// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a second extension that WebAuthenticationProxyApiTest loads to test
// behavior with multiple installed proxy extensions. Test names correspond to
// ones in the parent directory's test.js file.
const ERROR_ATTACH = 'Error: Another extension is already attached';
let availableTests = [
async function attachSecondExtension() {
await chrome.test.assertPromiseRejects(
chrome.webAuthenticationProxy.attach(), ERROR_ATTACH);
await chrome.test.sendMessage('attachFailed');
await chrome.webAuthenticationProxy.attach();
chrome.test.getConfig((config) => {
const tests = availableTests.filter((t) => {
return config.customArg == t.name;
if (tests.length == 0) {
chrome.test.notifyFail('No test found');