// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/mojom/input_device_settings.mojom-shared.h"
#include "ash/public/mojom/input_device_settings.mojom.h"
#include "ash/system/input_device_settings/input_device_settings_utils.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/input_device.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/keyboard_device.h"
namespace ash {
enum class DeviceType {
kUnknown = 0,
kKeyboard = 1,
kKeyboardMouseCombo = 2,
kMouse = 3,
enum class MetadataTier {
kNoMetadata = 0,
kClassificationOnly = 1,
kHasButtonConfig = 2,
kMaxValue = kHasButtonConfig,
enum class DeviceImageDestination {
kNotification = 0,
kSettings = 1,
struct ASH_EXPORT MouseMetadata {
MouseMetadata(mojom::CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction,
mojom::MouseButtonConfig config,
std::optional<std::string> name = std::nullopt);
MouseMetadata(const MouseMetadata& other);
mojom::CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction;
mojom::MouseButtonConfig mouse_button_config;
std::optional<std::string> name = std::nullopt;
bool operator==(const MouseMetadata& other) const;
struct ASH_EXPORT GraphicsTabletMetadata {
mojom::CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction,
mojom::GraphicsTabletButtonConfig config,
std::optional<std::string> name = std::nullopt);
GraphicsTabletMetadata(const GraphicsTabletMetadata& other);
mojom::CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction;
mojom::GraphicsTabletButtonConfig graphics_tablet_button_config;
std::optional<std::string> name = std::nullopt;
bool operator==(const GraphicsTabletMetadata& other) const;
struct ASH_EXPORT KeyboardMetadata {};
struct ASH_EXPORT KeyboardMouseComboMetadata {
mojom::CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction;
bool operator==(const KeyboardMouseComboMetadata& other) const;
// This function returns mouse metadata. Returns nullptr if there is no metadata
// on the mouse.
ASH_EXPORT const MouseMetadata* GetMouseMetadata(const ui::InputDevice& device);
// This function returns graphics tablet metadata. Returns nullptr if there is
// no metadata on the graphics tablet.
ASH_EXPORT const GraphicsTabletMetadata* GetGraphicsTabletMetadata(
const ui::InputDevice& device);
// This function returns keyboard metadata. Returns nullptr if there is no
// metadata on the keyboard.
ASH_EXPORT const KeyboardMetadata* GetKeyboardMetadata(
const ui::InputDevice& device);
// This function returns keyboard mouse combo metadata. Returns nullptr if there
// is no metadata on the keyboard mouse combo.
ASH_EXPORT const KeyboardMouseComboMetadata* GetKeyboardMouseComboMetadata(
const ui::InputDevice& device);
// This function returns the device type of the input device.
ASH_EXPORT DeviceType GetDeviceType(const ui::InputDevice& device);
// This function returns the mouse metadata list.
ASH_EXPORT const base::flat_map<VendorProductId, MouseMetadata>&
// This function returns the graphics tablet metadata list.
ASH_EXPORT const base::flat_map<VendorProductId, GraphicsTabletMetadata>&
// This function returns the keyboard mouse combo metadata list.
ASH_EXPORT const base::flat_map<VendorProductId, KeyboardMouseComboMetadata>&
// This function returns the keyboard metadata list.
ASH_EXPORT const base::flat_map<VendorProductId, KeyboardMetadata>&
// This function returns the button remapping list from the peripherals.
ASH_EXPORT std::vector<mojom::ButtonRemappingPtr>
GetButtonRemappingListForConfig(mojom::MouseButtonConfig mouse_button_config);
// This function returns the button remapping list for pen buttons based on the
// config.
ASH_EXPORT std::vector<mojom::ButtonRemappingPtr>
mojom::GraphicsTabletButtonConfig graphics_tablet_button_config);
// This function returns the button remapping list for tablet buttons based on
// the config.
ASH_EXPORT std::vector<mojom::ButtonRemappingPtr>
mojom::GraphicsTabletButtonConfig graphics_tablet_button_config);
// This function returns the vid pid alias list.
ASH_EXPORT const base::flat_map<VendorProductId, VendorProductId>&
} // namespace ash