// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
async function getRegisteredScripts() {
// Calling getRegisteredContentScripts with no scripts registered should
// return an empty array.
let scripts = await chrome.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts({});
chrome.test.assertEq([], scripts);
const scriptsToRegister = [
id: 'GRS_1',
matches: ['*://*/*'],
excludeMatches: ['*://abc.com/*'],
css: ['nothing.css'],
allFrames: true,
matchOriginAsFallback: true,
id: 'GRS_2',
matches: ['*://asdfasdf.com/*'],
js: ['/dynamic_1.js'],
runAt: 'document_end',
persistAcrossSessions: false,
world: chrome.scripting.ExecutionWorld.MAIN
// Some fields are populated with their default values from
// getRegisteredContentScripts, and file paths are normalized.
const expectedScripts = [
id: 'GRS_1',
matches: ['*://*/*'],
excludeMatches: ['*://abc.com/*'],
css: ['nothing.css'],
allFrames: true,
runAt: 'document_idle',
matchOriginAsFallback: true,
persistAcrossSessions: true,
world: chrome.scripting.ExecutionWorld.ISOLATED
id: 'GRS_2',
matches: ['*://asdfasdf.com/*'],
js: ['dynamic_1.js'],
allFrames: false,
runAt: 'document_end',
matchOriginAsFallback: false,
persistAcrossSessions: false,
world: chrome.scripting.ExecutionWorld.MAIN
await chrome.scripting.registerContentScripts(scriptsToRegister);
// Calling getRegisteredContentScripts with no filter should return all
// scripts.
scripts = await chrome.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts();
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedScripts, scripts);
// Calling getRegisteredContentScripts with ids as a filter should return
// scripts with matching ids.
scripts =
await chrome.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts({ids: ['GRS_1']});
chrome.test.assertEq([expectedScripts[0]], scripts);
// Calling getRegisteredContentScripts with no matching ids as a filter
// should not return any scripts.
scripts = await chrome.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(
{ids: ['NONEXISTENT']});
chrome.test.assertEq([], scripts);
await chrome.scripting.unregisterContentScripts();
scripts = await chrome.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts();
chrome.test.assertEq([], scripts);