm CN=l2_leaf SAN="DNS:${CN}"\
try issue_cert l2_leaf leaf_cert_san as_der
try rm -rf out