// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash::focus_mode_histogram_names {
constexpr char kShortSuffix[] = "Short";
constexpr char kMediumSuffix[] = "Medium";
constexpr char kLongSuffix[] = "Long";
// Histograms recorded when starting a session.
constexpr char kHasSelectedTaskOnSessionStartHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kInitialDurationOnSessionStartsHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kStartSessionSourceHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kStartedWithTaskStatekHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kStartedWithExistingMediaPlayingHistogramName[] =
// Histograms recorded during a session.
constexpr char kToggleEndButtonDuringSessionHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kSoundscapeLatencyInMillisecondsHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kYouTubeMusicLatencyInMillisecondsHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kPlaylistChosenHistogram[] = "Ash.FocusMode.PlaylistChosen";
// Histograms recorded when a session ends.
constexpr char kTasksSelectedHistogramName[] = "Ash.FocusMode.TasksSelected";
constexpr char kDNDStateOnFocusEndHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kTimeAddedOnSessionEndPrefix[] = "Ash.FocusMode.TimeAdded.";
constexpr char kPercentCompletedPrefix[] =
constexpr char kTasksCompletedHistogramName[] = "Ash.FocusMode.TasksCompleted";
constexpr char kSessionDurationHistogramName[] =
constexpr char kEndingMomentBubbleActionHistogram[] =
constexpr char kPlaylistTypesSelectedDuringSession[] =
constexpr char kCountPlaylistsPlayedDuringSession[] =
constexpr char kMusicPausedEventsCount[] =
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `FocusModeEndSessionSource` enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class ToggleSource {
kFocusPanel = 0, // Toggle focus mode through the focus panel.
kContextualPanel = 1, // Toggle focus mode through the contextual panel.
kFeaturePod = 2, // Toggle focus mode through the feature pod in quick
// settings.
kMaxValue = kFeaturePod,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `FocusModeStartSessionSource` enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class StartSessionSource {
kFocusPanel = 0, // Toggle focus mode through the focus panel.
kFeaturePod = 1, // Toggle focus mode through the feature pod in quick
// settings.
kMaxValue = kFeaturePod,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `DNDStateOnFocusEndType` enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class DNDStateOnFocusEndType {
kFocusModeOn = 0, // DND enabled by FocusMode (default behavior).
kAlreadyOn =
1, // DND was already on before FocusMode started and was on when we
// finished (with NO user interaction during the session).
kAlreadyOff = 2, // DND was off when FocusMode started, and is still off
// (with NO user interactions during the session).
kTurnedOn = 3, // The user manually toggled DND during the focus session, and
// the session ends with DND on.
kTurnedOff = 4, // The user manually toggled DND during the focus session,
// and the session ends with DND off.
kMaxValue = kTurnedOff,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `FocusModeEndingMomentBubbleClosedReason`
// enum in tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class EndingMomentBubbleClosedReason {
kIgnored = 0, // Bubble was never opened.
kExtended = 1, // Bubble was opened and minutes were added to the session.
kOpended = 2, // Bubble was opened but no action was taken.
kMaxValue = kOpended,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `FocusModeStartedWithTaskState` enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class StartedWithTaskState {
kNoTask = 0, // Start a session without a selected task.
kPreviouslySelectedTask =
1, // Start a session with a selected task which was selected in the
// previous focus session and hasn't been completed by the end of the
// previous session.
kNewlySelectedTask = 2, // Start a session with a selected task which isn't
// `kPreviouslySelectedTask` type.
kMaxValue = kNewlySelectedTask,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `PlaylistTypesSelectedDuringSessionType`
// enum in tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class PlaylistTypesSelectedDuringFocusSessionType {
kNone = 0,
kYouTubeMusic = 1,
kSoundscapes = 2,
kYouTubeMusicAndSoundscapes = 3,
kMaxValue = kYouTubeMusicAndSoundscapes,
// This enum is used for metrics, so enum values should not be changed. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
// This should be kept in sync with `FocusModePlaylistChosen` enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class FocusModePlaylistChosen {
kNone = 0,
kSoundscapes1 = 1,
kSoundscapes2 = 2,
kSoundscapes3 = 3,
kSoundscapes4 = 4,
kYouTubeMusic1 = 5,
kYouTubeMusic2 = 6,
kYouTubeMusic3 = 7,
kYouTubeMusic4 = 8,
kMaxValue = kYouTubeMusic4,
} // namespace ash::focus_mode_histogram_names