// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var apiFeatures = chrome.test.getApiFeatures();
// Returns a list of all chrome.foo.bar API paths available to an app.
function getApiPaths() {
var apiPaths = [];
var apiDefinitions = chrome.test.getApiDefinitions();
apiDefinitions.forEach(function(module) {
var namespace = module.namespace;
var apiFeature = apiFeatures[namespace];
if (Array.isArray(apiFeature))
apiFeature = apiFeatures[namespace][0];
// Skip internal APIs.
if (apiFeature.internal)
// Get the API functions and events.
[module.functions, module.events].forEach(function(section) {
if (typeof(section) == "undefined")
// Pieces of the module don't inherit from Array/Object.
Array.prototype.forEach.call(section, function(entry) {
let fullName = `${namespace}.${entry.name}`;
// Skip a few functions:
// - `idle.getAutoLockDelay()` (restricted to certain platforms)
// - `power.reportActivity()` (restricted to certain platforms)
// - `runtime.getContexts()` (restricted to MV3)
// - `runtime.onUserScriptConnect()` (restricted to MV3)
// - `runtime.onUserScriptMessage()` (restricted to MV3)
// - `permissions.addSiteAccessRequest()` (restricted to MV3)
// - `permissions.removeSiteAccessRequest()` (restricted to MV3)
// TODO(crbug.com/40609281)
const skipPaths = [
'idle.getAutoLockDelay', 'power.reportActivity',
'runtime.getContexts', 'runtime.onUserScriptConnect',
'runtime.onUserScriptMessage', 'permissions.addSiteAccessRequest',
if (!skipPaths.includes(fullName)) {
// Get the API properties.
if (module.properties) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(module.properties).forEach(function(propName) {
const fullPath = namespace + '.' + propName;
// Skip storage.session, since it's restricted to MV3.
if (fullPath != 'storage.session') {
return apiPaths;
// Tests whether all parts of an API path can be accessed. The path is a
// namespace or function/property/event etc. within a namespace, and is
// dot-separated.
function testPath(path) {
var parts = path.split('.');
var module = chrome;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// Touch this component of the path. This will die if an API does not have
// a schema registered.
module = module[parts[i]];
// The component should be defined unless it is lastError, which depends on
// there being an error.
if (typeof(module) == "undefined" && path != "runtime.lastError")
return false;
return true;
function doTest() {
// Run over all API path strings and ensure each path is defined.
var failures = [];
getApiPaths().forEach(function(path) {
if (!testPath(path)) {
// Lack of failure implies success.
if (failures.length == 0) {
} else {
console.log("failures on:\n" + failures.join("\n") +
"\n\n\n>>> See comment in stubs_apitest.cc for a " +
"hint about fixing this failure.\n\n");
chrome.app.runtime.onLaunched.addListener(function() {