// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_controller.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_model.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_config.h"
#include "ash/shell_observer.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
class HoldingSpaceTrayIconPreview;
class Shelf;
class Shell;
// The icon used to represent holding space in its tray in the shelf.
class ASH_EXPORT HoldingSpaceTrayIcon : public views::View,
public ShellObserver,
public ShelfConfig::Observer {
METADATA_HEADER(HoldingSpaceTrayIcon, views::View)
explicit HoldingSpaceTrayIcon(Shelf* shelf);
HoldingSpaceTrayIcon(const HoldingSpaceTrayIcon&) = delete;
HoldingSpaceTrayIcon& operator=(const HoldingSpaceTrayIcon&) = delete;
~HoldingSpaceTrayIcon() override;
// Updates whether or not this holding space icon is in drop target state.
// If `did_drop_to_pin` is true, the user has just performed a drag-and-drop
// to pin action. Otherwise a drag may still be in progress or the user action
// did not result in an item being pinned to holding space.
void UpdateDropTargetState(bool is_drop_target, bool did_drop_to_pin);
// Updates the list of previews shown in the icon. The icon will be changed to
// show previews for holding space items in `items`. The order of previews in
// the icon will match the order in `items`.
// The items are updated in the following stages:
// 1. Remove obsolete items.
// 2. Update the icon preferred size.
// 3. Shift existing items to their new position.
// 4. Animate new items in.
void UpdatePreviews(const std::vector<const HoldingSpaceItem*> items);
// Clears the icon.
void Clear();
// Called from HoldingSpaceTray when holding space model changes:
void OnHoldingSpaceModelAttached(HoldingSpaceModel* model);
void OnHoldingSpaceModelDetached(HoldingSpaceModel* model);
void OnHoldingSpaceItemAdded(const HoldingSpaceItem* item);
void OnHoldingSpaceItemRemoved(const HoldingSpaceItem* item);
void OnHoldingSpaceItemFinalized(const HoldingSpaceItem* item);
// Sets if updates should be animated.
void set_should_animate_updates(bool should_animate_updates) {
should_animate_updates_ = should_animate_updates;
class ResizeAnimation;
// views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
// ShellObserver:
void OnShellDestroying() override;
void OnShelfAlignmentChanged(aura::Window* root_window,
ShelfAlignment old_alignment) override;
// ShelfConfigObserver:
void OnShelfConfigUpdated() override;
void InitLayout();
// Invoked when the specified preview has completed animating out. At this
// point it is owned by `removed_previews_` and should be destroyed.
void OnOldItemAnimatedOut(HoldingSpaceTrayIconPreview*,
const base::RepeatingClosure& callback);
// Called when all obsolete previews have been removed during previews update.
void OnOldItemsRemoved();
// Defines parameters for how to animate a given `preview`.
struct PreviewAnimationParams {
raw_ptr<HoldingSpaceTrayIconPreview> preview;
base::TimeDelta delay;
// Calculates parameters for how to animate shift/in existing/new items.
std::vector<PreviewAnimationParams> CalculateAnimateShiftParams();
std::vector<PreviewAnimationParams> CalculateAnimateInParams();
// Ensures that preview layers are stacked to match ordering in `item_ids_`.
void EnsurePreviewLayerStackingOrder();
// The shelf associated with this holding space tray icon.
const raw_ptr<Shelf> shelf_;
// Whether or not this holding space tray icon is currently in drop target
// state. When in drop target state, preview indices are offset from their
// standard positions by a fixed amount.
bool is_drop_target_ = false;
// True if updates should be animated, false otherwise. Generally speaking,
// updates are animated only if they occur mid-session. Updates that occur
// during session start/unlock or on profile change should not be animated.
bool should_animate_updates_ = false;
// A preview is added to the tray icon to visually represent each holding
// space item. Upon creation, previews are added to `previews_by_id_` where
// they are owned until being animated out. Upon being animated out, previews
// are moved to `removed_previews_` where they are owned until the out
// animation completes and they are subsequently destroyed. NOTE:
// `previews_by_id_` maps holding space item IDs to their respective previews.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceTrayIconPreview>>
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceTrayIconPreview>> removed_previews_;
// Ordered list of holding space item IDs represented in the tray icon
// (including items that are not currently visible).
std::vector<std::string> item_ids_;
// A view that serves as a parent for previews' layers. Used to easily
// translate all the previews within the icon during resize animation.
raw_ptr<views::View> previews_container_ = nullptr;
// Helper to run icon resize animation.
std::unique_ptr<ResizeAnimation> resize_animation_;
base::ScopedObservation<Shell, ShellObserver> shell_observer_{this};
base::ScopedObservation<ShelfConfig, ShelfConfig::Observer>
// The factory to which callbacks for stages of the previews list update are
// bound to. The goal is to easily cancel in-progress updates if the list of
// items gets updated.
base::WeakPtrFactory<HoldingSpaceTrayIcon> previews_update_weak_factory_{
} // namespace ash