// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/federated/federated_service_controller.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/federated/public/cpp/service_connection.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/federated/public/mojom/example.mojom.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/federated/public/mojom/tables.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace ash::federated {
using chromeos::federated::mojom::ExamplePtr;
// Utility class for clients of the Federated Service in ash-chrome.
// Usage:
// Clients should own an instance of FederatedClientManager.
// TODO(b/289140140): Link to an example.
// To send an example to Federated Service storage:
// 1) Check service availability via the appropriate Is...ServiceAvailable()
// method.
// 2) Report the example via the appropriate Report...() method.
// TODO(b/289140140): UMA metrics.
class ASH_EXPORT FederatedClientManager {
FederatedClientManager(const FederatedClientManager&) = delete;
FederatedClientManager& operator=(const FederatedClientManager&) = delete;
// Normally, this class interacts with the ash shell. This may sometimes
// be undesired in client tests e.g. in unit tests which do not operate
// in a mocked ash environment.
// Call this method during test set-up to prevent this class from interacting
// with the ash shell. Faked (and successful) ash interactions will occur
// instead.
static void UseFakeAshInteractionForTest();
// ***** Methods for generic clients *****
// Whether the Federated Service is available.
// It is recommended (but not necessary) for clients to call this before each
// attempt to call |ReportExample()|.
bool IsFederatedServiceAvailable();
// Reports an example to Federated Service storage.
// If the Federated Service is not available, this method is effectively a
// no-op.
void ReportExample(
chromeos::federated::mojom::FederatedExampleTableId table_id,
ExamplePtr example);
// Same as ReportExample above, except FederatedClientManager will use the
// inputs to construct an ExamplePtr (see .cc for exact schema). This is
// expected to be useful mainly for PHH cases.
void ReportSingleString(
chromeos::federated::mojom::FederatedExampleTableId table_id,
const std::string& example_feature_name,
const std::string& example_str);
// ***** Methods for Federated Strings Service clients *****
// Whether the Federated Strings Service is available.
// It is recommended (but not necessary) for clients to call this before each
// attempt to call |ReportStringViaStringsService()|.
bool IsFederatedStringsServiceAvailable();
// Reports a Strings Service example to Federated Service storage.
// If the Federated Service is not available, this method is effectively a
// no-op.
void ReportStringViaStringsService(
chromeos::federated::mojom::FederatedExampleTableId table_id,
const std::string& client_string);
// Returns a count of examples which were sent to the Federated Service.
// "Success" here means "successfully processed by FederatedClientManager, and
// forwarded to CrOS Federated Service".
// It has no knowledge of how results are received CrOS-side (whether in prod,
// or mocked for test).
int get_num_successful_reports_for_test() const {
return successful_reports_for_test_;
void TryToBindFederatedServiceIfNecessary();
void ReportExampleToFederatedService(
const chromeos::federated::mojom::FederatedExampleTableId table_id,
ExamplePtr example);
int successful_reports_for_test_ = 0;
bool initialized_ = false;
static inline bool use_fake_controller_for_testing_ = false;
mojo::Remote<chromeos::federated::mojom::FederatedService> federated_service_;
// Reason for `DisableDanglingPtrDetection`:
// In prod: controller_ not owned by this class.
// In non-ash unit tests: controller_ can be owned by this class.
// TODO(b/299186135): Consider refactoring test management of ash and non-ash
// environments, and the impact on management of ownership of this controller.
raw_ptr<FederatedServiceController, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> controller_ =
} // namespace ash::federated