// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace ash {
// Represents a Focus Mode session and provides convenience functions to
// determine the current state and increase the duration.
class ASH_EXPORT FocusModeSession {
enum class State {
kOff, // There is no active session.
kOn, // The session is currently running.
kEnding, // The session is in the ending state and will soon finish.
// A snapshot of the current focus mode session.
struct Snapshot {
State state;
base::TimeDelta session_duration;
base::TimeDelta time_elapsed;
base::TimeDelta remaining_time;
double progress;
// Create a session that lasts for `session_duration` and ends at `end_time`.
FocusModeSession(const base::TimeDelta& session_duration,
const base::Time& end_time);
FocusModeSession(const FocusModeSession&) = default;
FocusModeSession& operator=(const FocusModeSession&) = default;
~FocusModeSession() = default;
base::Time end_time() const { return end_time_; }
// TODO(b/318897434): This is only needed for the accelerator to trigger an
// ending moment immediately. Remove this after testing is complete.
void set_end_time(base::Time end_time) { end_time_ = end_time; }
base::TimeDelta session_duration() const { return session_duration_; }
bool persistent_ending() const { return persistent_ending_; }
// This will cause `GetState` to always return `kEnding` even if the session
// is past the ending moment duration. `ExtendSession` unlocks this
// implicitly.
void set_persistent_ending() { persistent_ending_ = true; }
// Returns the corresponding state for the given timestamp.
State GetState(const base::Time& now) const;
// Creates a snapshot of the focus session.
Snapshot GetSnapshot(const base::Time& now) const;
// Extends the session duration by `focus_mode_util::kExtendDuration`, up to
// `focus_mode_util::kMaximumDuration`. The behavior of this function depends
// on state, which depends on `now`.
void ExtendSession(const base::Time& now);
// Returns the difference between `now` and the end time of the session. If
// the delta would be negative, 0 is returned.
base::TimeDelta GetTimeRemaining(const base::Time& now) const;
// This is the expected duration of a Focus Mode session once it starts.
// Depends on previous session data (from user prefs) or user input.
base::TimeDelta session_duration_;
// The end time of an active Focus Mode session.
base::Time end_time_;
// This is used to determine if the session will be in the ending moment
// indefinitely. Used to allow the tray bubble to be shown without timing out,
// and to potentially prevent the `FocusModeController` from closing the
// contextual panel when the ending moment timer expires.
bool persistent_ending_ = false;
} // namespace ash