// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/style/rounded_container.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_util.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/sounds/focus_mode_sounds_controller.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
namespace ash {
class SoundSectionView;
class TabSliderButton;
// This view will be added on `FocusModeDetailedView` below the task container
// row to show playlists of YouTube music. Clicking two tab slider buttons will
// display two different types of music. Each playlist view will show a
// thumbnail of the playlist cover, a title of the playlist and some media
// control icons.
class ASH_EXPORT FocusModeSoundsView
: public RoundedContainer,
public FocusModeSoundsController::Observer {
METADATA_HEADER(FocusModeSoundsView, RoundedContainer)
explicit FocusModeSoundsView(
const base::flat_set<focus_mode_util::SoundType>& sound_sections,
bool is_network_connected);
FocusModeSoundsView(const FocusModeSoundsView&) = delete;
FocusModeSoundsView& operator=(const FocusModeSoundsView&) = delete;
~FocusModeSoundsView() override;
// FocusModeSoundsController::Observer:
void OnSelectedPlaylistChanged() override;
void OnPlaylistStateChanged() override;
std::pair<TabSliderButton*, SoundSectionView*> soundscape_views() const {
return {soundscape_button_, soundscape_container_};
std::pair<TabSliderButton*, SoundSectionView*> youtube_music_views() const {
return {youtube_music_button_, youtube_music_container_};
// Updates this view based on `is_soundscape_type`.
void UpdateSoundsView(bool is_soundscape_type);
// Updates the playback state for all of the playlists under
// `soundscape_container_` and `youtube_music_container_`.
void UpdateStateForSelectedPlaylist(
const focus_mode_util::SelectedPlaylist& selected_playlist);
// Creates `soundscape_button_` and `youtube_music_button_` if the YouTube
// Music playlists exist; otherwise, creates a lebel as the header.
void CreateHeader(const base::flat_set<focus_mode_util::SoundType>& sections,
bool is_network_connected);
// Creates `soundscape_container_` and `youtube_music_container_`.
void CreatesSoundSectionViews(
const base::flat_set<focus_mode_util::SoundType>& sections);
// Toggles YouTube Music alternate view. It's used to update the UIs for
// non-premium account.
void ToggleYouTubeMusicAlternateView(bool show);
// Called to show YouTube Music soundscape playlists.
void OnSoundscapeButtonToggled();
// Called to show personalized YouTube Music playlists.
void OnYouTubeMusicButtonToggled();
// If `show` is true, `soundscape_container_` will be visible instead of
// `youtube_music_container_`; also, we will update the a11y state for two
// `TabSliderButton` based on which container is visible if they exists.
void MayShowSoundscapeContainer(bool show);
// The slider buttons on the sound view.
raw_ptr<TabSliderButton> soundscape_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<TabSliderButton> youtube_music_button_ = nullptr;
// Container views for the Soundscape type or the YouTube Music type.
raw_ptr<SoundSectionView> soundscape_container_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<SoundSectionView> youtube_music_container_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FocusModeSoundsView> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash