// Open a window using chrome.windows.create(options),
// and see that chrome.extension.getViews() can find all the tabs
// in the window by searching for views with the window ID of the
// window we opened.
// Put in a common file because tests that use this function
// are too slow to be run as part of a single browser test.
function testGetNewWindowView(options, expectedViewURLs) {
chrome.windows.create(options, pass(function(win) {
// Wait for tabs to load, so we can look at window.location.href.
waitForAllTabs(pass(function() {
var views = chrome.extension.getViews({'windowId': win.id});
// Build a sorted array of the URLs in |views|.
var actualUrls = views.map(function(view) {
return view.location.href;
// Make the expected URLs non-relative, and sort them.
var expectedUrls = expectedViewURLs.map(function(url) {
return chrome.runtime.getURL(url);
// Comparing JSON makes errors easy to read.
assertEq(JSON.stringify(expectedUrls, null, 2),
JSON.stringify(actualUrls, null, 2))
chrome.windows.remove(win.id, pass(function() {}));