Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<script type="text/javascript">
// A guest that has an <iframe>.
// The <iframe> initially requests geolocation. The embedder keeps the
// geolocation permission request hanging (by calling e.preventDefault()),
// and the guest unloads to iframe (by setting a new src). The unload
// will trigger cancelPermissionRequest.
// The window reference of the embedder to send post message reply.
var embedderWindowChannel = null;
// Url of the iframe's initial src.
var g_testName = 'uninitialized';
var notifyEmbedder = function(msg_array) {
embedderWindowChannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg_array), '*');
var iframeElement;
var iframeLoadCount;
var iframeOnLoad = function() {
if (iframeLoadCount == 1) {
iframeElement.src =
'data:text/html,<html><body>' +
'Second iframe, this clears first iframe\'s documentElement' +
} else if (iframeLoadCount == 2) {
notifyEmbedder([g_testName, 'PASSED']);
} else {
notifyEmbedder([g_testName, 'FAILED']);
var startTest = function(iframeURL) {
iframeElement = document.createElement('iframe');
iframeLoadCount = 0;
iframeElement.onload = iframeOnLoad;
iframeElement.src = iframeURL;
var onPostMessageReceived = function(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
if (data[0] == 'test-cancel-geolocation') {
window.console.log('guest: test-cancel-geolocation');
g_testName = data[1];
var iframeURL = data[2];
embedderWindowChannel = e.source;
// Start the test once we have |embedderWindowChannel|.
window.addEventListener('message', onPostMessageReceived, false);
This is a guest that has an iframe. Iframe requests geolocation. While the
permission is being decide, the iframe is unloaded.
<div id="iframe-container"></div>
console.log('Guest loaded');