// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_delegate.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_histogram_names.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_session.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_tasks_model.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_tasks_provider.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/sounds/focus_mode_sounds_controller.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace base {
class UnguessableToken;
} // namespace base
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AshWebView;
class FocusModeMetricsRecorder;
class FocusModeSoundsController;
// Controls starting and ending a Focus Mode session and its behavior. Also
// keeps track of the system state to restore after a Focus Mode session ends.
// Has a timer that runs while a session is active and notifies `observers_` on
// every timer tick.
class ASH_EXPORT FocusModeController
: public SessionObserver,
public FocusModeSoundsController::Observer,
public FocusModeTasksModel::Observer,
public FocusModeTasksModel::Delegate {
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called whenever Focus Mode changes as a result of user action or when the
// session duration expires.
virtual void OnFocusModeChanged(bool in_focus_session) = 0;
// Called every `timer_` tick for updating UI elements during a Focus Mode
// session.
virtual void OnTimerTick(
const FocusModeSession::Snapshot& session_snapshot) {}
// Notifies when the session duration is changed in the focus panel without
// an active session.
virtual void OnInactiveSessionDurationChanged(
const base::TimeDelta& session_duration) {}
// Notifies clients every time the session duration is changed during an
// active session.
virtual void OnActiveSessionDurationChanged(
const FocusModeSession::Snapshot& session_snapshot) {}
explicit FocusModeController(std::unique_ptr<FocusModeDelegate> delegate);
FocusModeController(const FocusModeController&) = delete;
FocusModeController& operator=(const FocusModeController&) = delete;
~FocusModeController() override;
// Convenience function to get the controller instance, which is created and
// owned by Shell.
static FocusModeController* Get();
// Verifies that the session duration hasn't reached `kMaximumDuration`.
static bool CanExtendSessionDuration(
const FocusModeSession::Snapshot& snapshot);
// Registers user profile prefs with the specified `registry`.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
bool in_focus_session() const {
return current_session_ && current_session_->GetState(base::Time::Now()) ==
bool in_ending_moment() const {
return current_session_ && current_session_->GetState(base::Time::Now()) ==
base::TimeDelta session_duration() const { return session_duration_; }
bool turn_on_do_not_disturb() const { return turn_on_do_not_disturb_; }
void set_turn_on_do_not_disturb(bool turn_on) {
turn_on_do_not_disturb_ = turn_on;
const std::optional<FocusModeSession>& current_session() const {
return current_session_;
size_t congratulatory_index() const { return congratulatory_index_; }
FocusModeTasksModel& tasks_model() { return tasks_model_; }
FocusModeSoundsController* focus_mode_sounds_controller() const {
return focus_mode_sounds_controller_.get();
FocusModeDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_.get(); }
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Starts or ends a focus session by a toggle `source`.
void ToggleFocusMode(
focus_mode_histogram_names::ToggleSource source =
// SessionObserver:
void OnActiveUserSessionChanged(const AccountId& account_id) override;
// FocusModeSoundsController::Observer:
// Will close/create the media widget for an active focus session depending on
// if there is a selected playlist or not.
void OnSelectedPlaylistChanged() override;
// FocusModeTasksModel::Observer:
void OnSelectedTaskChanged(const std::optional<FocusModeTask>& task) override;
void OnTasksUpdated(const std::vector<FocusModeTask>& tasks) override;
void OnTaskCompleted(const FocusModeTask& completed_task) override;
// FocusModeTasksModel::Delegate:
void FetchTask(
const TaskId& task_id,
FocusModeTasksModel::Delegate::FetchTaskCallback callback) override;
void FetchTasks() override;
void AddTask(
const FocusModeTasksModel::TaskUpdate& update,
FocusModeTasksModel::Delegate::FetchTaskCallback callback) override;
void UpdateTask(const FocusModeTasksModel::TaskUpdate& update) override;
// Extends an active focus session by ten minutes by clicking the `+10 min`
// button.
void ExtendSessionDuration();
// Resets the focus session state for when the session needs to end (i.e. the
// user manually ends the session, or when the ending moment is terminated).
// This ensures that states are all reverted (especially DND and UI elements).
void ResetFocusSession();
// Used when we want to extend the ending state indefinitely, and requires
// direct user action to terminate the ending moment.
void EnablePersistentEnding();
// Sets a specific value for `session_duration_`. We have two different
// notions of a session, so this one is only in charge of updating the session
// duration that will be applied to the next active session. Also notifies
// observers that the session duration was changed. An "inactive" session can
// either be no `current_session_`, or if we are in the ending moment, since
// the user should still be able to adjust and start a new session during that
// time.
void SetInactiveSessionDuration(const base::TimeDelta& new_session_duration);
// Returns whether the user has ever started a focus session previously.
bool HasStartedSessionBefore() const;
// Creates and returns a snapshot of the current session based on `now`.
// Returns a default struct if there is no session.
FocusModeSession::Snapshot GetSnapshot(const base::Time& now) const;
// Returns the session duration of either the current session, or what the
// upcoming session will be set to.
base::TimeDelta GetSessionDuration() const;
// Returns the end time of an active session. This end time is meant to be
// displayed, and may be different depending on the session state (e.g. the
// ending moment needs to account for the extra duration).
base::Time GetActualEndTime() const;
// Stores the provided `task`.
void SetSelectedTask(const FocusModeTask& task);
// Returns whether there is a currently selected task.
bool HasSelectedTask() const;
// Marks the task as completed in the model.
void CompleteTask();
// Shows the ending moment nudge that is anchored to the focus mode tray. Only
// show if there isn't already showing and if there is no tray bubble open.
void MaybeShowEndingMomentNudge();
// This is currently only used in testing to trigger an ending moment
// immediately if there is an ongoing session.
void TriggerEndingMomentImmediately();
// Get the request id for the media session played for Focus Sounds.
const base::UnguessableToken& GetMediaSessionRequestId();
// If `create_media_widget` is true, we will assign a valid value to
// `test_media_request_id_`; otherwise, we will reset it due to simulating no
// media widget exists.
void SetMediaSessionRequestIdForTesting(bool create_media_widget) {
test_media_request_id_ = create_media_widget
? base::UnguessableToken::Create()
: base::UnguessableToken::Null();
void RequestTasksUpdateForTesting();
bool TasksProviderHasCachedTasksForTesting() const;
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr GetSystemMediaSessionInfo();
void SetSystemMediaSessionInfoForTesting(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr media_session_info) {
test_media_session_info_ = std::move(media_session_info);
// Starts a focus session by updating UI elements, starting `timer_`, and
// setting `current_session_` to the desired session duration and end time.
void StartFocusSession(focus_mode_histogram_names::ToggleSource source);
// Called every time a second passes on `timer_` while the session is active.
void OnTimerTick();
// This is called when the active user changes, and is important to update our
// cached values in case different users have different stored preferences.
void UpdateFromUserPrefs();
// Called by `UpdateFromUserPrefs` to update our cached values for the active
// user about the selected task.
void UpdateSelectedTaskFromUserPrefs();
// Called once a session starts. Saves the current selected settings to user
// prefs so we can provide the same set-up the next time the user comes back
// to Focus Mode.
void SaveSettingsToUserPrefs();
// Called once a session starts, and when a task is selected or deselected in
// focus session.
void SaveSelectedTaskSettingsToUserPrefs(
const std::optional<FocusModeTask>& task);
// Closes any open system tray bubbles. This is done whenever we start a focus
// session.
void CloseSystemTrayBubble();
// Sets the visibility of the focus tray on the shelf.
void SetFocusTrayVisibility(bool visible);
// This tells us if there is an open focus mode tray bubble on any of the
// displays.
bool IsFocusTrayBubbleVisible() const;
// Creates the media widget if one doesn't already exist and if there is a
// selected playlist. Returns true if we create a new media widget.
bool MaybeCreateMediaWidget();
void CloseMediaWidget();
// Called when the user extends the ending moment. This function will create a
// new media widget, or resume playing the existing media.
void PerformActionsForMusic();
void OnTasksReceived(const std::vector<FocusModeTask>& tasks);
// Gives Focus Mode access to the Google Tasks API.
FocusModeTasksProvider tasks_provider_;
FocusModeTasksModel tasks_model_;
// This is the expected duration of a Focus Mode session once it starts.
// Depends on previous session data (from user prefs) or user input.
base::TimeDelta session_duration_;
// This will dictate whether DND will be turned on when a Focus Mode session
// starts. Depends on previous session data (from user prefs) or user input.
bool turn_on_do_not_disturb_ = true;
// This timer is used for keeping track of the Focus Mode session duration and
// will trigger a callback every second during a session. It will terminate
// once the session goes into the `kEnding` state, or if a user toggles off
// Focus Mode.
base::MetronomeTimer timer_;
// This is used to track the current session, if any.
std::optional<FocusModeSession> current_session_;
// A random value between 0 and `focus_mode_util::kCongratulatoryTitleNum -
// 1`.
size_t congratulatory_index_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<FocusModeMetricsRecorder> focus_mode_metrics_recorder_;
// This is used to display focus mode playlists. Playback controls will be
// added later.
std::unique_ptr<FocusModeSoundsController> focus_mode_sounds_controller_;
// The media widget and its contents view.
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> media_widget_;
raw_ptr<AshWebView> focus_mode_media_view_ = nullptr;
// True if a playing selected playlist was paused automatically when entering
// the ending moment. If `paused_by_ending_moment_` is true, after the user
// extended the session, the selected playlist will resume playing if it's
// still selected.
bool paused_by_ending_moment_ = false;
// The info about the current media session for testing. It will be null if
// there isn't a current media session.
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr test_media_session_info_;
// The media session request id for testing.
base::UnguessableToken test_media_request_id_ =
std::unique_ptr<FocusModeDelegate> delegate_;
base::ScopedObservation<FocusModeTasksModel, FocusModeController>
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FocusModeController> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash