// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/diagnostics/async_log.h"
#include "ash/webui/diagnostics_ui/mojom/network_health_provider.mojom.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
namespace ash {
namespace diagnostics {
class ASH_EXPORT NetworkingLog {
explicit NetworkingLog(const base::FilePath& log_base_path);
NetworkingLog(const NetworkingLog&) = delete;
NetworkingLog& operator=(const NetworkingLog&) = delete;
// Returns the networking info section as a string.
std::string GetNetworkInfo() const;
// Returns the networking events section as a string.
std::string GetNetworkEvents() const;
// Updates the list of valid networks and which is active.
void UpdateNetworkList(const std::vector<std::string>& observer_guids,
std::string active_guid);
// Update the state of the network. Networks can be identified by
// the `observer_guid` property.
void UpdateNetworkState(mojom::NetworkPtr network);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkHealthProviderTest, NetworkingLog);
friend class NetworkHealthProviderTest;
// Test only. Get the count of UpdateNetworkList() being called.
size_t update_network_list_call_count_for_testing() const;
// Writes the `event_string` to the `event_log_`.
void LogEvent(const std::string& event_string);
// Logs an event whenever a new network is seen in the network list
// sent to UpdateNetworkList().
void LogNetworkAdded(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network);
// Logs an event whenever a network is removed from the network list
// sent to UpdateNetworkList().
void LogNetworkRemoved(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network);
// Top level function that determines which state changes should be
// logged and calls the appropriate specialized method below.
void LogNetworkChanges(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network);
// Logs when the state of the network changes.
void LogNetworkStateChanged(const mojom::NetworkPtr& old_state,
const mojom::NetworkPtr& new_state);
// Logs when a WiFi network is joined.
void LogJoinedWiFiNetwork(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network);
// Logs when a WiFi network is left.
void LogLeftWiFiNetwork(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network,
const std::string& old_ssid);
// Logs when a WiFi network roams between access points.
void LogWiFiRoamedAccessPoint(const mojom::NetworkPtr& network,
const std::string& old_bssid);
AsyncLog event_log_;
std::string active_guid_;
base::flat_map<std::string, mojom::NetworkPtr> latest_network_states_;
size_t update_network_list_call_count_for_testing_ = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics
} // namespace ash