// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Processes API test for Chrome.
// browser_tests.exe --gtest_filter=ExtensionApiTest.Processes
var pass = chrome.test.callbackPass;
var fail = chrome.test.callbackFail;
var assertEq = chrome.test.assertEq;
var assertTrue = chrome.test.assertTrue;
var assertFalse = chrome.test.assertFalse;
var listenOnce = chrome.test.listenOnce;
var tabs = [];
var hangingTabProcess = -1;
function createTab(index, url) {
chrome.tabs.create({"url": url}, pass(function(tab) {
tabs[index] = tab;
var getProcessId = chrome.processes.getProcessIdForTab;
function pageUrl(letter) {
return chrome.runtime.getURL(letter + ".html");
function dumpProcess(process) {
console.log("id " + process.id);
console.log("osProcId " + process.osProcessId);
console.log("type " + process.type);
console.log("profile " + process.profile);
console.log("tasks " + process.tasks);
for (var i = 0; i < process.tasks.length; ++i) {
console.log("task["+ i + "].title " + process.tasks[i].title);
if ("tabId" in process.tasks[i])
console.log("task["+ i + "].tabId " + process.tasks[i].tabId);
console.log("cpu " + process.cpu);
console.log("privMem " + process.privateMemory);
console.log("network " + process.network);
console.log("jsMemAlloc " + process.jsMemoryAllocated);
console.log("jsMemUsed " + process.jsMemoryUsed);
console.log("sqliteMem " + process.sqliteMemory);
console.log("naclDebugPort " + process.naclDebugPort);
if ("imageCache" in process) {
console.log("imageCache.size " + process.imageCache.size);
console.log("imageCache.liveSize " + process.imageCache.liveSize);
if ("scriptCache" in process) {
console.log("scriptCache.size " + process.scriptCache.size);
console.log("scriptCache.liveSize " + process.scriptCache.liveSize);
if ("cssCache" in process) {
console.log("cssCache.size " + process.cssCache.size);
console.log("cssCache .liveSize " + process.cssCache.liveSize);
function validateProcessProperties(process, updating, memory_included) {
// Always present.
assertTrue("id" in process);
assertTrue("naclDebugPort" in process);
assertTrue("osProcessId" in process);
assertTrue("type" in process);
assertTrue("profile" in process);
assertTrue("tasks" in process);
assertTrue("title" in process.tasks[0]);
// Present if onUpdate(WithMemory) listener is registered.
assertEq(("cpu" in process), updating);
assertEq(("network" in process), updating);
// Present if memory details are requested.
assertEq(("privateMemory" in process), memory_included);
// sqliteMemory is only reported for the browser process
if (process.type == "browser") {
assertEq(("sqliteMemory" in process), updating);
} else if (process.type == "renderer") {
// The rest are not present in the browser process
assertEq(("jsMemoryAllocated" in process), updating);
assertEq(("jsMemoryUsed" in process), updating);
assertEq(("imageCache" in process), updating);
assertEq(("scriptCache" in process), updating);
assertEq(("cssCache" in process), updating);
function setupProcessTests() {
// Open 4 tabs for test, then wait and create a 5th
createTab(0, "about:blank");
createTab(1, pageUrl("a"));
createTab(2, pageUrl("b"));
createTab(3, "chrome://newtab/");
// Wait for all loads to complete.
var completedCount = 0;
var onUpdatedCompleted = chrome.test.listenForever(
function(changedTabId, changeInfo, changedTab) {
if (changedTab.status == "complete") {
// Once the NTP finishes loading, create another one. This ensures
// both NTPs end up in the same process.
if (changedTabId == tabs[3].id)
createTab(4, "chrome://newtab/");
// Once all tabs are done loading, continue with the next test.
if (completedCount == 5)
function extensionPageInOwnProcess() {
getProcessId(tabs[0].id, pass(function(pid0) {
getProcessId(tabs[1].id, pass(function(pid1) {
// about:blank and extension page should not share a process
assertTrue(pid0 != pid1);
function extensionPagesShareProcess() {
getProcessId(tabs[1].id, pass(function(pid1) {
getProcessId(tabs[2].id, pass(function(pid2) {
// Pages from same extension should share a process
assertEq(pid1, pid2);
function extensionPagesMatchTabs() {
getProcessId(tabs[1].id, pass(function(pid1) {
getProcessId(tabs[2].id, pass(function(pid2) {
// Pages from same extension should share a process
assertEq(pid1, pid2);
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo(pid1, false,
function(pl1) {
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo(pid2, false,
function (pl2) {
var proc1 = pl1[pid1];
var proc2 = pl2[pid2];
assertTrue(proc1.tasks.length == proc2.tasks.length);
for (var i = 0; i < proc1.tasks.length; ++i) {
assertEq(proc1.tasks[i], proc2.tasks[i]);
function newTabPageInOwnProcess() {
getProcessId(tabs[0].id, pass(function(pid0) {
getProcessId(tabs[3].id, pass(function(pid3) {
// NTP should not share a process with current tabs
assertTrue(pid0 != pid3);
function newTabPagesShareProcess() {
getProcessId(tabs[3].id, pass(function(pid3) {
getProcessId(tabs[4].id, pass(function(pid4) {
// Multiple NTPs should share a process
assertEq(pid3, pid4);
function idsInUpdateEvent() {
listenOnce(chrome.processes.onUpdated, function(processes) {
// onUpdated should return a valid dictionary of processes,
// indexed by process ID.
var pids = Object.keys(processes);
// There should be at least 5 processes: 1 browser, 1 extension, and 3
// renderers (for the 5 tabs).
assertTrue(pids.length >= 5, "Unexpected size of pids");
// Should be able to look up process object by ID.
assertTrue(processes[pids[0]].id == pids[0]);
assertTrue(processes[pids[0]].id != processes[pids[1]].id);
getProcessId(tabs[0].id, pass(function(pidTab0) {
// Process ID for tab 0 should be listed in pids.
assertTrue(processes[pidTab0] != undefined, "Undefined Process");
assertEq("renderer", processes[pidTab0].type, "Tab0 is not renderer");
function typesInUpdateEvent() {
listenOnce(chrome.processes.onUpdated, function(processes) {
// Check types: 1 browser, 3 renderers, and 1 extension
var browserCount = 0;
var rendererCount = 0;
var extensionCount = 0;
var otherCount = 0;
for (pid in processes) {
switch (processes[pid].type) {
case "browser":
case "renderer":
case "extension":
assertEq(1, browserCount);
assertTrue(rendererCount >= 3);
assertTrue(extensionCount >= 1);
function propertiesOfProcesses() {
listenOnce(chrome.processes.onUpdated, function(processes) {
for (pid in processes) {
var process = processes[pid];
validateProcessProperties(process, true, false);
function propertiesOfProcessesWithMemory() {
function(processes) {
for (pid in processes) {
var process = processes[pid];
validateProcessProperties(process, true, true);
function terminateProcess() {
function(processId, type, code) {
assertTrue(processId > 0);
getProcessId(tabs[4].id, function(pid0) {
chrome.processes.terminate(pid0, function(killed) {
function terminateProcessNonExisting() {
chrome.processes.terminate(31337, fail("Process not found: 31337."));
function testOnCreated() {
listenOnce(chrome.processes.onCreated, function(process) {
assertTrue("id" in process, "process doesn't have id property");
// We don't report the creation of the browser process, hence process.id
// is expected to be > 0.
assertTrue(process.id > 0, "id is not positive " + process.id);
createTab(5, "chrome://newtab/");
// DISABLED: crbug.com/345411
// Hangs consistently (On Windows).
function testOnExited() {
function(processId, type, code) {
assertTrue(type >= 0 && type < 5);
chrome.tabs.create({"url": "http://google.com/"}, pass(function(tab) {
function testGetProcessInfoList() {
getProcessId(tabs[0].id, pass(function(pidTab0) {
getProcessId(tabs[1].id, pass(function(pidTab1) {
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo([pidTab0, pidTab1], false,
pass(function(processes) {
assertTrue(Object.keys(processes).length == 2);
function testGetProcessInfoSingle() {
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo(0, false, pass(function(processes) {
assertTrue(Object.keys(processes).length == 1);
function testGetProcessInfo() {
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo([], false, pass(function(processes) {
assertTrue(Object.keys(processes).length >= 1);
for (pid in processes) {
var process = processes[pid];
validateProcessProperties(process, false, false);
assertFalse("privateMemory" in process);
function testGetProcessInfoWithMemory() {
chrome.processes.getProcessInfo(0, true, pass(function(processes) {
for (pid in processes) {
var process = processes[pid];
validateProcessProperties(process, false, true);
assertTrue("privateMemory" in process);
function testOnUnresponsive() {
listenOnce(chrome.processes.onUnresponsive, function(process) {
assertTrue(process.id == hangingTabProcess);
// actually kill the process, just to make sure it won't hang the test
chrome.processes.terminate(process.id, function(killed) {
chrome.tabs.create({"url": "chrome://hang" }, function(tab) {
getProcessId(tab.id, function(pid0) {
hangingTabProcess = pid0;
chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, { "url": "chrome://flags" });